As you can clearly see, The Daily Times is constantly running ads like the one I found in today's paper for delivery people. Now why, (might you ask) are they constantly running these ads? Well I've got the EXCLUSIVE answer!
The Daily Times only pays 8 cents per paper, (Monday through Saturday) to be delivered! On Sunday they pay $ 0.24 cents per paper and the drivers have to insert all the sale ads.
Now think about that for a minute. If you deliver 100 Newspapers, that's only $8.00 for the day! If you deliver 1,000 papers that's only $80.00 for the day! I can assure you there aren't many 1,000 papers being delivered by a single driver.
Now if you happen to think that's fair, allow me to continue. The delivery drivers are independent contractors. This means they have their own vehicles, they pay their own automobile insurance and more importantly THEY PAY FOR THEIR OWN GAS! At $3.00 per gallon, drivers are quitting left and right and rightfully so!
While everyone else out there is paying a fuel surcharge, LIKE BOTTLED WATER TO THE CITY GOB, these drivers get NOTHING! Oh, and that Thanksgiving Paper that was thicker than ANY paper delivered all year, they get paid $0.08 cents a piece for that paper! Even though the end user pays $1.25 for that paper, even though they make more money on that paper than any other paper they produce all year, the delivery people get eight cents to deliver it to you.
So it's no wonder this ad is constantly running to get people suckered into delivering papers and it's also no wonder why the Newspaper Business is failing.
I don't know about you, but I pay about $10.50 a month for 7 day delivery. That's about 35 cents a day.
Well if that is the deal you made with the Daily Crime for daily delivery, good for you. The fact of the matter is the carriers that deliver that paper to your house 7 days a week, 364 days a year get 8 cents per daily paper and 24 cents per Sunday paper and thats it.
These independents are not truly independents at all. If they were they would be telling the Daily Crime how much they will deliver for, not the Daily Crime telling them how much they'll pay. No different with truckers around here. They get paid whatever the contractor says they'll pay rather than negotiate their own rates.
Factor in the cost of doing business with the Daily Times and I guarantee you the carriers are in the red annually. Knowing this is why I tip my carrier cash money in their hand, I dont include it with my payment for the paper because I'm not so sure they'll get it timely. It's none of the Daily Times business anyway how much or how often I tip my carrier.
Those carriers need a UNION.
That's ok, they don't pay the staff anything worth mentioning either, my wife used to work there.
If you think about it, the Eastern SHore is like a test place.
All the doctors come here to work off their loans, if they are really, really good they move on. The news people come here as interns, if they are good they move on.
We train good people to move on to better jobs, Daily TImes is no different, they pay nothing so people will eventually move on.
Thats why the reporters that stick around are worthless or dont care about making a name for theirselves.
Think about it.
Bassett must be making all the money, he hasn't offered to leave yet. Maybe when Gilchrest and Barrie Tilghman are out of office and his wife is out of a job he'll leave.
Hell I was making more than that delivering newspapers from my bicycle almost 40 years ago~!
Tim, You also had no gas to buy either.
CORRECTION Anon 203 My carrier said they deliver 365 days a year, they deliver on all holidays, Christmas included. Holiday papers like Thanksgiving and Christmas are supposed to be earlybird deliveries, but it rarely happens due to the papers not being ready when the carriers go pick them up.
The paper should be funded by all the ads. The papers for sale in bulk at stores etc.. is icing on the cake with minimal cost for delivery. Home delivery profit should go directly to the route courirer with a minimum going to the paper. The Manna newspaper is a free publication. They will mail it to me free. If I want I can make a donation to the ministry if I choose. If you have to buy the Daily Times, why do they have ads?
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