You have most of the Maryland Highways that are only 55 MPH, yet you can drive through congested Salisbury at 50 MPH? It sure makes you wonder just how smart these SHA Engineers are, doesn't it? Then I think about Business Rt. 50 through Downtown Salisbury that is what, 35 MPH? There aren't cars popping in and out of everywhere along that strip, yet it's only 35 MPH!
We were talking in my vehicle yesterday as I was driving to Ocean Pines about the light at Perdue Stadium on Rt. 50. It seems IF you do the speed limit and head towards Wor-Wic, there's no doubt that light will be red if the light at Perdue was red as well.
So what freakin Idiot SHA Engineer came up with these gas saving ideas? Oh, perhaps no one has complained enough to get these Idiots to sincronize these lights? However, yesterday was a much different situation because guess who we had riding next to us when all of this was going on? That's right, Dee, Dee, Deeee, SHA Comegys. What do they give a damn, they drive around using taxpayers money for all their gas.
I would love to know how many hours of ACTUAL work COmegys completes in a week, he sure has alot of time off. He spends a good portion of it sitting in his State vehicle with the motor running reading the newspaper.Looks like Barries posse has a new moniker of Worcester Transplant that has popped up to bash Jim Ireton in the Daily Times-sounds alot like City 1732. Now who resides in Worcester County and needs a hair transplant?
Our bald headed Chiefy doesn't live there any longer, but he used to.
New Flash:
Most of the traffic signal on the Eastern Shore in urban areas are not synchronize.
Come to think of it most of the traffic signal on State Highway Administration maintained roads in the entire state areas are not synchronize,
Sand Box John
IN my opinion, un-like the Chief of Salisbury position, if Comegy's is a member of the City COuncil it is a conflict or him to wok in Wicomico County. SHA at the very least should assign him to Worcester County. This way it would prove to all he is working, if he was hanging around Wicomico County you know he was doing persenal business.
Gary you have been cheating the tax payers for years, how many times did you keep your percentage up at the firehouse when working for the state, now you a council member wsting tax payers money.
Face it, Comegys is just a plain waste. Waste of time, waste of taxpayer dollars both state and city and a waste of human flesh. This man serves no earthly purpose, he doesn't even pay his child support. No wonder his son denies him as a father to his friends.
Uh, the Bubba can't drive either.
Look at the wheels in relation to the lines.
From what I am gathering, Bubba is feeling the heat internally for his slack performance at SHA and being everywhere but work in his state vehicle.
Not that it will change things. However, moles are everywhere.
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