Last night the WCNC Held a meeting in Hebron that was very well attended. Whenever Michael Shwartz covers an event in such detail, I'm not going to throw out my side of it as I firmly believe his coverage is far more detailed than ANY other news source out there, anywhere. Therefore, enjoy the hits Michael.
That being said, GO HERE for the details and additional pictures. I will add however, there were 50 people there, not 75 and at least 10 of them were with the Neighborhood Congress. That's still a well attended meeting.
I'll add, No 47 News. No 16 News. Joe G. from the Daily Times showed up in the very last part of it and was dragging anyone and everyone he could into the hall to catch up on what he missed. A good politician would tell him whatever they wanted their message to be at that point because they would know he missed everything. LOL Perhaps IF my paper ever arrives today I'll get to see what he planted in the paper?
A Message from Jim Ireton:
"What made the meeting a success was that issues were discussed without the environment turning sour. With the facts and figures presented by Mr. Sartori, Mr. Lenox, and Ms. Gordy coupled with the townspeople in Hebron being able to hear from local activists and Hebron's own Planning and Zoning Board...I don't know if you could fit any more into a meeting! The goal of the congress to educate and organize was realized last night. Wicomico County, by one estimate will have 117,000 people by 2030, so I'm grateful to be involved because I'll be 60 years old and still driving to work every morning! We now begin planning for January 29, 2008 when we will convene in Delmar to host a community forum on crime. Everyone involved in the congress has put so much hard work into getting this started, it is nice to see the organization moving forward. Thanks for the coverage."
Glad to see this happening. This area needs to get its act together re: growth.
This area also needs to get rid of people that parrot the term "smart growth" and have absolutely no idea what it means re: Gary Comegys
I seriously cannot understand when we know our adequate facilities are not adequate, planning and zoning keeps approving.
When are we going to get those three water towers that we need? When something of major significance burns to the ground?
It's like building a bridge over a hole instead of just filling in the hole~!
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