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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Only 3 Democrat Senators Vote for Bill Protecting Babies Born Alive After Abortion

The Senate voted 53-44 in favor of legislation that would protect survivors of abortion, falling short of the necessary 60 votes to proceed as Democrats blocked the bill when only three of them joined Republicans.

Sens. Doug Jones of Alabama, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania were the only Democrats to vote for the bill. All other 44 Democratic senators voted against the bill.

Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Tim Scott of South Carolina, and Kevin Cramer of North Dakota were not present for the vote.

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have mandated that babies born alive during an abortion would receive “the same degree of professional skill and care to protect the newborn as would be offered to any other child born alive at the same gestational age,” according to Sen. Ben Sasse’s website.



Anonymous said...

Democrats backing / making policies that follow the guidelines of Nazi Germany under Hitler. Appears the Democrats love the Communist Socialist type of government. History repeating itself.

Anonymous said...

democrats are all evil people. a special place in hell is already picked out for them in hell by the devil himself. nasty gross perverts are democrats doing the devil's work on earth. they will pay by spending their eternity burning

Anonymous said...

How anyone can identify with or vote for a democrat is a mystery. Civilized people don't murder babies. Democrats really and truly are not human. They are a species still very uncivilized and primal and downright evil. When you have no desire to try and help a baby born like this you are truly a spawn of the devil.

Anonymous said...

Where is the outrage? Here is a Democrat elected to the Maryland House of Delegated caught using the "N" word recently at an Annapolis cigar bar and she refuses to resign. Joe, please post this story from the Liberal Rag "Maryland Matters" to show how Democrats get a free pass why Republicans would have been annihilated after using the "N" word.

Lawmaker’s Racial Slur Roils State House
By Bruce DePuyt| Danielle E. Gaines -February 26, 2019

Del. Mary Ann Lisanti (D-Harford) released a statement on Tuesday afternoon apologizing for her “word choice.” She also said she has agreed to participate in sensitivity training.

The Washington Post reported on Monday that members of the Legislative Black Caucus met with Lisanti on Monday night “over allegations that she told a white colleague, during an after-hours gathering at an Annapolis cigar bar, that when he campaigned in Prince George’s on behalf of a candidate last fall he was door-knocking in a ’n—– district.’”

“I pray for forgiveness.”

Sounds like Speaker Busch is going to give his Democrat buddy a free pass.

In his statement later in the day, Busch held out the possibility of redemption for Lisanti, but took pains to make no promises regarding her future.

“I hope that through the sensitivity training that Delegate Lisanti has agreed to and the help of her colleagues, she will develop a greater understanding of the impact that she has had on her fellow legislators and the entire House of Delegates,” Busch wrote.

“Like anyone who has made a mistake, she has the opportunity for redemption – but it is her responsibility to do so and earn back the trust of her colleagues.”

Anonymous said...

do all these scum dems go to church on Sundays ????????? HYPOCITE RATS.