To help keep the bus stops in Ocean Pines as safe as possible, the police department is releasing a reminder for parents to keep a safe distance from intersections while parked at school bus stops. According to Maryland vehicle law, a person may not stand or park a vehicle within 30 feet on the approach to any flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of a roadway. Violators face a $60 citation.
Ocean Pines officers will continue to patrol the school bus stops in the area in an effort to limit risks to children.
Ocean Pines is the largest year-round community in Worcester County. The Ocean Pines Police Department is the primary law enforcement agency for the Ocean Pines community, having mutual aid agreements with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Maryland State Police. The police department consists of 15 sworn officers, one (1) part-time sworn officer, four (4) full-time civilians and three (3) part-time civilian support staff.
Attention parents masqurading as adults: DO NOT PLACE HANDS ON HOT STOVE
and these folks are raising the future!
but please park in the fire lane at Walmart
If you are driving your kid to the bus stop why don't you just drive her to school? Showell is right around the corner.
Let them walk from the bus stop to their house. They probably need the exercise and fresh air.
In Wicomico County there are a lot of buses that pull right up to a students house instead of dropping them off at the corner. I complain, but they don't listen.
I say rush these parents, tackle and ground pound them, then cuff them and haul them off to jail with a $10k bond. Then make the kids walk home and cook their own damned supper!
Just don't bother that heroin dealer that's robbing the store clerk at gunpoint, though. You might get hurt doing that.
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