DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, December 26, 2016
State Police Make 450 DUI Arrests Since Thanksgiving – DUI Patrols Continue Through Holiday Season
December 22, 2016
(PIKESVILLE, MD) – Since the Thanksgiving holiday, Maryland state troopers have made 450 DUI arrests and they will continue the focused enforcement through the holiday season by deploying in areas known to have high numbers of DUI arrests or crashes.
As the New Year approaches, barrack commanders from each of the 23 Maryland State Police barracks in the state, will be deploying special patrols focused on identifying and arresting impaired and aggressive drivers. Traffic enforcement efforts will also include speeding, distracted driving and other violations that often contribute to highway tragedies.
Troopers will work in collaboration with allied law enforcement partners statewide during saturation patrols, areas known to have high numbers of impaired driving arrests or crashes. Troopers will also be staffing sobriety checkpoints.
The State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort Team (SPIDRE) made 33 arrests out of the total 450 DUI arrests since the Thanksgiving weekend. This team of elite troopers will also be out in force working with law enforcement partners, dedicating their efforts solely to removing drunk drivers from Maryland highways.
Motorists are urged to check travel conditions and delays before traveling. SHA provides up-to-date traffic and road conditions at roads.maryland.gov, or chart.state.md.us. Traffic conditions are also available at md511.org, or by safely dialing 511 on your cell phone.
Troopers remind travelers not to drive distracted, to make traffic safety their first priority whenever they are behind the wheel, and to plan for a sober ride home this holiday season. Santa will not deliver any presents to those who decide to drink and drive.
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MSP - To protect and collect.
Let's call this Military Operation::::: Operation Tipsy Turkey......oh yeah...more State Revenue from the Working Class
If you drink and drive, you deserve a ticket, so don't complain about more state revenue.
4:45- drinking and driving is not illegal.
I think a hit to the wallet is a good deterrent for most people. You have a better alternative?
Stalk and hurrass
Over 10 thousand die each year from dui's. Drink all you want. Just stay home. Or Uber.
More die from the flu (55,000). More die from diabetes (76,000).
Road blocks and SPIDRE, just another way to interrogate and search people.
You can always tell by the comments on here, who drinks and drives. They are the ones that bitch, whines and complains the most about dwi/ dui check points. They always say it's about the police wanting more revenue, noooo, it's about them protecting me from stupid people like you that think they can get plastered, put on their superman cape and say " I'm fine. I'm okay to drive. I'm not THAT drunk ".
I'm proud of our local LEOs and first responders. Their line of work is very tough and many don't have the financial luxury some have on the eastern shore. They do their jobs and keep me safe. If that means pulling over folks who should be driving, that's fine with me. Do every single one pulled over get a ticket - no. Do some go above/beyond their way to make sure citizens arrive home safely - yes.
Just imagine if we didn't have any LEOs or first responders...sure would be an ugly mess here in OC/West OC - that's for sure!
I'm very thankful we are not like many other countries in the world!
So 701, those 10k+ innocent and entirely preventable deaths are completely acceptable, just so long as you get to get drunk and get behind the wheel? Why do you want to do that?
Don't have the financial luxury WTF? Do you know how much a MSP trooper makes? Full benefits and retirement pension while they have s second career.
7:05 I don't drink and drink, but am 100% against having my rights violated so you feel safe. There is more to the constitution than the 2nd amendment.
Ruining people's lives who have had a couple of beers at a bar and blow .07 or less and we're driving just fine does. Othing to improve public safety but it generates a ton of cash for the govt.
Ruining your life? Try having your child killed by a drunk driver. So sorry for YOUR inconvenience...
Revenue enhancement officers at the ready. Revenue enhancement in the name of "safety"! East Germany, 1968 show me your papers!! They are not there to patrol your streets or protect your neighborhoods, but to harass motorist and collect money or take your property if they so deem it necessary.
All in the name of the patriot act which is not in any way patriotic. God help you if you are young and black!
Spending time going after the harmless driver who has had a couple of beers but has done nothing wrong but he's an easy target to make the state money takes cops away from what they should be doing...looking for the drivers that are actually impaired. It all about the money.
Agreed. Meanwhile the real criminals are robbing us blind and killing people, but there's no money in going after them.
They have dropped the legal limit lower and lower so they can victimize more people to keep the cash rolling. .07 is around 3 beers for the average person. Completely ridiculous..
I cant wait until a MADD gets caught.
I never drink. I just don't like alcohol.
But I am very informed about the illegalities of STATUTORY LAW in the United States.
How about you?
Damaging someone's property is a violation of COMMON LAW.
Hurting someone is a violation of COMMON LAW.
Driving very fast down the road with doing either of those things is not a violation of any Constitutional Laws.
Drinking as much as you want and safely driving home is not a violation of any Constitutional Laws.
Educate yourself.
12:21 sounds like a lawyer or revenue enhancement officer.
Probably make your living off of these cases.
Drunk driving I agree should be prosecuted, but buzzed driving with less than two or three beers, I do have a problem with.
The law is set up to easily arrest someone and destroy their lives with less than a .07 blood alcohol, or one drink or two beers. I've seen them waiting outside of bars and nightclubs just to arrest them as soon as they drive off of the parking lot. This happened to me about ten years ago in OC when I picked up a friend at at nightclub.
They automatically assume you have been drinking or your drunk. It's definitely a racket they have set up. Another form or prohibition in the name of taxes and fines. Might as well go ahead and close up all bars, nightclubs, and restaurants that serve alcohol.
We used to be free.
The government should not be in the business of CRIME PREVENTION.
We are supposed to be FREE to commit a crime first, and then, be held accountable.
Only Tyrannical governments claim to care enough about people that they want to PREVENT crime.
Think about it folks.
Prevent you from a crime?
You haven't even harmed anyone yet.
You haven't damaged any property yet.
Keep Cheering.
The police agencies know who the dealers are. They get plenty of info from the not so smart people that end up arrested for shoplifting/theft/burglary. Do they actively target them? NO. No money in it. Costs the state money with housing in jail, public defender, medical care, etc. The person with a job, a home, a car and a family will pay through the nose to keep those things. No real costs to the state. Income from fines, kickbacks on interlocks and the insurance companies love it too. Follow the money.
So...how many people have been killed by a person with the flu while driving ??
How many people have been killed or permanently disabled by a person with diabetes while driving ?
Agree.....the local laws are what our forefathers died on the battlefield to get the Constitution in order....the progressives started this 100 years ago
What "rights" are violated during a traffic stop/ dui arrest??
Go to an 8 year olds funeral who was killed as a result of being hit by a drunk driver and then come talk to me about how "a crime wasn't even committed". By the time a crime is committed in this situation, someone is either hurt or killed. You might change your anti-government tune after you have seen how this affects a family. Save your BS speech for someone else. Safe travels.
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