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Boston (1974) |
By Thornton Crowe
Back in the 1954, the Supreme Court ruled in a lawsuit where it was deemed unconstitutional to have segregated school systems that separated white and black students. In an effort to end this racial segregation policy in the spirit of Civil Rights, the courts then (twenty years later) asked for the process of integration within the student bodies to happen 'with deliberate speed.' Hence, the outcome, disastrous as it was, resulted in busing due to the fact that many communities had racially divided enclaves within them; therefore, the segregation was de facto - meaning a matter of circumstance and locale.
Busing caused many problems in the late Sixties/early Seventies; especially in cities like Boston, where the neighborhoods were divided not by race as much as ethnicity. Irish notoriously lived in South Boston while the Italians were largely in the Northern townships like Malden. During the busing era, children were send miles away from home even though there was a school right down the street, in order to make a concerted effort to desegregate the school system.
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Presidents Nixon & Johnson |
Unlike most urban legend, while President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, it wasn't until President Richard Nixon (through the Supreme Court) when it was actually executed by the government. In his attempt to quill the battle cry of the movement era, he deferred the actual implementation within areas reluctant to adopt desegregation to the Supreme Court for enforcement.
Granted, before Brown v. Board of Education, the school systems were vastly different. For example, the white schools got more money and better resources from the Board of Eds in their areas than the black schools. There was a huge imbalance between the two and the quality of education was evident within the two separate systems. More whites went on to achieve higher education while blacks were prone either drop out of high school or not pursue education beyond the twelfth grade level. Hence, because blacks were less likely to pursue a collegiate path, their young men were drafted into the Vietnam War where many black communities lost a lot of them overseas.
What does that mean today?
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Parkside High School (Salisbury) |
This last week, a parent sent Salisbury News a disturbing video a group of black kids attacking someone at Parkside High School. One can't see from the video if the victim was white or female; however, the parent stated in their explanation that it was a white girl who was alone at the time of the attack. From other viewer comments made on the post, apparently this wasn't the only 'attack' of this nature during the same school day. Also disturbing was the victim's prior discussions with authority figures at PHS were told by her that she was being threatened. Knowing this attack was imminent, the administration seemed to let the situation occur without any interference before, during or after. Furthermore, the parent states their child was afraid to take the video to the office, in fear of being suspended for having the video in the first place.
Today, we can no longer blame busing for racial violence in schools. However, the anger seems to be ever-present within the student body as if we're back in 1974. Namely the black students are now terrorizing white students over some illusionary grievance. And once again, after all the upheaval over Salisbury University's enabling of reverse discrimination, we are now faced with yet, another act (or potentially more) of same with an schools enabling by inaction.
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Days of Jim Crow (1950s) |
Have we come full circle on this grand liberal agenda to the point where it's time to reinstate racial segregation in our school systems?
Many will no doubt retort that this is a preposterous idea as some have bitter memories of the painful movement from segregated to desegregated but do our kids deserve to be in this type of turmoil as they try to get an education in today's public school system?
Sure, there's been bullies all throughout history - especially in high school. Every school has at least one bad apple or two whom finds joy in slamming the skinny kids into lockers and calling those with weight problems, painful names but when a gang of kids beat another person to the point of head contusions, facial injuries and broken arms or worse, like in Delaware, being beaten to death - when is it enough for people to start segregating from each other?
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Abraham Lincoln (1863) |
Most people today don't realize President Abraham Lincoln had an ultimate agenda for freeing the slaves. He wanted to send them back to Africa and South America. In fact, he did send a few groups to these locations but most died due to their inability to withstand the environment. He expressed many times, he didn't believe black and white people could coexist together in any kind of racial harmony. This was over 150 years ago when he penned this statement in his State of the Union address to Congress, asking to deport the black population out of America.
It seems from the incidents over the last couple of weeks at both Parkside and Salisbury University, perhaps he's right. Maybe this social experiment hasn't worked out so hot after all. More and more white people have relayed to me over the last eight years, they find themselves more cautious and aware of the black people in their presence. It's like they're poised for just about anything - they look at them with suspicion and more scrutiny than even ten years ago. Why? Largely because of all the violent rioting with hate groups like BLM but also it's the way they are treated by black people in stores, restaurants, on the roadways, in the workplace and at local schools by blacks.
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BLM interrupting Sanders Rally (2016) |
For example, I had an incident happen just yesterday where I was trying to help a young black man get a clerk's attention. When I asked him if he was having trouble, he couldn't have been more rude. I got this treatment merely because I was trying to HELP him. Incidents like this cause me grave concern over our community's elderly and homeless population who provide easy and defenseless targets for this young black anger.
It's sad that we all can't seem to get along with a shared goal of peace and prosperity, but let's be honest with ourselves, the racial divide in our community is more acute now than the Sixties; however, the hostility of the young black population far exceeds, in spite of the many benefits their forefathers fought for them to enjoy in the Civil Rights Movement era. It's abundantly clear, area schools (including the universities) aren't going to step up to the plate and help with this issue. If anything, they enable its continuance due to their inaction and lack of intolerance.
All I know is this, while today everyone enjoys Mother's Day, one area mother is having to nurse her physically broken child due to a vicious attack in a seemingly 'safe space' in school because of the color of her skin.
All I know is this, while today everyone enjoys Mother's Day, one area mother is having to nurse her physically broken child due to a vicious attack in a seemingly 'safe space' in school because of the color of her skin.
So, I ask of you, was Lincoln right after all? Is it time to, once again, segregate due to irreconcilable differences? Unfortunately, it's no longer a question of racism as it's now become a question of prudence and perhaps physical safety.
How say you?
Is this what people want? Segregation? Would hope not but we have to find some way to stop the violence in schools. Kids can't be afraid to go to school.
I dont want my kids going to school with a bunch of rude undisciplined savages. But knowing that they will have to deal with this garbage sooner or later I make sure my children know how to defend themselves. Furthermore they should not be afraid to defend themselves due to schools ridiculous rules that end in the suspension of both students. I will never be upset because he defended himself.
Segregation? While it would be wonderful its not practical and would stop our children learning that these people exist and that you don't have to tolerate there crap.
I say blacks are much more racist than whites. White people born in the late 50's and early 60's tried to get along and for the most part there was harmony. With the advent of crack cocaine in the 80's and the development of rap music - things changed. Suddenly it was how provocative you could be with lyrics and drug use. Gold teeth,"bling", and caddys were the desired norm. Soon the destruction of the family unit followed and we had a generation of fatherless kids who listed to the hate and violence of music and video games and thought that was normal. God and religion disappeared from their homes. Then the liberal agenda of entitlements, self victimization, and the welfare state destroyed whatever chance there was for middle class white America to accept. Now its going a step further with the psuedo legalization of drugs and blaming whites for the sins of 400 years ago, and the liberals turning their heads from the violence and racism - its no wonder its playing out in the schools. Because it is playing out in the real world. Lord knows I tried to do my part the part the past 60 years but I'm tired. I am damn tired. I can't take it anymore and I give up. You younger people will have to deal with this. I am looking forward to something better and it sure as heck is not in this world. A damn sad situation for sure. But as Walter Cronkite used to say: "that's the way it is".
Not only is it kids in school, it the elderly and or anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Something needs to be done, for sure!
If a person is defending themselves, can't the suspension be challenged? Isn't there recourse? Or is a student just supposed to take being beaten without any defense?
What I don't get is these kids have more advantages than most poor white kids, yet they're always angry and disgruntled about something. Maybe the first comment is right about the Rap music. But the thing is, they really don't have anything to be that upset about it if they obey the law. Lawbreakers go to jail not because of the race but because of their disobedience to law. If they don't want problems with the police, a) don't break the law and b) be respectful. I've never had a police officer treat me badly but my parents also taught me to respect their authority and be nice to them.
Black kids are always ruder than the whites ones. At least that's been my experience. I don't feel safe going anywhere in Salisbury after dark because these gangs of teenagers are everywhere and you never know if you'll be their target or not.
When I was in the 4th grade segregation came to the local schools and while it was a change i don't remember any troubles on either side of the race issue this 'getting along' continued right through my graduation in the late 70's. Blacks and whites got along just fine with just a few trouble makers on both sides but it was minimal. These problems seem to have grown, just like the previous poster said, with the introduction of Rap and it's negative lyrics. The racial divide is worse today then it ever was back then and it is coming from young angry blacks over a perceived wrong doing propagated by the liberals and the liberal media!
9:47, Interesting comment. Americans can't have it both ways though. We either stand united in support of our right towards freedom of expression, or we don't.
I don't like seeing tattoos, (especially facial) or body piercings but I respect the fact that this is their right.
I'll also admit that I, (like many others) hate most rap music and by most I state that term in the most extreme term of the word.
I can recall my own kids, (out of nowhere) wanting new baggy clothes and listening to rap. I thought, where did I go wrong?
While they were in High School, it simply showed me how peer pressure and influence plays a major role in growing up. As much as I couldn't stand it, I had to respect their independence or it might backfire in a big way.
This is the KEY reason why I can't stand this transgender and gay lifestyle acceptance. PEER pressure????? Can you imagine your male child coming home wanting to wear dresses because his best friends Antwan and or Jimmy gets to go into the Ladies Room any time they want.
Hey Dad, lighten up, everyone else is doing it.
Liberals have literally shoved this stuff down our throats. I think from here on out ALL of this crap needs to go to a VOTE from every citizen in America and NOT our President and or elected officials.
The bottom line, the people we now have in office across America need to be dumped. We need representatives who hold Town Hall Meetings and get a true pulse of what we do and don't want and YOU need to go to these meetings and pack arenas and not little rooms in a Library somewhere. Oh, and those meetings need to happen after 6 PM at NIGHT.
Remember...The Irish were the first slaves. The blacks should get over it.
Integration screwed most of us out of a proper education, It was nothing but chaos and a negative experience.
Why don't these kids not seem upset that Islamic nations have over 500,000 black slaves to this day but they're upset about something that didn't event affect them nor their families?
Only reason Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act was because of Cold War politics. Can't very well go running around preaching equality to other countries while you have so much inequality in your own. National embarrassment. He never meant for its enforcement.
If you look at LBJ's comment s on civil rights he stated he wanted to put blacks on welfare in order to have their vote , "give them enough to get by but not enough to get ahead". Before LBJ the black divorce rate was at 7% after the "new deal" the black divorce rate is 73 %.
Lincoln's biggest mistake was not letting the ignorant south go. Instead he stuck us with these backward people for all eternity.
While we're out there building shiny brand new schools that look beautiful on the outside, what's going on inside any more is a completely different story. Mind you, please understand when I make that statement I am not attempting in any way to point a finger at the administrators and or the teachers.
The key problem, (in my opinion) is that if we are to truly make a fair and balanced education system, we need to divide the good vs. bad.
Look, I wasn't a good student in school, I just wasn't. I wasn't a bad kid but I'd have to admit I was disruptive to other kids in my classes who truly wanted to learn. They were BOOK SMART, I was not.
Now let's be honest here. Many of you were the same way. We were/are street smart. We have a better sense of common sense. Realists. There IS a place for us. We need scientists, doctors, lawyers etc.. We also need welders, carpenters, trash collectors, etc..
Any Teacher I had when I was in school could easily tell I wasn't capable of sitting down and studying to become a doctor or lawyer. I/We aren't stupid. In fact, quite the opposite.
OK, all that being said, what we need to do is DIVIDE the people/children into different schools. One for higher learning and another for vo-tech type of schools.
Come on, admit it, this is just a reality. We need to quit kidding ourselves as adults and bowing down to our own peer pressure of putting kids like me into being forced to go to college because our friends and neighbors did it for their kid.
If your child is a problem child, they need to get OUT OF THE WAY. If some of you say this isn't fair, BS! Either you raise your child to respect other students, teachers and administrators or you go to a different school. IF during that time you prove you can change and EARN your way into a higher education, good for you. Your parenting skills will have improved as well.
Make education something you EARN. Stop blending out of control kids with students who want to truly learn. Don't make it a black vs. white issue.
If you have a better/more creative idea don't hesitate to share it. I simply feel everyone needs to EARN their right to higher education. Remember, if your child was going to private school, they would never tolerate kids ganging up on other kids, period. So why isn't public school the same? There is NO option, especially with the new common core crap. Clearly we are not all equal. Even I admit that.
I see many black people have written in and expressed their concerns along with the white people and a open dialogue is taking place. Just kidding. Instead it is the same white people complaining about black people who they seem to think are all the same. This is an extremely difficult problem to solve. Unfortunately it won't be solved on this blog that's for certain.
There continues to be resentment in part because most of our leaders continue to be white. Nobody likes to give up power. When integration took place white people told black people how that was going to be done too. Locally for the most part, if not completely, black students left their schools for white schools with white leadership.
Some white people quit the public schools at that time for private schools. I can't say the reason except the private school movement and the home school movement started right at the time of integration.
You better believe that many whites continue to cling to their white privilege and many blacks see themselves as continuing to be second class and powerless. This is a big part of the problem. White people,we are not fooling anybody.
It will take another hundred years to solve this problem maybe more. Perhaps it will never be solved because as much as we don't want to believe it there will always be people of every race who will find little success and fight with each other for the crumbs left behind by the successful of all races.
Let me say this as well. I have an old friend who was not a very good student in school either. Everyone said he would never amount to ANYTHING. My friend got a job at Giant 37 years ago and guess what, he's probably more secure than most of the 1,200 other students who graduated from Bowie High School in 1980. He still works for Giant today and he is only 54 years old.
The Democrat party and the media need racism to keep Liberals in power so they fan the flames.
Not a word from WBOC or WMDT of the vicious racial attack at Parkside and not one comment of their Facebook pages.
12:28, I can't argue your point. However, let me say this though. SBYNews is the only media source that published this fight at Parkside and I am far from Liberal.
Our GOAL by publishing this is two fold. ONE, we want YOU to know this is going on and TWO, how do we collectively stop this from happening in the future.
Funny how the major majority sit behind their computers botching and complaining but very few offer solutions, as this is my attempt here. I am not trying to add fuel to the fire. We are simply trying to PROVE that the Eastern Shore is an intelligent community OR we're lazy racists who simply want to blame different cultures.
Now let's see where these comments go.
12:19PM you are absolutely incorrect. White students were bused to black schools just as much as black students were bused to white schools. How do I know this? I was one of them.
Furthermore the white privilege rhetoric is a huge part of the problem. Success boils down to initiative. Thomas Sowell is a black economist who went to Harvard before Civil Rights, getting a masters in economics. Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall got a law degree before Civil Rights. Eli Whitley invented the cotton gin before Civil Rights. Initiative prevails. People in America can achieve if they wish to achieve. None of these men sat around bitching about life's unfair. No they got off their asses and did something with themselves.
So please save the liberal bs for some other blog. White privilege a myth propagated by liberal and disgruntled race baiter so like Al Sharpton to excuse the laziness within the black community to emphasize education over sports and careers in entertainment.
In 1988, a sociological study done by the University of Virginia that demonstrated that black families more often than not, pushed their children towards sports and entertainment careers rather than academics from a young age. Whereas, in white families a prominent mount of middle class families forwarded College to cultivate careers. Those are quantitative studies not social justice warriors making their living at keeping the races at war.
I just read a article were Obama was speaking at Howard university commencement and he stated to the graduates to be confident in your blackness. Furthermore he threw in about Harriet Tubman being put on the 20 dollar bill and that black women today earn 68% less than white men.
Could you imagine if OLD G.W had told a Harvard class to be confident in your whiteness?
Could it be that apathetc administrators whom do not take a vested interest in students that causes that apathy to be cultivated within the students they ignore? Let's face it, even if kids are in high school, it is always encouraging when adults, teachers and parents, care enough about their abilities and achievements to achieve something better with their lives. Hasn't anyone ever watched the movie Fame? Geesh.
"Not only is it kids in school, it's the elderly and or anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Something needs to be done, for sure!"
I agree with you, but before "they" jump some aging ole boys, they may want to be careful. Unless sucker punched from the rear or a pack of them (cowards), they may get hurt. They should be reminded that a old man will not fight, but will do damage.
Also, I went through school and more, but had friends stop in the eighth grade and did VERY well. School is not for everyone, though it's nice.
1:31 School is not just about getting an education. It's also about blending a society of all cultures. It's about equality among ALL human beings. Don't you find it interesting how Liberals have yet to understand their ideas have FAILED miserably, yet they're the teachers/administrators and or the very people who molded that agenda?
Now you have to ask yourself, is this on purpose? I mean, 50 years plus of their master plan and it just keeps getting worse and all they can come up with is common core. Parents blame the teachers, teachers blame the parents yet NO ONE is held accountable any more.
The black community, (NAACP) cry that blacks are being punished too much, yet in this case last week there's yet another white victim. It reminds me a lot of the knock out game where innocent people are knocked out and many of them are elderly because they are easy targets.
Come on now. We used to be the smartest country in the World. HOW DO WE FIX ALL OF IT? How do we all get along and stop the black/white or whatever.
I say, stop entitlements after 12 months, period. If someone can't find a job after 12 months, they don't want to work. Stop babying BULLIES. Stop babying LAZY people. Stop having children you can't afford. Let the government open soup kitchens and make the people that go past the 12 months sit together peacefully and assure no one goes hungry. Start TAXING Churches and credit back those Churches who actually take care of the hungry and homeless. After all, those donations are meant to pay it forward.
Start a 50 state plan to put every divorced parent who doesn't pay child support into jail, period. How many more years do women have to suffer because their ex husband refuses to support his children? Just put them in jail.
Come on people, what are your suggestions?
1:26, Just look back at, (for example) the former Salisbury Mayors and City Council's. BULLIES! A concerned citizen would go to a Council Meeting and get verbally ATTACKED on PAC 14.
The same happens with the Board of Education. Parents FEAR standing up for their children because of RETALIATION.
The Liberal goal for years is to DRIVE PEOPLE AWAY so they can do whatever they want and claim that no one disagreed publicly.
The Liberals have ramrodded Americans through fear of what might become of us if we stand up.
So now we're forced to work two jobs and there is no time to attend meetings or get involved as much as we'd like. What a perfect plan, eh?
Children are not born racist. It is a learned behavior. So if these children are not learning it at home where are they learning it. There was a shining opportunity for racial harmony but the president blew it. In fact he has made things significantly worse. People need to understand that it is not the color of ones skin but the person in that skin. I have served this country and I can say that thirty year ago race was never an issue among the troops. I recently talked to a family member in the Marines and he stated things have changed for the worse but no where as bad as out in the public sector.
The truth is I am sick and tired of this new generation both Black and White feeling they are entitled to anything. A person must work in this life to have something. Joe I have to assume your were not born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You have worked for what is yours. I was born into a very poor family. We all worked our way out of poverty.
I will say Black entertainers are largely responsible for the mind set of young Blacks today. Music that promotes violence against women and any authority figure is all they have heard for the twenty years. Country music is not much better 70% of all country music has consuming alcohol in the lyrics. It is just a loss of morals and religion in our society that has brought this forward. When we started allowing people to burn our flag and allowing illegals to protest in our streets we lost something. It is called PRIDE. The bottom line is if a person has pride and values they can accomplish almost anything. I suggest if you don't like America get the hell out. If you think it is better else where you are sadly mistaken. America is still the greatest nation on earth.
The whole thing boils down to "RESPECT". Until every individual respects each other and they respect each persons opinion nothing will happen. I did not say agree. Adults / Mature individuals should be able to accept others and be able to understand each others point of view and quit living in the past and make the future better through understanding. As long as we have divisive Politians and leaders we will always have these problems, called "HATE". Does this tell you about our political system and how corrupt it is. There are Politians / so - called leaders who promote racial violence and wants the Tax Payer to pay restitution for acts that were done during the days of slavery. This is our history to learn from. Why are they not pushing for unity instead of living in the past? Did they not learn from the past?
We lived in the D.C. area back in the late 60's and 70's , my son was one of 3 white kids in his class. The blacks were abusive and bullied him the entire time he was in that neighborhood.
I was a white kid in the late 40's and 50's in that area , they were the same then. I really don't know how to please people like this . I do believe that this type of action is learned or taught at home .
I'm talking about 65+ years ago too.
Now that I'm old , I can't defend myself like I used to , so I carry an equalizer of some sort. I look out for a confrontation so I'm prepared , so far so good. Parking lots and restrooms are the main areas. May God help the soul that tries .
You are right Joe people are afraid to speak up and speak out we are the oppressed and have been intimidated into submission.
Protect yourself through training with or without the use of weapons. These "people" are animals and live in a sub-culture that most civilized citizens cannot even begin to comprehend. They do not blend well.
3:45, We're talking about kids here. You either raise them right or you send those kids to a juvenile home and let someone else teach them discipline.
How do you defend yourself against a GANG of other kids. A "Gang" is 3 or more people. Such "Gang" activity IS a criminal act.
Zhackia , looks as though we have hit a nerve! This particular incident at Parkside was about blacks.
This is 12:19 talking.
I said: "Locally for the most part, if not completely, black students left their schools for white schools with white leadership."
This is Thortoncrowe answering at 1:12: "2:19PM you are absolutely incorrect. White students were bused to black schools just as much as black students were bused to white schools. How do I know this? I was one of them."
all you have told me Thortoncrowe is that you were not local as a lad. I don't know if you are local now or not. By local I mean Wicomico, Worcester, and Somerset. You did not get bused to black schools in these counties. In Wicomico there was and may continue to be a first grade center but that was not and is not the same as getting bused to a black school.
It is obvious to everybody or should be that busing was not as simple every place as it was here. It should also be obvious that Blacks gave up their schools to come to our schools.
What might not be obvious is that some of the white teachers black students first faced at new white schools for them were also absolute racists and talked to those students in the manner one would expect a racist to talk to black people but not the way you would expect a professional teacher to talk. Don't talk nonsense to me about this.
Everybody has a pile of work to do.
It can't be about race or anything except personal responsibility and accountability, which makes for four schools categories. Two would be the achievers vs. disrupters of the college bound fans. Maybe the disrupters would need to step back to just one of the two others, the scholars pursuing Vocational education. vs. the disrupters of that class. The fourth "school" would be more like a detention center, with forced community service and basic slavery, hard labor with the reward of good behavior being promoted back up to the next level. Failure at the fourth level down just send them to prison. And make it Guantanamo.
At least, then, the ones who want to excel would be allowed to, and those who wanted to do vocational Joe Lunchbox jobs can learn them without distraction, and the others would have a path back to one of the career paths, but not until they could learn behavior that is acceptable and to not interrupt to the others.
In addition for all, "Grades" and "class" need to be assigned by real life testing. Too many of our "Disruptors" are simply highly intelligent kids bored out of their skulls being forced to do ignorant, boring lesson drills repeatedly, and doing badly on them as a result. Highly intelligent students, and all students for that matter, need to have the opportunity to test out of the next grade up every year, and maybe halfway through each year just to keep it an active environment.
If we're going to FORCE kids to attend school, we should at least do our part!
Take control, and they will be in control. Let them be in the "system", and they will beat the system. That's what we want them to do, right?
No anonymous person you haven't and I'm sorry if you got that from my last comment.
I will describe a similar event that happened at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute (an engineering preparatory HS in the early 60s that still exists). Our students traveled the North Avenue route to Harford Road (Sears store at the time). There was an altercation of blacks on white students at the Sears bus stop one night. It took less than 24 hours for this information to spread throughout Poly and nearly EVERY student came to school with some sort of defensive weapon the next day which were displayed in plain view. That day, blacks heeded the response and kept to their side of the street (remember, we did not start this). The following day, things were back to normal with NO attacks from anyone. Amazing that we did not require Federal intervention.
The worst thing to happen to our education system was integration. How is it working for us? NOT
That is not true about no kids being bused to black schools in Wicomico County. I was born in 1960. I lived on Snow Hill Rd. about 6 miles outside of Salisbury. Not quite to the Worcester County line. All the other kids in my neighborhood, including kids that lived on the other side of Snow Hill Rd., went to Prince Street Elementary. I was sent to Fruitland Primary and Fruitland Intermediate. I think there were probably 3 white kids in my class maybe. I am female and by the fourth grade had to quit wearing dresses for the black boys grabbing my butt. Then I even had to have my older brother come over to the school once I got to Fruitland Intermediate because it got so bad. He came over and let a few of them know what was going to happen to them the next time it happened to me and things eased off then. Still don't wear dresses to this day. Sexual harassment from the fourth grade to almost the sixth. But at that time Fruitland was predominately a black school and I was bused there.
Yes, Lincoln, was right after all.
8:41 You are correct I was born and raised in the same area. I was 5 miles from Salisbury on Snow Hill road. I was born in 1952 and I was forced to Beaver Run from Prince Street in the 5th grade while others on RT12 were put in Fruitland Elementary and Prince Street. That 6 miles on Snow Hill Rd was split between 3 schools to even out the races. You bused to which ever school needed some of all races and you bussed to black schools and blacks were bused to white schools. The same thing happen when Parkside was built for the same stretch of road.
Segregation is the only answer! Maybe then the children that want to learn can learn. Integration has done nothing but brought education standards down! Blacks don't like whites, whites don't like blacks so separate them so they can each be with their own. Sorry, it's just not working so lets admit it and move back like it should be!
It seems a lot of the black kids would prefer segregation because they've made it apparent they don't like white people. Maybe they would learn more if they were in a separate school. I've noticed the black children in private school do not act in this manner. So it's not necessarily the students but the people in charge of overseeing them while they're at the school.
Maybe it's come to the point that segregation in public schools should be reexamined. But then we'd end up with some complaining that the opportunities and education were out of proportion, that blacks weren't getting their fair shake. My bet would be that if there were segregated schools, and every single feature of each school was identical, and exactly the same dollar amount spent on each student and the school curricula the same, the academic results in black schools would be disappointing, even after a 20 year period.
It might make for a good limited experiment.
No congressman would have the balls to challenge this !
And they'd still complain. And we'd move farther and farther from any concept of assimilation.
8:11AM you are exactly correct in your prediction because on average most American black families do not promote academics unless there's academic achievement in the family's background. For the most part, many concentrate on sports like basketball and football. Or they promote careers in the entertainment industry like rap or hip hop. When a child grows up hearing they could be the next Rod or Beyounce they're not going to pay too much attention to academic study. Many rappers and hip hop artists come from gang backgrounds and the athletes, while they do attend college, are not held to same academic standards in college. And this goes for white athletes at big schools, too. Their court/field abilities are paramount because that's what brings in money for the sports teams. If they are exception then they go on to be drafted into the NFL or NBA.
The reason I said American black families as a distinction is because you generally do not find this in other cultures. America sports and entertainment industries far exceeds any other country in these areas.
Perhaps nation wide our schools public and private should be required to have parents or guardians of children complete classes on bulling, racial conflicts, and violence every year. The children should also be required to do the same starting in elementary school every year. If parents or children do not attend these classes in a certain time period then their kids can not attend school no matter what age. I do believe we are seeing a new generation who are exposed to so much violence and drugs that they are acting out. So we need to start helping the next generation black and white, poor and rich understand how to express them self without disrespect and violence. I know that some people will say our government should not have to get involved. But what we are seeing now is not working its time for a change.
Ive been through this very thing with PHS in the past. My son was jumped (by 2 blacks) in the hallway back when the worthless Grudis was running things. My son (white) fought back, as he had been taught to do, and held his iwn against the two savages until it was broken up.
All three were given "in school suspension" which absolutely flipped my lid. I was asked to leave the admins office because of my tone once I found out my kid was being disciplined for being attacked. I eff'ing hate Steven Grudis now, the entire BOE staff, and the savages that attacked him. Their inabilty to control their schools shows who really cares and who doesnt.
Sad, but its the world we live in now. Its not going away until there is a racial revolt.
Oh, maybe all this hubub on SBYNEWS is why Micah Stauffer (director of secondary schools) is on the PHS campus today?
Hes showing an interest in whats happening?? No, hes trying to save face. Its time tou dumbass administration makes my child safe at PHS. She is one of the few that CARES about her education!
Get out of your new office and make contact inside the schools. Make your presence known, and not just when a white kid gets beat down by a black kid !!!
I can attest to the crap treatment from the city council, mayor, and administrator. They didnt want to enforce the noise ordinance, and when I called them out on it they treated me like absolute sh**.
When I stood up to them they knocked me down. When I stand up to PHS or BMS administration they do the same, except they use the "kill em with kindness" tactic. They say everything you wanna hear, but mean NONE OF IT.
Everyone I know doesn't want their children to be going to a school with these animals. Teachers even don't want them, this experiment is a failure, send them back to Africa.
It's easy to lump all Black people together when something like this happens but their are a lot of Black parents raising their kids right and don't want their kids around thugs either. I hope we can rely on them to push the issue of safe schools being they can avoid being accused of racism and be brushed aside as we have become used to.
My daughter who is African American was suspended Friday for showing the video to administration. She was not involved at all. But was given the tho days for having a cell phone out when she was not supposed to.
She came forward and got punished for it. Apparently other students were called down today but had already deleted the video because they heard kids were getting suspended.
149 sounds like the Nazis to me. Is there a way to petition or challenge this with the WCBOE? She shouldn't have been suspended for giving the school evidence of violence in their hallways. Perhaps it's time for a new principle and vice principle at PHS. Apparently they're inept and incompetent.
With all the technology do we even need this type of school setting anymore?
The problem is the black people aren't proud of being black,they say they are but they'r not.If truth be known deep down they would rather be white they resent being black and take out that resentment on whites.Thats why we have black history month and black every other thing you can think of.If whites did that the blacks and the politically correct crowd would go bonkers.Speaking of the PC crowd they want all us whites to feel guilty just for being white, how stupid is that?
88.4% of the men who actually served in Vietnam were Caucasian; 10.6% (275,000) were black; 1% belonged to other races.
86.3% of the men who died in Vietnam were Caucasian (includes Hispanics); 12.5% (7,241) were black; 1.2% belonged to other races.
170,000 Hispanics served in Vietnam; 3,070 (5.2% of total) died there.
70% of enlisted men killed were of North-west European descent.
86.8% of the men who were killed as a result of hostile action were Caucasian; 12.1% (5,711) were black; 1.1% belonged to other races.
14.6% (1,530) of non-combat deaths were among blacks.
34% of blacks who enlisted volunteered for the combat arms.
Overall, blacks suffered 12.5% of the deaths in Vietnam at a time when the percentage of blacks of military age was 13.5% of the total population.
Because there Cowards one on one.
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