DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 10, 2016
A Viewer Writes: Small Town Corruption
After reading the post about Brad Gillis about being in bed with a city counsel member, I found this article to be interesting. This is how the Gillis Gilkerson kids found a way to get one vote from the Wicomico Liquor Board in their favor when trying to change liquor laws that only help themselves. Chris Eccleston, who is a lifetime friend of the Gillis Gilkerson kids conveniently found his way onto the liquor board before they applied to change two liquor laws that would help only their establishments (Brick Room and Headquarters Live). Nothing like small town corruption and buying votes from government officials.
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Info like this is why we need Sbynews. The mainstream media in da bury is awful.
Great post -- please keep it at the top all day!
I love it when the general public has bad stuff to say about the GG crew. They made my life, and the lives of my neighbors, SUCK for 11 months. Risk takers??? How about LAW-BREAKERS?
7:35 AM, excuse me, I don't want to appear as ignorant, but what good does it do for Joe to keep an article at the top all day, when NOTHING ever changes in Salisbury?
Why isnt the Md Inspector General investigating this?.
Is that corruption? Or just intelligently working the system. Corruption implies illegal actions. Were laws broken?
7:56 AM - Like everything else the Md Inspector General does not think it is worthy to mess with the local good ole boys. Been this way for years!!!!!!
Not to mention that Eccleston is also a former employee of Gillis Gilkerson Inc. where he worked as a Project Manager, inside the same office as PALMER GILLIS, BRAD GILLIS, TONY GILKERSON, CHRIS GILKERSON, JOEY GILKERSON, JAMES (JB) BARNES, TYLER BARNES, DWIGHT MILLER, and a not so surprising host of others....oh and I almost forgot the metal recycling place on the west side of Salisbury...that would be Chris Eccleston's father...That's allot of influence in one office...BUT there is more...
Where is this article? I've been busy and haven't had time to read SBYNEWS this week.
Nothing corrupt here, big deal, is that a crime trying to expand a business, where is the crime? I( think a lot of people are just plain jealous of success.
I don't understand why this is an issue. Sorry, I don't get it.
It is not the success of an individual or business that bothers the people. It is the methods employed to achieve that success that bothers the people...
Not exactly corrupt, just business taking care of their own inner circle, but the Chamber now owns Salisbury lock, stock and barrel. Like the election debates, with questions seemingly fed to their chosen candidates. Media hold via PAC14. Chamber of Commerce is the biggest lobby group in the country, outspending the rest.
How do you think the firehouse was gotten for such a low price by them
That depends on how you measure "success."
9:23 thanks. Let the losers rant. Liquor laws are antiquated at best. Also, there is an individual who owns eating establishments and has the liquor board in his vest pocket.
I support free enterprise 100%, but this doesn't represent free enterprise. This is just the small town example of how our entire US has become a crony capitalist system.
On a national level, look at "Phony Uncle Warren" Buffet, an Obama supporter, whose railroad reaped huge benefits from Obama's keystone pipeline veto.
I don't have the answers, but something has to change. I'm willing to vote for any outsider who can break this system and restore real free enterprise in this country.
It's not about whether the laws are antiquated. It's about using influence and taxpayer subsidies to gain an unfair advantage. The firehouse was purchased for a song with the promise that it would provide certain activities that would help draw people downtown to support other businesses. There were several proposals and they were scored against one another based on how well they were aligned with bringing potential customers to benefit downtown. I don't recall any mention of a liquor license. There was discussion about whether the Headquarters Live concept would bring unfair competition to other restaurants in the downtown area who had paid full freight for their operations because of the government subsidy that would be provided through the sale price of the city building. If liquor had been part of the proposal, I don't think it would have passed.
This is not only unfair to other businesses, it is also unfair to the other original bidders on the property and seems much like the deal where the Parer Place owners were sold a valuable city lot for pennies on the dollar with the promise of opening a high end garden center. The city had the authority to take the property back, but didn't. If I understand correctly, someone in the Tilghman family now is a partner or co-owner of the entity that benefited from the bargain basement sale of that property.
You people are just mad because we have the money to throw around and create are own empire. If you were in our boat I mean yacht, you would have alot of friends and associates that want to take of you. Jealousy is not good.
My understanding is the Liquor Board is a state appointed board and not local. It seems to me the GG crowd are stomping their feet like little children and don't want to follow the rules like the other restaurateurs have. Why should rules be changed to accommodate them? If their investments aren't paying off - too bad. You bought everything below market and with questionable ethics. Man up and deal with the consequences instead of whining about the rules being unfair. GROW UP!
Anonymous 9:26am interesting how you chose to use the word "here" when stating "nothing corrupt here". Implying that We The People are accusing you or your surroundings of being corrupt..Could it be you are Eccleston, Gilkerson, Gillis, ect.
No fed up of curupt people getting buildings for PENNIES ON THE $$$ and special favors Being done ,my guess your a OBAMA non paying TAX PAYER.
Money and happiness while pions like you complain. That's success.
Welcome to Wicomico county- anyone more successful than you is a crook, anyone less successful than you is a good for nothing lazy slacker.
the gg people are plain no good for this community
I'm sure that if you do a little digging you will find out that gillis is behind Delmarva Veteran Builders!!!! It's set up as a minority company
Sounds like what is also going on at the ocfd/ocvfc.they want to enforce the Obama care half ass law on working 1500 hours,but the don't enforce the fair labor standard act.You have a couple that work for the career division and are volley chiefs.You would think the city hire ups would get a handle on it.let alone the over paid under qualified fire chief that killed morale.and they have a city attorney for what? Just sayin.
"hire ups". Right, good one.And we are to believe you have read and understood something called the "fair labor standard act".
Just saying.
Looks like not much has changed since we left Salisbury after Barrie and the "Dream Team" (Mikey Dunn, Bubba Comegys and Liar Cathcart) were elected.
Happy in Hebron
This is from a Sbynews item in 2012 -
Christopher D. Eccleston, LEED AP
Project Manager
GGI Builders Inc. T/A Gillis Gilkerson
212 West Main Street Suite #305
Salisbury, MD 21801
Something is rotten in Salisbury (are you surprised?)!
1:58 Don't forget to blame the comeheres and the university too.
Ireton was a grand promoter of crony capitalism if'n ya ask me!
Conflict of interest should be grounds for removal from local government. Period.
Jim always thought he could make Salisbury a destination point with the gay crowd. I don't have a problem with gay people, but why did Jim ever think he could use that to make Salisbury a destination? When Rehobeth Beach, Dewey isn't that far away and they have an ocean for a destination. Ireton even has a house in Rehobeth! He's not the Einstein he thinks he is, I wasn't sure about Jake but clearly he a better vision for this city.
4:10PM - Does Jake Day have a better vision? Really? Perhaps his target demo has changed but its still consistent with the same nonsensical BS in a different form. Bike routes are not more important than a local economy. Sorry to all the bicyclists out there but a township is not thriving if people can't find (or retain) jobs. This hasn't even been mentioned as a big ticket item as of yet.
Beetch, this is not about jealousy. This is about a group of men who lied, cheated, abuse their authority, swindled, bullied, trick, took, downright used the masses for own personal gain. Afterwords, they looked at the workers that got them there at that level of the, oh yacht and began rubbing their wealth in the faces of people that help them get their. And due to the results of this family greed, the Eastern Shore of Maryland is broke, corruptible, criminalized and a terrible place to live. You people not only didn't share the wealth, you donation if any did not serve the citizens well. Please. Jealousy. Not even the case. It's about your snobbish and uppity gread.
Oh yeah! You should try small county politics like Somerset. Nothing like being in the hands of a true dynasty as nepotism, although corrupt in and of itself, is the daily order of the day for this county!!
11:34 it sounds like you are talking about the Clintons!
Look at the Somerset County Commissioners for ethics violations. They appoint their inlaws and business associates to positions and then do not require any disclosure reporting for them. It is absurd and illegal, but they are getting away with it.
Until last year, the Somerset Commissioners wrote N/A on all questions on their disclosure filings and still refuse to enforce disclosure reporting for their appointments who are approving projects that are contrary to current zoning laws; projects that benefit their friends and business associates while reducing property values of the less influential.
No wonder the Muslims are going to construct their first Mosque on the Eastern Shore in Somerset.
The Commissioners are probably in on that one too because if its bad for residents, the Commissioners are all for it!
This should be on the "top 5 posts". Why isn't it?
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