DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Salisbury/Wicomico County Has A Serious Homeless Problem
It's not a topic most want to discuss but it's a reality Salisbury must start addressing.
Between the Mayor of Salisbury and the County Executive, NOTHING is getting better and I do NOT want to hear it's Obama's fault.
IF we cannot get proper LEADERSHIP in OUR part of the country then we are ALL failing.
Ireton and Pollitt have had plenty of time to make things better but as I have been preaching for YEARS, you have life long POLITICIANS in Office who are either a part of out of control spending OR they have the ability to stop the waste. Pollitt refuses to produce their spending expenses, (because of the upcoming election) and Ireton is one of the BOE Staff possibly spending money that is supposed to be spent on the children, all of which we have exposed for the past 23 weeks.
We need manufacturing. We need to ELIMINATE ALL of the drugs on the streets, which is completely OUT OF CONTROL. I truly have to wonder, will the voters finally wake up in November?
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Get rid of the drugs? The same drugs that get lifted from the evidence room in order to subsidize police officers salaries? That's crazy talk, Joe.
People here don't want to help them. The attitude is that they are in that situation because of their own bad choices.
If you gave a dollar to everyone begging in salisbury, you would be BROKE! Seems every corner has someone there now. It is getting real old real fast.
I'll help them. I'm offering a free ride to either Baltimore or Philadelphia once a week.
There needs to be a NO PANHANDLING LAW, enough of this crap already.
Yes, get rid of the drug problem. Not every couple of years. The heroin problem is way out of control here and not ONE LE will tell you what I'm saying isn't true.
As for people making bad choices, perhaps you are right. However, these are HUMAN BEINGS who need a roof over their head and food in their stomachs.
It's a shame that God has been taken out of our every day life and for what it's worth I see a dismal future for America because of it.
We were raised to HELP each other. NO ONE went on Welfare, FAMILY stepped in and helped out, as well as the Church.
Wicomico County is failing miserably with economic development. Come on people, THINK! It has only been since Pollitt and Ireton have been in office that you are now seeing an unbelievable amount of people BEGGING on the streets.
Yes, there was maybe one or two regulars in years past but now they are everywhere. Foreclosures are at an all time history high in Wicomico County. ALL TIME!
I guess ALL of those people who couldn't fulfill their mortgage commitment made bad choices too, right?
How many of your own children are either living with you or dependent on you in some way? Things are really bad out there right now and for a very small percentage they do not have a job, no roof over their head and no clue where the next meal is coming from.
Look at what we reported yesterday with the Grandfather of SEVEN.
Use your vote wisely in November because the Democrats need to go. The career life long politicians who have NEVER been in business need to go.
By the way, the ONLY people who made bad choices were the people that supported Pollitt and Ireton.
This looks real good when people are going through Salisbury North and South bound.
Just accept that which you cannot change.95% of the homeless are putting the rest of us to the test anyway.What you and the majority of John Q Public fail to realize is that "if" for instance homelessness went away completely something else would take it's place.There is not now nor will there ever be a void.There will always be some undesirable faction to fill the void.Leadership cannot eradicate the laws of physics.
Aside from the political speak, does anyone know the story with the woman who owns the dog? I can't stand to see the homeless, but it breaks my heart more when they have a pet. I've heard all of the stories of the young man who was begging next to Wawa and his prison/drug issues but I haven't heard anything about this woman, who I've seen more frequently. Does she actually have a place to stay or does she live on the streets?
Amen Joe.
Joe, where can I send you a picture of the top "homeless" person's newer F-150 pick-up her boyfriend/husband drives to pick up her "earnings" for the day and then goes directly to the liquor store on Naylor Mill Road?
Aaaaand Obama......
It's was liberal politicians do .....they need misery to stay in office
It's was liberal politicians do .....they need misery to stay in office
I respectfully disagree that the folks going through foreclosure didn't make bad choices. They bought more house than they could afford and it is not my responsibilty to help them out of the mess they made. The same personal accountability that you demand from politicians applies to the citizens as well. Everyone has put their wants ahead of needs and will not settle for delayed gratification.
10:25, Typical Liberal response.
Yeah, you know what would happen IF you replaced all the homeless, JOBS! You know, like BEFORE Obama, O'Malley, Pollitt and Ireton came on board.
What say you now?
10:52, "HOPE" "CHANGE" Yeah, every American was made to BELIEVE everything was going to be BETTER under the LIBERAL leadership. So people went out and bought new homes. Interest rates were at an all time low and at that time, with such rates, people COULD afford bigger and newer homes.
Well, guess what. The bottom dropped out and what we got was FALSE HOPE and LOOSE CHANGE.
On a local level, O'Malley has driven out many businesses through taxes. Pollitt has driven the County into HIGHER tax increases EVERY year, as has Ireton.
We're hiring Firemen we can't afford, (obviously) building Fire Departments we do NOT need, building mega million dollar schools that are completely unnecessary rather than remodeling them.
We're selling off City property for less than 10 cents on a dollar, all because we have leaders who have never been in business.
What are you doing to help deal with the HOMELESS? We have several active ministries doing their part Christian Shelter, Halo and Joseph Hose to name three. Volunteer to HELP!
11:00, If your comment is directed towards me personally, we do our fair share of feeding the homeless as often as possible. I ran for Mayor and lived in the City for a year to hopefully make changes for the better as well. I've done my fair share of sacrificing and will continue to do so as I believe these people, (many of them) are simply down on their luck. Yes, some are abusers of alcohol and drugs but YOU do NOT have ANY Leadership in Pollitt or Ireton. Instead, they IGNORE these people and or actually go to their camp sites and take ALL of their personal belongings ANY time someone reports their presence. The Police Chief says, well, they can always come to the station and claim their belongings. REALLY, HOW do they get there?
Jim Ireton, Rick Pollitt and Barbara Duncan KICK THEM WHEN THEY ARE DOWN.
They even stopped us from FEEDING the Homeless. They claimed it was a Health Department issue because they wanted ALL of them to go through HALO so they could run background checks on ALL of them.
It's a very sad situation. I know for me personally, I'd take in a LOT more PRIDE in the community by HELPING these people get back on their own two feet and be proud of who they have become.
Funny how they care more about graffiti then they do the homeless. Funny how Ireton wants to help the people coming out of Jail with job training and spending your tax dollars when the system already provides such a service 30 days before they get out of Jail.
These people only want to be in front of a camera trying to make it LOOK like they care but behind the scenes they're taking their belongings in the hope they'll go somewhere else, like Delmar and so forth.
What is Salisbury doing abiut thr Homeless and drug addicts and thugs is the question. ..NOTHING.
For as little as $3 for a bus ride to OC, these people could be making good money as Street Performers.
Everyone in the begging business knows you get far more money if you bring a dog along.
It is a shame that Salisbury has come to be this way. I have grown up in this area and it saddens me to see what I see today. I believe in a "hand up" not a "hand-out". Some of the homeless are where they are because of drugs or alcohol, some because they are down on their luck. I will help with a "hand up" but not with a "hand out". I have been down on luck before and I got a "hand up". I have been blessed.
goes directly to the liquor store on Naylor Mill Road?
September 16, 2014 at 10:46 AM
there is a liquor store on naylor mill?
Someone sent in a comment in which I rejected but I will publish their first question.
"If you see the problem and do not offer a solution, or help alleviate it, you are part of the problem. Writing articles on a blog does not solve or alleviate problems".
While this was addressed towards me personally, let me say this. ONE, I ran for Mayor to HELP alleviate the problem. We had an incredible detailed platform to address these issues.
As far as a Blog solving or alleviating problems, I firmly disagree.
There are MANY thousands of people who come here every single day and see news and information you have NEVER seen in the local paper or TV news.
Are you saying there isn't a problem?
Well, IF you agree there IS a problem and it should be addressed and or FIXED, then WHY has your local media IGNORED IT? Why did they IGNORE Salisbury being the 4th most dangerous city in America, (per capita) until the story became so big here on SBYNews that they were forced to do so many weeks later?
You better believe WE make a monstrous difference. WHY do you think Rick Pollitt refuses to publish their monthly spending in his office ever since WE started publishing and exposing it?
Oh, you'll see in this next election what difference we make. That is, unless the election is rigged.
As for solutions on the homeless, STOP treating them like dirt. Make them a priority and instead of spending money on ex cons, use that money towards training the homeless. PUT THEM TO WORK IN THE CITY. There are plenty of things that need to be done. Paint some fountains. Clean the river banks. The list goes on and on. Make them productive but at least OFFER them SOMETHING to make them feel human again.
When they take a lunch break, have a soup kitchen bring them lunch and dinner. Take what each school doesn't use each and every day and feed the homeless.
Ignoring them, taking their personal belongings and locking them up is counter productive.
How many of you can say that when your ancestors came to America, they had a home, a place to live, a job? Just because the MAJORITY are not drowning doesn't mean we should FORGET where we came from.
I'm not going to sit here and say everything I have done for this community but IF you haven't gotten it by now, I'll never change your mind anyway. All I will say is, I sleep very well at night knowing I always do everything I can to help ANY underdog willing to better themselves.
Tina, AMEN.
NEVER forget where you came from.
So why is the Christain shelter still closed if painting only needs to be done? It has been closed since March. Why can't the homeless help paint? No code restrictions to be able to paint!!! The Amish can put a barn up in a day!!!!
not all these people are homeless. their relatives expose them regularly. not saying we shouldn't help "those in need". NEVER give them money, only food. a good number of the really homeless have mental issues.
Here in South Carolina there lived a tent city of 50 to 100 homeless people living together and helping each other. WThey lived out of sight in a wooded area.. What was the Government solution ? they entered in force and destroyed their make shift homes and made them move. My question--- Where exactly did the Government think that these people would move?
Ron, Barbara Duncan has done the same thing in Salisbury, twice.
Society is really starting to look more and more like the Hunger Games movie. Cities are turning into slums and you have the very rich and the extremely poor or homeless. Can only count the days when Obama is out of office and can only hope for better government in the future.
As a church volunteer for the homeless, a lot of the homeless are working, but the jobs don't give the the hours or money to afford housing . Some of them would really surprise you. They are not your stereo typical bums. Some of them come from middle class homes. Some are young adults forced to fend for themselves and no where to go. I think this problem will only get worse.
Many of us are just a pay check away from being homeless. Say for instance, you house insurance was late and you planned to pay it your next paycheck but the day before, a storm hits and floods or lightening strikes and sets your house on fire. You have no insurance. Therefore you are left technically homeless (your home has been destroyed) or say, you lost your job and car and couldn't find immediate employment. You could face being homeless. Or say for instance that someone hit you in a car accident that was their fault but you ended up needing expensive and extensive medical care and treatment. Supposed you come back from the military and you have PTSD or you leave a abusive partner who was the primary breadwinner and you worked in the home only. These are real life situations and circumstances that have happened and are causes for people being homeless. They deserve a hand up. There are some bad apples that be for money to feed their drug/alcohol habits but the vast majority of the homeless here have "legitimate" reasons. Step back and realize that your life could change in the blink of an eye and then you would look at these people, there human beings, with hearts, in another light.
Hey money bags lol why dont you move them to your HUGE estate in Delmar. You are a two cent millionaire. You are a worthless little troll of a man. Feed em Joe you got it lol. Loooooooooooooooooser
I have a suggestion rent a school bus or borrow one for a day, for everyone standing on a corner write down their names and locations, take them somewhere in the city we need work done, on the highways cleaning up vacant properties etc see how many of those accept the work for pay. The city has the $ to at least try it, and be totally honest with the results.
That comment just have been from JT!
Or maybe John Robinson the pretend big shot?
The drugs will always be on the streets as long as there are people who want to buy them. I think anyone who is capable and wants to work should have the opportunity to. The sad reality is that many of these people simply do not want to.
Without knowing it 1:46pm, I think you have encapsulated Americas future. The widening divide between the haves and have nots, and it's growing everyday. The majority of suggestions or temporary fixes will not affect long term change. Politicians are at a lose apparently, or have been bought off by foreign powers? Either way, when people get hungry, their families starving, no law nor lip service of any kind is going to stand in their way from survival. The monetary divisions are already established, only time will tell everyones future. The paper dollar has no meaning to a hungry person. Be it monetary collapse or violent outbreaks no one will try to stand between the hungry and the haves. Not law enforcement nor military because they to have families to protect and worthless paper won't help. Kingdoms will fall, bloodshed will be common place. It's simple history, if we don't learn from our pasts, then we are destined to repeat them.
Those who work with the homeless on a daily basis would ask that we don't give them cash, but give them direction to a shelter such as HALO. The point is they can receive services there which may improve their situation whether it be social services, mental health, GED classes or simply a meal and a shower. Giving them cash, doesn't help especially if they are drug or alcohol abusers.
As far a the climate in Salisbury/Wicomico, I agree that the existing administrations have not properly addressed the problem. It was more important to Ricky to give county employees their birthdays off, create and grow a legal department, give raises to "certain" people, buy a fleet of new vehicles for Mackes, and so on.
Joe is right - if we are stupid enough to keep returning these people to office, we deserve what we get. Let your voice be heard - not voting is like voting for the incumbent and we need them GONE. Be sure you vote for Culver, he deserves a chance to see what he can do. We know far too well what Ricky P is capable of and I for one don't want to give him another 4 years.
Can you move this to the top please.
John ROBBING SON is a fruit cake and a turd.
Jt Would be homeless if it wasn't for Welfare.
The guy that lives on the corner of College ave and rt 13 at the CVS you can tell has mental issues and it's terrible that the authorities leave him out there to fend for himself.
2:18, I do feed them. As for my millionaire status, what do YOU know about my finances? You do realize just how big of an Idiot you now look like, right? Hiding behind anonymous, (as usual) like a coward, I own all my properties, mortgage free. How about you, big shot? 14 cars, two Harley's, a motor coach, come on big fella, can you walk the walk?
Nah, you're 450 pounds hiding behind anonymous living in affordable housing, on disability, food stamps but your a real tough guy, not.
Yeah, I'm a two cent millionaire. LMAO
FOLKS we your Government ask for you apologies in spending all you tax dollars on the Useless Sex Offender Registry and are unable to fund other programs. But we do Thank you for your votes when we passed so many useless Sex Offender Laws that are now being struck down in courts all across America. Fighting these Laws are costing us a fortune and has yet to been proven to be effective other than getting your all Votes and hope you can understand. Lets face it . If the Sex Offender Registry was so effective would we not have one for other violent offenders ?? Yes we would , but due to fact it does not work we wish not to waste no more money at this time on useless Registries and use rest of tax dollars trying to save the torn up and useless sex offender registry.
Will the Humane Society please go pick up that poor dog? We don't know how or where he is living or if he is eating properly. Someone who could love him would love to adopt him and give him a safe home away from the traffic and poor conditions.
That isn't always true. My husband hurt his back and couldn't work for awhile. We got behind on our mortgage on our modest rancher. It took two years to get a modification. So not all are living beyond their means. Sometimes stuff happens when you are just trying to survive.
A lot of pie in the sky wishing...homeless tell her to give the dog away, one less mouth to feed. Drugs will never go away from this society today...like weed it all will become legal if the world keeps going like it is today. Voting won't solve it either...politicians say what it takes to get elected then go the way of those with the most influence. No one person can please everyone...so who do they try to please??? YOU??? Don't think so....
No easy solution but it's a great convenience when some of them are some how registered and get to vote. Certain mental conditions cannot be changed but pandering to people who can make their lives better is a waste of money and energy. Yes I am a cold heartless bastard but I know how grateful I was for food when I was hungry and I will continue to work but not to support people who literally lay down on the grass at Rt13 and College Avenue. I guess building up a great downtown will change this situation.
Ok folks im alittle late to this post today and I dont have questions as to how salisbury and the surrounding areas have fallen so far down but I have a a few simple suggestions. First thing is to block off both bypasses.....they have created the biggest problem for salisbury. More people thru salisbury is more money here. Number 2..a ferry from the western shore to somerset count.....it also time for all of you to take a long hard look at who you vote for locally. The state level is differrent although I believe a republican may finally be governor soon. The damage to the shore has been along time in coming....decades in the making....its going to take alot more pain before things may improve. You all need to embrace progress and stop running from it.....tourism is the shores only real industry so it had better learn to embrace tourists. Oc needs a make over....and it better happen quick....your not going to bring much new industry at this time as some politcal changes are needed at the state level so it best to work with what you have. Its not rocket science folks.
I've seen the comments on here , it is sad. Salisbury is just a tip of the ice-berg.
The entire country is like this , every town , every city , every place you go.
If you want change , which I don't think most really give a crap , voting won't do it now.
This country NEEDS a revolution , like it or not.
You guys elected an idiot , now you wonder what in the hell to do about it. Pathetic , just pathetic.
The United States, in 14 years, has not created one more manufacturing job.
Think about that.
Not one.
It's all been medical, edu, government. Not one manufacturing job.
I might as well become a homeless drug addict.
It pays the same, and is more entertaining.
Although, I'd rather have a good paying job...
Bring em to your house Hypocrite! !!
There is shelter right now for the women and children at Halo. They are working very hard to open shelter for the men too. As of right now there is no shelter for the men. The Village if Hope does help with shelter for women and children but not men. Again, why is it taking so long for the Christian Shelter to open? They house the men.
In case you haven't noticed it, this is a NATIONAL problem, as well as local.. Thanks Ob' & Om'..
Most people who experience homelessness (eighty percent) are homeless for a short period of time, and usually need help finding housing and/or a rent subsidy. But unfortunately, for those with a pet it becomes more difficult. Many are forced to choose between their pet and a roof over their head. Surprisingly, most choose to stay on the streets with their pets for longer periods of time. For the chronically homeless, a pet provides companionship helping with the loneliness of being homeless. A pet opens the opportunity of social interaction with other people. When pets can be the focus of attention they keep their owners in the present. They need to be feed, watered, brushed, walked which helps with stress and anxiety because stress is caused by worrying about the past or the future. Caregiving brings a certain amount of psychological and physical relaxation. Depending on the relationship between the owner and their pet, the owner may even put the pet’s needs in front of their own. Research shows that petting an animal lowers blood pressure and has other benefits. For the homeless a pet is a member of their family, a family of two. To those of you who merely complained about the selfishness of the first photo, or the fact she is using the animal to "raise" her daily monetary income, you must not be a pet lover. If you have lived here for any length of time, and saw the gentleman with the dog "gloria" you would know his love for that dog was a stronger bond than many of the non- homeless pet owners.
I encourage someone to open a homeless pet donation shelter. I would volunteer.
It's against the law to pan handle, but it's not enforced.
Words to live by....
"Never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. "
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The guy that lives on the corner of College ave and rt 13 at the CVS you can tell has mental issues and it's terrible that the authorities leave him out there to fend for himself.
September 16, 2014 at 4:26 PM
Is he the reason I have seen cops up there twice, blocking entrances?
I feel bad for the true homeless BUT the scum that are FAKING it need to be hassled and arrested, hey cops do YOUR FN JOB.
I work at a local grocery store, and I have personally waited on about 8 "homeless". They get their food with their independence cards. They will use their cell phones to call about their balances if they think they had more in their account. And they whip out cash to buy smokes. Then I leave work, and they pan handling folks who feel sorry for them. These people r getting help from the state of Md. They r not dumb, we r. We r taking care of people who don't want to work.
Never ever saw any of these types of hardships while growing up in Bowie. It was because it was a "community" largely populated by compassionate people willing to help each other out in times of need.
They are All from Philly and. Ny.
2:18 & 6:56 - You are ignorant. Your arrogant comments offer no solutions to the serious homeless problem, rather only further contaminates it with the filth that spews from your foul mouths. Grow up, and start thinking about someone else besides yourself!
Thank God for Celeste Savage and HALO. We need many more angels like Celeste.
No human being should have to go hungry, dirty, and living on the street, especially in freezing cold temperatures.
You are right, Joe, it is the responsibility of all people who have been blessed to help the less fortunate.
The Bible states that many of those who came first in this life will come last in God's Kingdom and many of those who came last in this life will come first.
Last year the woman and dog were parked under a tree at the walmart/sams entrance. I told her to get her dog some water. It was one of those scorching hot days.
That's how long she has been up to this fake homelessness. But I did notice at least the dog had a nice new harness, so the fruits of our labor at least went to a good purpose.
I do not think she is really homeless. She uses the dog to gain more sympathy. The dog looked healthy, but I was not pleased she dragged him out in 95+ degree weather to beg for money. That is cruel and irresponsible.
Homeless people should not have dogs or any other pets for that matter. They aren't able to support themselves so how are they supposed to be able to support a pet!? An area animal shelter should take this dog away from this woman.
lmao, seriously? don't look like any of them are starving. especially the woman with the dog. She could stand to lose a few pounds anyway!
Well it's unanimous.Most of the commenters would step over an unconscious person rather than render help.There are a few who would help,but the majority would race home and file a complaint via Sby News.Oh that's right,everyone has an I Phone now.I need to catch up with the times.
Halo is a wonderful shelter and so well run by Celeste! Presently, women and children r staying at the shelter and a new area for the men will be opening soon!!! This is desperately needed for the men. They have no shelter presently. The Christain shelter has been closed since March. Have been renovating but have been told since July all that needed to be completed was painting. Do not need codes to paint. Why aren't the homeless in their painting? I'm sure their are plenty out there who would love to help so they would have a place to stay. Every time you call to see when the shelter will be open they say in two weeks. The Amish put a barn up in a day!
There is a HUGE difference between a unconscious, sick person and a person wanting money.... and no I don't have an iphone but the homeless do and what home address do they use to receive their monthly iphone bill.....humm
You know 9:19am, maybe you should get out there and give $ to the people begging, and then go party with them and they can use the $ you gave them to buy you drinks since it is known around salisbury that they do that with the $ given.
You r rite 3:45! There's pictures 2 prove that. And no limp or dirty shirt. And he had a roll of cash on him, and he could dance too. He was buying the "ladies " drinks. Oh that's rite, he got his money from the uncaring people who wont render help to poor souls.
Most of our local politicians know full well about our lackluster economy. But look at what they try to do - DISTORT THE TRUTH!!!. Here at SBYnews we have published many supportive documents showing the actual business closures, displaced workers, unemployment trends, workforce numbers - and what do the Politicians do - they say how good things are knowing all the time knowing full well that the local economy is a catastrophe.
While they are campaigning to get re-elected to office - the local economy is in doldrums.
Everyone needs to turnout and vote these people out. You have the ammunition and now it is about time for you to use it at the voting booth come November.
Anonymous 4:26:
"The guy that lives on the corner of College ave and rt 13 at the CVS you can tell has mental issues and it's terrible that the authorities leave him out there to fend for himself."
WRONG. The "authorities" pick him up repeatedly. He has significant mental health issues. Go talk to him. He's not going anywhere. He keeps coming back to that spot.
She's done a lot of good yes but.she's no Angel.trust me. More like a school yard bully.
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