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Tuesday, July 09, 2013

SPD Press Release 7-9-13


Anonymous said...

Why so much hype on shoplifters? because according to SPD's numbers, there has been an increase in "thefts" this is because spd is changing UCR codes on calls that should be classified as burglaries to thefts, a lesser crime. so while "burglaries" are down, thefts are up and they want you to believe it is all shoplifters. drink the koolaid people!

Anonymous said...

WOW don't know who you are7:09PM but you are a person in the know. The house of cards will fall down and all the imaginary crime reductions will be exposed for what they are LIES!

Anonymous said...

709pm is full of it. You cant call a burglary a theft. They are two completely different criminal acts. Shoplifting is a huge problem in this area. Walmart is a large part of the problem because they will let anybody walk in and make illegal/false returns then its up to the police to clean up the mistake. Bring back the door greeters that tagged items for return.