In an earlier Post today I published
The Death Of Daniel Somers, a story about a soldier who committed suicide...
Well if was easy everybody would do it.

anonymous 10:33, Go To Hell.
America shouldn't expect to be respected by other countries because we have more fire power.
America should be respected because we have the wisdom to make lives better around the World. You do so by example.
Abortions, Gay Marriage, out of control spending and leadership. These are just some of the examples, (you're welcome to add to it) of which we are failing the rest of the World, let alone our very own right here at home.
In the mean time, we have our very own children taking their own lives, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers, when does it end? And what are we to gain from these ridiculous wars?
America is becoming the most corrupt country in the World. Heck, A RAIN TAX, REALLY? A select few are becoming billionaires while the majority are on food stamps, welfare, affordable housing, homeless and flat out poor.
Democrats AND Republicans should all come together and stop these wars immediately. The United States should look into the future, regroup and realize we are doomed if we stay on this same path.
Someone will eventually come to America and take us over. Keep it up and watch what eventually happens.
God Bless our men and women serving our Armed Forces. This 4th of July we have to wonder, should we really be celebrating OR should we put our foot down and say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I'm sure many Veterans will agree.
Bring Our Soldiers Home! CREATE JOBS! Heck, our very own Veterans can't even find work, let alone every one else.
I'll be proud to be an American when our President fulfills his promise to bring every one home. When our government abolishes welfare and food stamps because we've created a country that delivers quality manufacturing once again. When Americans aren't forced to buy overseas products because they're cheaper and break in a short period so you have to buy it again and again.
leadership starts at the top. our president is corrupt, he is no leader, all he wants to do is play politics and travel the world at our expense. we will never be great again until our leaders look at there job as service not entitlement and power. it may be too late
The numbers sadly tell the story: more military suicides than combat deaths in 2012, some 22 military veterans take their lives every day, nearly 30 percent of veterans treated by the VA have PTSD.
What does the above statement tell other countries?
Are we so blind that we simply do not pay attention. Do YOU really care? Didn't we allegedly go to war to PROTECT America? Yet our own Soldiers are killing themselves, 22 a day!
Just what is it going to take for Americans to finally wake up. These men and women are doing this for a REASON.
America will continue to fall because we as a nation have turned our back on God and it is just going to keep getting worse. If you repudiate your past, and abandon God which brought us to greatness, we will just be another country as we are heading toward at a very fast pace but there is hope if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior and if you haven't I suggest you find a fundamental bible believing church and be there on Sunday.
Boy Scouts
Gay marriage bad but multiple marriages OK?
Bottom line is that it is a lost cause. The Muslims have been fighting one another since before Jesus. Its a way of life for them. We can not create peace in a country that doesn't want peace. Russia was there for 10 years and accomplished nothing. When we leave things will go back just the way they were, just like Vietnam. At one time it was about oil. We have here in America all the oil we need if the President and EPA would just get out of the way.
3:52 I was thinking the same thing
Albero, I know what your talking about how the US should be respected by other countries but it can't be this days since the economy is unstable, and the problem with the US being intrusive to other countries' problems when we should get into it. Because of the US being intrusive it has so many enemies. Let me ask a question, "why are we helping other countries when there are so many problems here that needs to be fixed"? No other countries helps the US, but still the US tries to help even if they are better to be left alone. In my opinion the government needs to fix up the US before helping others we have a debt over 17 trillion dollars, employment is lost to other countries and there are many imports, but very few exports in the US now.
It's the republicans that are killing this country.. They are freaking crazy.. Just listen to their comments
God bless our soldiers. But they are dispensable pawns at this point to the corporate super elite/ military industrial/ global banking oligarchy that has hijacked our republic. Let them fight a war thought up in a neo-con think tank while we rake in billions upon billions in no bid defense contracts and weapons deals to whoever's payin'. Let them guard the opium fields, harvest, and ship it in from Afghanistan while we fill up the private prisons with non violent drug offenders to have the most prisoners of any nation in the world. Let them get hooked on the psycho tropic prescription meds we dole out to every PTSD soldier and then take their gun rights, benefits, and lives for a war that's about lithium and opium. Iraq was a fraud for the oil, gold, currency, and defense contracts. 9/11 was a fraud to perpetuate the 100 year war on terror. Our government in plain sight is balancing their good deeds with their evil, much like many occult practices.
The suicides have been going on for a long, long time. I, myself have posted the stats for that. Glad to see it's finally being taken seriously. I have no proof as yet, but I would bet most of them stems from their leadership, or lack thereof.
!:08 A little obsessed? You might want to look into why.
Drew 1:08 is right it is not our fault as christians that homosexuals live a sick and perverted lifestyle.
Joe - Great commentary. With Bernanke still printing 85 billion per month and then buying our own bonds - its no wonder we have lost our footing.
I saw a TV show a few days ago whereby an american issued a challenge to buy all american. When he was challenged by another colleague - the gentlemen who issued the challenge conceded that it was now impossible as found that almost every store he visited did not contain any US manufacturered products.
Bottom line - they are virtually all gone.
We have went from a nation of people who fervently believed in self-sufficiency, individual liberty, and the ability to achieve whatever you wanted by hard work and dedication to a nation of disabled, incompetent, welfare for generations for life, someone "owes" me something spongebobs. We REWARD laziness, punish excellence, take from those who achieve and give to those whose greatest effort lies in checking the mailbox for their latest (unearned) handout. It can only last for so long before it collapses. And all these wars? Money making operations for the elite. Anyone REALLY think politicians give a crap about whether or not Afghanistan is democratic? They just want to sell weapons. To whomever. THEIR kids aren't dying of anything except old age. Wake up.
The country needs to repent and turn back to God before we are utterly destroyed. How many more signs does He have to give us. We have at least a dozen axes on threads ready to drop on us from internally and externally. Like Jesus said, you look to the west and see dark clouds and say "a storm is coming" yet you can not discern the times. Repent means to turn around, change direction.
11:17 I agree with all your points, you see the uncomfortable truth. But I feel today's generation is genetically weaker physically, mentally and emotionally.
Many kids in this age are spoiled and have no clue what a harsh life it is over there.
I want to add this too, In my opinion, this generation goes to war for different reason vs those who went to serve their country in the 50's. Most young men who go in the service do so to get something, either it is an escapee from poverty, no jobs at home or they see no other choice for their future now that they have knock up a girl.
It is not the same type of war. killing to support a selfish politicians agenda or kill because the Sargent tells you to but you know it is a violation of humanity or killing for no good reason, killing when you know it is wrong. The human psyche cannot bear it unless the person has no feelings of compassion for others.
So true 1:43! Every kid I know locally that enlists is for the "steady job" with "great benefits" because there are no other jobs. Naturally there is a small percentage that enlist following in patriarchal footsteps, but I bet 90% do it for the job and they feel like there's no other choice to survive without doing something stupid and ending up in the slavery 2.0 system....oh I mean prison system.
11:17 am
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