While Matt Creamer clearly stated why the County cannot use the $14,000,000.00 from Bennett High School and move it to Bennett Middle School, while Councilwoman Gail Bartkovich stated she wouldn't handle her own personal finances without knowing what she faces in the future, she cannot do so to the County Taxpayers, while $1.5 million is scheduled to be pulled from the County's General Fund for this project, while $5.5 million in savings all of a sudden disappeared, the list just kept going on and on as to why this letter of intent could not be signed, still, THREE Council Members wanted to break the LAW and move forward with Bennett Middle School. To learn there was an additional $3.5 million miscalculation that YOU did not hear about in which the state stated they would not fund added that much more to the taxpayers pockets.
I have never seen in all my years of doing this such a ignorant minded group of elected officials willing to break the law, (their own laws, mind you) just to push something through. They have NO idea what the future holds in the 2013 budget, yet three council members voted yes for this project.
Now, keep in mind. 44% of the schools in Wicomico County FAILED the AYP. 3 High Schools, 3 Middle Schools and 3 Elementary Schools FAILED this state test, yet they want MORE from the taxpayers. Hell, Prince Street Elementary have failed for three years straight and they were recently remodeled. CLEARLY better and newer schools make no difference whatsoever. In fact, parents received letters telling them they have every right to remove their child from that school and move them to a better school.
Now, today we came to learn MANY things YOU did not know. We'll start with FUNNY MONEY. I say funny money because even the County Council learned for the FIRST time today exactly what the 7 cent tax increase was for. You see, you and I, we believed it was ALL for Bennett Middle School. NOPE, not at all true. Only 2 cents of it was necessary for Bennett Middle School. That being said, YOU do NOT need to raise taxes 7 cents, PERIOD! Mind you, there needs to be a tax increase for roads and services but you should have seen ALL the jaws dropping when they learned it was not necessary to raise the taxes like they proposed. Rick Pollitt ALMOST got away with it.
As mentioned earlier, the $14,000,000.00 from the HS cannot be moved to the Middle School, funny money. There was a $3.5 million dollar miscalculation the state just found and the County will now be liable for that funding. $5.5 million in alleged savings that never came through, funny money. By the time all is said and done there is close to $25,000,000.00 in funding unaccounted for and here's what I'd like to know. If these people are EDUCATING our children and they screw up on almost $25,000,000.00, who do we fire first??????
In closing, we are not Rockville, Bowie and Annapolis. I was asked today why I moved to Wicomico County. I moved to the Eastern Shore because the cost of living was so reasonable for retirement. I moved AWAY from Bowie and Annapolis because my taxes were through the roof and quite frankly this is a much nicer place to enjoy life. Well, it used to be anyway. Today, many seem to want to have the luxuries of Annapolis and Rockville but when it comes right down to it, we don't have the volume of people or property to come anywhere near the revenue other counties bring in. SCHOOLS do NOT bring people here. In fact, CRIME has a LOT to do with why people move to certain areas and quite frankly crime is through the roof, 4th most dangerous city in America, per capita, (Salisbury).
The Superintendent has proven he has no clue how to add and subtract and quite frankly with 44% of our schools failing the AYP test, I truly doubt this guy should be REWARDED, period.
The Council made a very professional and difficult decision to vote this letter of intent down today. Mind you, you will NOT see much of what I have shared with you in this message on WBOC or the Daily Times. Shame on O'Sample Hughes, O'Holloway and O'Hall.
Blame Rick Pollitt for not providing ample financial and budget projections to the Council, which did the only reasonable thing under the circumstances.
These figures are presented by CPA's and people who are financially literate.
Sample Hughes is nothing more than Pollitt's lap dog continuously lying and drinking the koolaid. So, no vote for Pollitt, Sample Hughes, Holloway and Hall. Time for them to get their heads out of their asses.
anonymous 4:42, CPA's can ONLY go by numbers they are FED. Try again.
Where are these people coming from that want a new school? There are no good jobs around here to go to and new schools are not going to change that.
To 4:42 - The only reporting you can trust is what you are now reading - SBYnews - (fair and balanced).
You've already seen the kind of information that The Daily Times doles out - (biased and unobjective). Just connect the dots - its plain and simple.
By now - most people realize there are stark differences in reporting styles between SBYnews & The Daily Times. I can personally tell you that this site is the real deal - in delivering the most recent, factual, LIVE news broadcast that you'll ever experience.
Real leaders lead, not just push the buck down the road. Maybe the four that voted "no" should spend the last two months of the BMS school year in that building during the day. I bet they'd think of a solution then! I know for a fact Stevie Prettyman refuses to step foot inside.
I'll say it again - if animals were housed there in June, the state would make us shut it down. But kids? Who cares!
Somerset is also having issues, with the Superintendent, Dr Marjory Miles, requesting Washington and Crisfield High Schools be combined into one central location. I expect several counties are having financial difficulties, while school personnel try and find a solution to solve needs.
Joe why are you taking on problems of Maryland you live in Delaware? Something sounds fishy and I believe there is more to this story than you are saying.
Holloway voted NO
anonymous 5:18, I own multiple properties in Wicomico County, but I'm sure you know that already.
Don't hate me because I was smarter than most to buy a home in Delaware. Mind you, I'm 1/4 of a mile from the Salisbury line, look it up.
I should add, I pay quite a bit in taxes for your schools too.
Fruitland Generic Citizen---
Just stop with your nonsense cause I know for a fact Stevie Prettyman has been in BMS numerous times. I've seen her there visiting a few of her friends who work there.
Maye you just don't like the way the four voted, and, by the way I don't either, but that doesn't give you a right to bash and tell lies on them. Grow up and let's stay on the issue and not slam anyone for their vote.
anonymous 5:32, Joe Holloway voted no. Matt O'Holloway votes yes.
Criiter Getter is that you hiding behind that name " Fruitland Generic Citizen" I herd you are selling your properties in Fruitland and I must say that's great news! Maybe you can get the lot next door to your buddy Albero!
I know you don't support this, because your afraid of your taxes going up.....well why don't you get a job.....you certainly have no idea about what it takes to educate someone.......and what teachers go thur
To Beezer - that's exactly why I keep returning. I dropped the DT long ago and have never regretted it. And how refreshing it is to hear the plain and simple truth.
To Fruitland Generic Citizen
I also live in Fruitland and can tell you that we are taxed maxed out! This city's taxes are way to high for the services it renders. I'm looking all the time to relocate out of the City of Fruitland. You can speak for yourself - but I feel that we have been taken to the cleaners.
5:50 screams of being Jonathan Taylor. Can't spell and very stupid.
Only the people with kids at Bennett are upset with the vote. Those of us with kids on the outskirts of the county are glad. Joe makes a good point. It isn't the newest, latest and "greatest" schools that are doing the best in test scores.
It's simple math and economics, people. We shouldn't be spending money that we don't have!
This story should be sent to Dateline and 60 Minutes,CROOKS who will get fired? The Wic.B.O.E. is Ripping us!
I went to Bennett Middle- way back then it was Bennett Jr.
I survived no air conditioning
We didn't have central air in any of my schools
the money is NOT there right now - why is this so hard to understand?
I went to school at Bennett Middle. It was sometimes hot in June. So what? Schools don't have to be new and fancy for learning to happen. People will pi k a school for educational quality not ac.
You know us old folks went to schools that were not air conditioned,had leaky roofs and either froze you or burned you up in the winter. Believe it or not we survived.My son survived the old Willards School and the un- air conditioned portions of Pittsville School.Yeah life stinks sometimes and the sooner kids(Politt and Fredricksen) realize they don't always get what they want but if they try sometimes they just might find they get what they need. (Philosopher Jagger)
YES, nice work.
I went to old Delmar, no AC, barely heat, and I survived quite well. Get over it bennett parents. that school should have been remodeled, just as the ORIGINAL INTENT - when I was with the firm that gave the remodel report to the BOE 7 years ago. new schools do not help AYP, good teachers and administrators do. Not tenured lazy-arses with piss poor attitudes and PISS POOR parents.
Not all parents of BMS students want to see a new school.
My friend would like to see AC in there for the kids and teachers, but he would much rather they invest in the actual teaching. He said his kid is bored to tears.
To 5:56 - What do you mean? JT wouldn't be saying that.
Funny that you supported Hall just a short time ago for the vacant seat. I can think of a least one of the other candidates who would never have voted for this, but apparently the council didn't think she was the one for the job.
We have no money, failing schools, sky high crime rates, and the mommy brigade still wants their child to learn in comfort. Nero is fiddling while Rome burns....
"I have never seen in all my years of doing this such a ignorant minded group of elected officials willing to break the law, (their own laws, mind you) just to push something through."
Joe, Joe, Joe.
How soon you forget Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Lynn Cathcart, Shanie Shields...
So spend some money to upgrade the school.
Look for Pollitt to order his pal Wayne Strasburg -- Rick just gave him a $120,0o00 salary funded by taxpayers -- to turn Stevie P. around on this.
Joe, can you explain the $5.5 million in savings that did not materialize? What does that mean exactly?
It really rubs me that anyone who doesn't support the new school is "against kids."
Give me a break.
It's a great lesson for the kids on how to be responsible. Responsible with money. Honest with facts. Real that you can instantly gratify yourself every time you want something but can't afford it.
When the budget comes up, take that 2 cents and fix the school if that's what needs to be done. But first tell me if you can pay the sheriffs, the ditch diggers, etc.
Bet with that 2 cents, you could do a lot that NEEDS doing.
Thia ia crazy. I live in a 1800 square foot home with no air conditioner. I have worked for wicomico county for over 20 years and still can't afford an air conditioning system in my home. I pay a bunch of local, state and property taxes. Yet, I haven't had a pay raise in 7 years. I went to Wicomico Senior High School and Wicomico Junior High School w/o air conditioning. Kids today can do the same thing. Let the Board of Education foot the bill themselves. Take some of that money and fix the heating and air conditioning system at the detention center.
I don't understand the objections. O'Malley is promising FREE money for school construction in return for the Counties picking up some portion of the retirement tab for educators. The money is free for the schools. Only the pension costs get put on the Counties.
Is this any reason to raise taxes for the County?
I think one of the problems is (as I understand it) that if we don't take the money the state is offering for BMS, we lose it and move to the bottom of the list. If this is the truth, it could be many years until we have the opportunity again. I agree we should not spend money we don't have, so couldn't there be some sort of compromise? Does the new school HAVE to cost so much? The land was purchased some time ago, why can't be build a new school within the budget that we have? By the way, I really believe if the BOE would properly maintain the buildings, they'd last a lot longer!
Everyone just needs to calm down. Everyone seems to be on an emotional high about the BMS. I applaud the 4 members of the council for bringing common sense into the picture. What the heck is this, if passed, going to do the operating budget--we won't be able to provide the services we need. Just saying.
I do not know why everyone is so gun-ho to spend money. Especially when our county has not yet diliberated and resolved the 2013 General Operations budget. It's like putting the cart before the horse.
Look - the State has already 'fired a warning shot across each counties bow'. They have publically stated that they want to pass on some of the teachers pensions cost onto the counties. This could be millions of unfunded mandates being passed onto Wicomico County taxpayers.
I believe the county council did the only fiscal prudent thing they could do - vote it down. They can still renovate the structure - so all is not lost. In time - the economy will eventually get better - at least I hope. If not - then we'll have to shut some schools down like in Washington, DC until the budgets are better aligned.
Everyone wants to argue that the only issue is air conditioning. This is not the only issue at BMS. The school is run-down, over-crowded, lacks the technology that is available at ALL other city-wide public middle schools,and is not handicapped equipped.
The BOE has put off renovations of the building for years, since the construction of a new school was promised years ago since the Bennett High project is not complete until the middle school is torn down.
How dare you all blame the teachers and students not passing AYP for this problem. The majority of the teachers do the best they can every day for every child that goes through that building. If you are so versed in AYP stats, maybe you should try subbing at BMS to see what the teachers put up with on a daily basis. Walk a mile in someone elses shoes before you throw stones.
Ok here is a big question that I don't remember seeing the answer.
We are told what the new BMS will cost the tax payers to build.
Can someone please give us an answer on the cost of renovating the existing BMS?
You know what's funny? I was following the other stories about that mess Jim Ireton has made of the Salisbury Fire Department and his bad decisions for leadership. I remember reading where someone said something about whiny firemen.
I am here to tell you that I have read most of the stories about the WCBOE and there is no one more whiny than the school teachers that get on here and piss and moan. It is painfully obvious the school teachers are only in it for their cushy jobs with high salaries and their need for a palace to work in.
Is that the reporter Jennifer Shutt in that pic? She's cute.
Anonymous said...
Everyone wants to argue that the only issue is air conditioning. This is not the only issue at BMS. The school is run-down, over-crowded, lacks the technology that is available at ALL other city-wide public middle schools,and is not handicapped equipped.
Okay, Anon, so we add on an ADA compliant section, and add air conditioning to the existing. Poof! little spent, classes not disrupted, and problems solved. Except for that pesky AYP part!
They are not going to tell you that. They don't want you to know because they need the land that the current BMS sits on in order to complete the installation of the BHS athletic fields. The BOE has known since the inception of the BHS design that BMS would not be remodeled at it's present location.
The BOE told three schools they were losing Title 1 funding because more money had to go to Prince Street. They are spending far more Title 1 money on Prince than is legally required so the other three schools do without. We don't have the money to do what you need was said to Northwestern, Pemberton and Pinehurst. Now it's been said to the Board.
Anonymous said...
The BOE told three schools they were losing Title 1 funding because more money had to go to Prince Street. They are spending far more Title 1 money on Prince than is legally required so the other three schools do without. We don't have the money to do what you need was said to Northwestern, Pemberton and Pinehurst. Now it's been said to the Board.
January 18, 2012 6:28 AM
And guess what over 100 students bailed out of Prince Street Elementary School and the tax payers have to foot the bill to transport these kids to go to the other schools they chose. Why isn't there any discussion on this. How much is this costing tax payers. Why is John Fredericksen still working there.
Anonymous said...
They are not going to tell you that. They don't want you to know because they need the land that the current BMS sits on in order to complete the installation of the BHS athletic fields. The BOE has known since the inception of the BHS design that BMS would not be remodeled at it's present location.
January 18, 2012 6:03 AM
There is enough land around BHS to put in there precious athletic fields. They just use this excuse to demolish BMS and build another school. By the way what is wrong with sharing the other athletic fields throughout the county.
This is why our kids go to the Salisbury School, as does Gail Bartkovich's grandchildren. The Salsibury School does not fail testing.
How much does it cost to renovate Bennett Middle School instead of rebuilding??????
You have no clue what you are talking about. The money you are speaking of is Federal money and had nothing to do with the BOE taking the money away from the FOUR schools. (you forgot Willards).
Because Prince Street is in school choice, money had to be reallocated other ways for transportation, professional development, etc. This was not the BOEs decision but was mandated by the Feds. Of course, the feds did not give more money to do this so that is why the programs had to be taken away from those 4 schools. It was unfortunate but was not a local issue.
Why did BMS allowed to get run down and in the poor condition than it is? Would you let your home get in that poor of condition. The answer is NO so why would the leadership of the BOE to continue to let this happen? Because they want new schools every 25 years. They all should be fired for not maintaining government property.
Anonymous said...
This is why our kids go to the Salisbury School, as does Gail Bartkovich's grandchildren. The Salsibury School does not fail testing.
January 18, 2012 6:51 AM
And Salisbury School is in good shape and always maintained. It's expensive so I would need a school voucher.
Vote Republican! Pro Choice for Schools!!
If Wicomico County decides to renovate BMS, they are completely on their own. The state offers ZERO dollars for renovation projects. So even if it cost just $50M to renovate versus the higher cost of building new, the county will pay MORE money. With the ADA retrofits needed, a new HVAC system, new electrical wiring, additional classroom space to eliminate the need for the half dozen or more portables, that cost will quickly reach a number higher than what the county share of a new building would cost.
Salisbury School doesn't "fail testing" because it's private - it doesn't take the same tests as public schools.
Look - there is plenty of land behind the BMS for virtually any type field - (football, soccer). Do not take my word for it - go out there and see for yourself. Then there is ample land to the west where the track is currently situated.
Now - lets visit the Bennett High School - look at the vast amounts of land located in the front of the school - fronting on College Avenue. So don't give me that hog wash that there is not enough land at that site - there is plenty of land.
Yes, it was four schools. Of course it was federal money, but the principle is the same. Sometimes groups are told there's no money for what they need. If you're saying everything now being spent on Prince is required by federal law and school choice, you're the one without a clue. A certain percentage of Title 1 funds are required for Prince, but way over that is being spent there. Isn't the salary of the highest paid supervisor being charged to Title 1 since she was moved from the Board to serve just Prince? Interesting choice.
Although I cannot imagine allocating that much money in these times to build or remodel a school, your conglomeration of irrational thoughts and misdiercted inuendo that you pass of as an op ed piece is laughable. You suck, hire a journalist.
To 6:55 Posting
This is what should have been done from the very beginning. With all of the State financial restrictions and stipulations - this all significantly increases the projected cost for this state project.
Vouchers should be given to all parents - and the parents can then decide where to send their children. I can guarantee you that the private schools would then flourish throughout Maryland - case-in-point - Mississippi.
anonymous 8:28, Please forward your name and address so we can send you a bill for a subscription. If you're not willing to do so, go to the big red "X" in the top right hand corner of this screen and click on it. That will take you directly to our "Complaint Department".
This is just kicking it down the road and when they finally do build a new school it will cost even more.
Um! Critter Getter or Fruitland Generic or Fruitland patriot ....whatever you want to call yourself today....Private Schools DO have to adhere to the same testing policies as public schools, they have the same time "in the seat "requirements as well! And for you goodwillers out there....I believe that Salisbury School just lost their top accreditation!
Part of this is the county, as well as, the school system NOT MAINTAINING the school to being with! They had those pod classesrooms put out front on purpose so that they could make it look as run down as possible, to play on peoples emotions. Then they paid to have then moved to the rear of the building, This is just one more example of how our BOE and Rick The Spender has used your monies. This BOE system needs to go to an elected system. BOE has no accountability as it stands now!
I read Matt Holloway's comments in the DT this morning. He is concerned about portables and the lack of security. Does he know how many schools have portables, even fairly new ones like Pemberton? Delmar's portables are like a second school in back of the first one. The security is an issue at many schools.
Thanks to the four council members that voted nay for buying a pig-n-a-poke before the budget is released.
9:37PM summed it up just like it is, everyone has wants, you just can't please all of the people, all of the time. We must live within our means.
"I am here to tell you that I have read most of the stories about the WCBOE and there is no one more whiny than the school teachers that get on here and piss and moan. It is painfully obvious the school teachers are only in it for their cushy jobs with high salaries and their need for a palace to work in." (10:52)
As a retired teacher, I had to laugh at this comment, though I suppose one shouldn't laugh at the supreme ignorance displayed! So school teachers have "cushy jobs" and work in "palaces?" Why don't you apply to substitue, as one reader suggests. After a day at BMS (or any school), re-examine your idea that teachers have cushy jobs and that they work in palaces. Believe me, teachers are not doing it for the money! Had I wanted money, I never would have chosen to spend 32 years in public schools! And I never worked in a palace. Walk through BMS and see if it's a palace.
Many of you also assail the BOE for "not properly maintaining" the schools. Just what kind of "maintaining" do you find deficient? There is a very large maintenance department at the BOE that takes care of any building issues, large or small. I'm sure that the employees of that department don't find any merit to your complaints.
The bottom line: Salisbury and Wicomico County were once the pride of the Eastern Shore. Our school buildings were exemplary. To have a building like BMS is downright embarrassing. Shame on the "County Council 4."
To those that are unhappy about the council majority, do you write checks before you know how much money you have in the bank?
That's what got this whole country in the mess it's in now.
Thanks council majority.
Don't let your mouth write checks that your butt can't cash!
DItto 10:28. Wicomico County has become the "ghetto" of the Eastern Shore. Great work County Council,
To 10:28 Commenter
Fredericksen has all of the financial tools necessary to run the school system. It is not the taxpayers fault - but Fredericksen's fault - for failing to appropriate money to the proper disciplines. He could have authorized HVAC upgrades - Sanyo's, Mitsubishi's, or any other independent zoned HVAC systems. I'll just bet you that the cost would have been less than what he has already spent on the portable classrooms.
Another thing - why doesn't the BOE have an elected school board instead of a Governor appointed school board. The elected school board formation would help to bring the system back into public accountability as opposed to special interest raping the taxpayers.
10:44, thanks for "cutting to the chase". bottom line. NO MONEY. get it?
we must continue to work on ridding ourselves of rick. he is not the man for the job.
The 4 who voted nay.. Thank you for not writing checks our a** can't cash. To the 3 who voted yes. They are just blowing smoke up all you bms supporters a**. The project cost way to much. We dont need all the bells & whistles to learn. I made out fine coming out of both of the Bennett's. The nay voters have never said they do not support a new middle school. They just can't commit to something that is so extravagant as the board & Ricky is submitting. Plan A isn't working so let's move on to plan B. Make some needed upgrades.. And find cheaper way to build the school. I don't why we can't compromise.
In today's DT, Greg Bassett suggests that even if he can't afford to send his children to college, he is going to make sure he does everything he can to make sure they get there. This is to suggest that the opposition to the new BMS is all about "not" building the new school. I don't believe it is the intention of the 4 council members who voted against the letter of intent to not build this school. They, like many of us taxpayers feel $100,000,000.00 is just to steep a price. It is about practicality. If Mr. Bassett's child came to him and said Dad, I have narrowed my choice of higher education down to two universities, SU and Duke, I wonder which way Mr, Bassett would try and sway his child's decision. That is what this is about. It's not about not building a new school. It's about doing it responsibly and in the most cost effective manner.
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