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Monday, October 10, 2011

The Ron Paul Revolution Past 2012

Times of great crisis in history are usually the crucible from which nations form new leaders and new visions. Such leaders seem to suddenly appear, often out of nowhere, to alter the national path pursued, to cleanse the old ways and stake out a saner, more just means of living and governing.

Is it God, destiny, fate that are somehow at work to bring about a saving metamorphosis in which some visionary soul rises to the occasion to stir the passions of the people and bring about a righting of the ship? Whatever the force may be, our country is in dire need of its power today.

If such a force is at work in history, I pray that it is exerting some heady pressure upon the one politician in Washington who has never been a politician – Congressman Ron Paul. who has always been a throwback to the original "citizen statesman" promoted by the Founders as the ideal type of leader for the republic they had formed.

It is said that the Founders modeled their "citizen statesman" after the example of Cincinnatus of Rome. In the early days of the Roman Republic around 450 BC, Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was a private farmer who left his plough to lead his countrymen in battle against enemy invaders, and then returned to his pastoral life, only to be called again later to lead the Republic as Consul in a time of political crisis. Cincinnatus has, thus, been handed down over the centuries as a prime example of the citizen statesman who does not seek office and political power as a lifetime career, but gives service to his country by his leadership when called.

Ron Paul is our modern day Cincinnatus. He serves the Republic that the Founding Fathers gave us, rather than the unlimited Democracy into which the socialists have transformed us. In a world that no longer values the guiding benevolence of the Constitution, Ron Paul makes it his revered compass. In a Washington dominated by unctuous Machiavellians who build their lives upon Faustian bargains and ruthless careerism, Ron Paul stands like a majestic oak of clarity and sanity in defense of the American ideal. His watchword is "steadfast adherence to principle." Compromise if need be on the means of implementation; but never on the principle itself. Never on the Constitution. Never on the rights of man.



Anonymous said...

He and Herman Cain I can vote for. The rest are just a repeat force of political buffoons.

lmclain said...

Come KNOW our nation is FULL of people who don't want "rights" and don't think freedom is a valued commodity. They think (and are quick to say) that the government knows whats best for us and if you are not doing anything wrong, you don't need the Constitution or any of those "rights". They are, of course, stupid, ignorant of history, deceived, and too willing to let everyone's else's rights go down the tubes, too. They'll be the FIRST to get it when the time comes. And it IS coming. Tin-foil THAT, you mindless sissies.

Anonymous said...

5:48 PM

The last part is funny. Sadly, the rest is not.