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Monday, October 10, 2011

The Jobs Czar: General Electric's Jeffrey Immelt

(CBS News)

General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt was charged by the president with a Herculean task: figuring out how to get big American firms to start hiring again. First, he says, we need "a sense of national urgency around jobs" and a government that's focused 100 percent on the task at hand. But can Immelt, a self-proclaimed globalist when it comes to running his own company, really help solve America's biggest domestic problem? Lesley Stahl reports.


Anonymous said...

Sure made a good decision , he's a republican and will get the job done. I guess obama is starting to see he's in deep do-do.
But we all know who will get the credit!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

We watched this guys interview on 60 minutes last night.
This is who should be a job czar for our country? I disagree!
This guy prides himself on taking his company out of the U.S. and is now even going to build his R&D in Brazil.
He's also ALL FOR letting corporations bring their foreign money back into the U.S. and pay NO taxes on it!
THIS kind of crap is what's wrong with this country!
The big keep getting bigger and poop on the littles, who got them where they are to begin with!
Yes, it certainly IS the people vs. the corporations! He did get that right!

Anonymous said...

Who ever said he was a republican?The rich donate money on both sides to cover themselves.

Anonymous said...

If they sound like a Republican, talk like a Republican and act like a Republican, you can pretty much bet they are a Republican!
When watching the interview, it was OBVIOUS he's Republican. Apparently you didn't watch the interview.