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Friday, October 28, 2011

Chicago May Decriminalize Marijuana

Chicago pot smokers may soon be able to light up without fear of jail time.


Anonymous said...

It's about time someone showed some sense.

Anonymous said...

The downward spiral toward a country of decadent degenerates continues.

It is interesting that your photo shows not only a marijuana leaf but also cocaine, and ultimate addiction, that marijuana use leads to. Why do you think it is illegal? You foolish people.

Anonymous said...

12:33 You don't like it, don't smoke it, but leave the rest of us alone.

Anonymous said...

Oh god would you sftu 12:33 pm

You obviously don't know anything your speaking about... And again your putting in 2 cents on the lack of research...

Go get facts then you may have a voice...

Pot isn't addictive, I can prove that, because I am the proof...

And the only reason why people say it is a gateway drug is because when you do the hard drugs there out of your system in a long weekend and pot stays for 28 days plus...

People which to hard drugs so they can use them and not show signs of it since all cops and others are after pot smokers...

Why don;t you do research and see how many ways pot can help medically... Not to mention that there are college professors of medicine and world renown doctors who have proof that pot doesn't cause harm other than the way you ingest it... You can't die from an overdose... You can make food products with it, you can make clothes and rope... you can make gas out of it... It helps with cancer, all around pain, people who can't sleep, or whom can't eat... it helps with nausea, a eye pain aka glaucoma...


Anonymous said...

Buddy I have lived it and then some and pot does not lead to anything. Cocain and ALL the other drugs are death on a stick.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! then it will be crack, then meth then and then sex with animals.

Alex said...

what 12:49 said

Anonymous said...

@ 12:33....WOW. I've been a smoker for 15 years and have never even tried cocaine. Not once. When you try to state "facts" you should make sure you actually have some. Do you know what the gateway drugs were for many of the kids I went to highschool with? Xanax, Ritalin, Adderal, Oxy. Do you know where they got them from? Their doctors with their parents permission! Do you know many of them ended up heroin addicts? Hmmmmm..... let's trust the CDC's standard of care and medicate our nations young children but keep them away from that non-addictive weed stuff, that stuff is bad!
There are ZERO reported deaths from marijuana and alcohol kills people EVERY DAY but it is legal.

Anonymous said...

Pot is illegal. Do you pot smokers/drug addicts ever think about the many people who die because you are trying to feed your addiction?

Whether they are police, border patrol, or federal agents. Or just the poor souls caught in the middle of a drug war.

Making it legal will never take away your guilt.

When you write something stupid about this message please remember, "Its illegal!!!"

Anonymous said...

To 3:05, I've never used marijuana or any other illegal drug in my life, but I'm fully on the side of legalization.

Your logic makes no sense. Yes, people die in drug wars. The drug wars are caused by the drugs being illegal, not by the drugs themselves. We had very high violence during Prohibition when gangs pushing alcohol fought each other. Once Prohibition ended, Jim Beam and Jack Daniels weren't fighting in the street. The Miller Brewing company wasn't bombing Annhauser Busch. The ban on marijuana is what produces the conditions where violence thrives, just like Prohibition produced the conditions that created the Capone gang and others.

Yes, it's illegal. But some guy growing marijuana in his backyard and smoking it is, at most, hurting himself. He's not hurting you nor is he contributing to violence.

I'd also ask you, do you simply stop considering things for yourself when the government terms something "illegal"? Things can be both illegal and not harmful. Just because some politicians pass a law does not mean that what they ban is bad or wrong. It's illegal not to have health insurance. It's illegal in Maryland to carry a concealed firearm. I could go on. The fact that something is illegal says nothing about whether it is right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

The reason pot is still illegal is the powerful alcohol lobby does not want the competition. It's all political. It has nothing to do with any sort of harmful effects.

Anonymous said...

The coke should not be in the picture. When alcohol was illegal there was bootlegging. When it became legal it was taxed. The entire United States needs to decriminalize Marijuana.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, the Feds will never let this fly. Can't have any states/municipalities getting uppity.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! then it will be crack, then meth then and then sex with animals.

October 28, 2011 2:14 PM

That statement is just so stupid it defies being classified as anything except fiction.

Anonymous said...

@5:10 is spot on. Just think logically and set aside legal issues for a second. If you can come up with one reason WHY alcohol and cigarettes should be legal and marijuana should not I would accept it. But studies have shown it is way less worse for you then either of alcohol and cigarettes. but what major industries would have to compete, paper, alcohol, tobacco thats 3 major industries in the US. Open up your eyes people and stop believing everything your government tells you.