You see Folks, those same Blogs that attack me on a daily basis have been attacking Jennifer Foxwell but even more importantly they have been seriously attacking her minor children as well. They have even used every child's name, (all but one are minors).
Many phone calls have been made to the States Attorneys Office referencing this matter and many e-mail messages with their Posts have been provided in the hopes someone might be able to do something about Jonathan Taylor, Billy Burke and others.
Jennifer Foxwell claims that her children have even been bullied by Thomas Leggs Family Members in school and at ball games.
Dr. Phil wants to openly discuss the information put out there about Jennifer, her children and hopefully my Grandson. Yes, there's a very good chance I will be invited to the Show as well and I have agreed to do so, if they choose to have me.
I too have been asking authorities to do something, anything, against these grown adults who hide behind anonymous as well as Jonathan Taylor. We have been saving such information they have been posting for years now and quite frankly, its about time someone gave it the attention it deserves.
One thing is for sure. When this Show airs, you better believe some of these people are going to be made accountable. Its just a shame it had to take something like the Dr. Phil Show to expose it for what it really is and protect innocent little children.
The Show will be taped in September and we'll keep you posted.
I have seen some of the nasty things Jonathan has said about Jennifer and her children and I hope the man rots in hell.
Good. I hope they shut them down.
As Joe said; TICK TOCK boys
Go Double "J" team we are behind you 100% >Kick these ignorant jerks asses..
i've seen other talkshows on cyber bullying - its unbelievable how low some people will stoop.
Karma's a b1tch - they'll get what they deserve eventually.
The states attorney office should be doing more to stop this.
1:14, amen. What are they waiting for, another tragedy like that Irish girl who killed herself after being tormented after she came to our country?
Well you can bet that once producers investigate your credibility, the invite won't be offered. Nice try.
anonymous 1:48, PLEASE DO! Please send them anything and everything you can. By all means, show them what you guys are capable of, they're just sitting there waiting for it. This will be GREAT!!!!!
Joe will be busy moderating comments on this post.
Good luck and I hope to see YOU also on the show Joe, being the show will be about cyber bullying. As many hateful comments you get I would think you would have more insight on the subject.
I can't even imagine the nasty comments that you don't approve.
Trust me, I've already rejected about 30 of them. JT is pissed! He's now claiming he never did so, yet we have all kinds of proof he did do so. He just dropped all those old articles. We copied them.
He Will Be Blogged.
Joe it seems like you are guilty of this behavior also. Maybe not against children, but against anyone you are not fond of. Besides, once Dr. Phil finds out that you don't like 5 Guys Burgers, he's liable to take you to the woodshed!
John Robinson is going to be on too! He just confirmed it to the Daily Times in a phone interview.
3:25 you are hilarious John. Please....that would be an entire show just on you alone.
A high ranking person in the Dr. Phil camp is calling bullshit on this one!
Rot in Hell Albero....ROT IN FUCKING HELL!
The hammer is about the drop on your blogging world JT. We saved all that stuff you now claim you never did and we will expose it on television. You'll finally be somebody.
Don't forget the woman that took JT to court for stalking. I'll bet she has evidence against him. I searched this out on your blog. http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2009/09/blogger-jonathan-taylor-sentenced-to-6.html
I have some stuff on him if you want it.
Send it to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
What's Robinson got to offer? A trail of unsuccessful lawsuits? Maybe he can appear when the subject is douchebags or habitual liars.
You're going down Albero.
Joe, I hope these lowlifes finally get what is coming to them! I don't know how you've put up with the awful things being said about you and your family for so long. I'm glad to see someone might finally do something about it!
PAM, I'll be contacting Home Depot tomorrow.
Joe, I'm confused. In February, you ran a blog with a lot of true info about the real Jennifer Foxwell, and how she called you a monster and took advantage of your family, etc. Now it sounds like you are defending her from critics. I believe if anyone knew her background, all the court convictions against her etc, they would stop giving her way more than her 15 minutes of media fame because of her daughter's murder. If she had shown up for court cases regarding her daughter's care, stayed sober and behaved like a stable mother, perhaps she'd be alive today. I am not trying to bully the woman, but it's just kinda disgusting the way she has been a glutton for media attention and sympathy when she seemed to care so little when the child was alive.
And you Joe, are a kind hearted guy who wants to see the best in the worst of people. Unfortunately, it's always the kind hearted who get used by the worst for their own selfish agenda.
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