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Monday, August 16, 2010

Meet Candidate Rudy Cane


Anonymous said...

Your "leadership" your "experience"

and the party that have led this state (Democrats)

are the reason those businesses have left!

Rudy, it is YOUR fault, and the fault of your party!

Wake UP Delmarva!

This guy says that we need to keep him in office because he is experienced, well I hope the community takes a close look at what that party, the democratic party, has done for all of us!

Anonymous said...

He did not answer either question asked. He did mention the point of education. Howver, he did not mention that most of the community crimes are gang and drug related from blacks and hispanics. Look at the arrest records and crimes committed. Speakes for itself. Way to go Rudy. Is it Sugar Cane, or Candy Cane.

Anonymous said...

Joe - I have tried to keep an open mind throughout this interview.

But I have to admit that Rudy Cane needs to be put out to pasture.
He needs to go. His views are way off base with our conservative base.

He has become just like so many politicos . . .all rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Rudy, Thank you for your service.

Anonymous said...

Rudy Cane is either a Hypocrite, or an Idiot! Personally I think he's both.

Let me give you an example of his thought process.

This year Delegate Curt Anderson, a motorcyclist himself, introduced a bill in the House that would allow motorcyclist with two years experience or had satisfactorily completed an approved Motorcycle Safety Course and were a minimum age of 21 to be permitted to ride helmet free.

Rudy Cane voted against restoring this right to freedom of choice that was taken away from adults some years ago - but at the same time thinks it's OK, and voted to allow minors to continue riding motorized vehicles, such as motor scooters, on our roads without helmets if they so choose! WTF's wrong with this picture?!

As strange as this sounds it's true. Check how he voted on HB140 and HB1282.

RUDY NEEDS TO GO! And don't let the door hit you in the A$$!

Anonymous said...

And he had the nerve to call someone a "Functional Idiot" a while back. Does anyone remember what that was about? It happened at some event at SU a couple of years ago. It may have had something to do with excise taxes of impact fees?? My memory is failing me at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Wow! 12 years experience he can get to work immediately?

Why has he not taken a leadership role? He's just a sub chair and only co sponsors legislation.

Of course given his way left leanings maybe that's a good thing!

Anonymous said... the colors. Very esthetic to the eye.