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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

"You Want Freedom! You Gonna Have To Kill Some Crackers!"


Anonymous said...

theres a war a'brewin...

Anonymous said...

They get a free pass from the Obama administration . I hope they show they're face down here where they will be challenged .

Anonymous said...

12:09, Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? This area is a joke. Not worth fighting for or worth a fight.

Anonymous said...

typical. i wouldnt expect anything less from them. just look at how many violent crimes there are around here. every description...

Anonymous said...

1:06 Why are you here ? Please leave it would be nice to have one less worthless piece of crap laying around sucking off the teet of the tax payers !

Anonymous said...

lol "teet". You ignorant country bumkin. I work for a living and take care of my families (immediate and extended). What exactly do you do. Chew tobacco, hunt, loss your children and get drunk.
This area is full of criminals. This includes the white collar criminals who uses the good OLD boys system from going to jail.

lmclain said...

Freedom?? FREEDOM???? You mean freedom to stand in the street and say scream to all passersby that you HATE WHITE PEOPLE and suggest murdering their babies? AND NOT BE ARRESTED?? Personally, I'd say ya got a LOT of freedom....IMAGINE, for a minute, what CNN and MSNBC would do if it was a WHITE person saying these things about black people in front of a polling station??? Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be all over the TV demanding punishment. Are they condemning any of this?? What about our President?? Is he condemning this? Noooooooo...actually, he is saying "leave them alone"....

Anonymous said...

O bama has excused these animals , I wonder how much they are worth?
Don't forget about the hot temp. we wouldn't want to leave one of these in your car with windows up.
Old Abe really did the wrong thing years ago. They wonder why I'm becomming a racist.

Anonymous said...

2:03 dealing drugs is your job you inner-city thug wanna be ! The country bumpkins keep this country going feeding the welfare babies like yours never asking for a hand out maybe one day you can be your own man like us bumpkins sissy boy !

Anonymous said...

Becoming a racist. Now, that's a joke. You are now realizing it was in you all this time. The election of a man of color has brought out the racism in alot of you. Y'all finally came out of the closet. Just know, this generation isn't afraid of you and will not be enslave by the likes of you. Bring it on.

Anonymous said...

2:35 this generation is the weakest mentally and physically no one wants to enslave your worthless aZZ . But I'll kick it !

Anonymous said...

2:35 Your the one who has been fooled by the man of color in the white house ! He used his color to get your racist vote now he wants to take your freedom so really you enslaved yourself ! I guess the old saying is true give an "idiot" enough rope and he'll hang himself .

Anonymous said...

It is obvious to the most casual observer that there are more people of color, who are the true racist. I'am a caucasian, and consider myself a person of color. White is a color, and I'am not prejudice. Perhaps you sould look in the mirror

Anonymous said...

I bet the KKK ranks are growing with crazy nuts like the New Black Panthers running wild unchecked by law enforcement as directed by the President . Obama has been the most divisive President in U.S. history what a resounding failure !

Anonymous said...

1:06, I'll tell you what I am going to do. If some ignorant gang banger shows up at my house to kill this "cracker" they better be ready for a crackin like they aint never seen. I guarantee you I got some gear that can shoot farther and straighter than any glock they picked up from the hood. AND, it will be one less drain on society AND that is a fact. If they kill too many of the crackers, who do you think will be sending them their check at the beginning of the month? They better think about ways to increase the population of crackers to support them.

Anonymous said...

Let me see now , it used to be colored people , then they wanted to be called , negro and black people , then African Americans now it's back to the color issue(people of color). Mmm , makes a person wonder if they have a brain.

Anonymous said...

Most of the comments above seem to miss the point.Our Department of "Justice" under Eric Holder has become a travesty. He needs to go and soon.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree as well. Let them come to this crackers house & try to touch me or my babies, they will have wished they didn't. I refuse to be intimidated or humiliated by someone who has nothing better to do than spew hate and violence around. One shot and the justice system won't have to worry about them letting us pay for them in jail.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt matter if you are White, Black, Red, light skinned or dark skinned. Fact is this is the 21st century and there is no place for this pure ignorance called hatred. I blame the news stations for giving them the attention that they want to fuel the fire. I feel sorry the children of our generation that have to endure the stupidity of a few.

Anonymous said...

It's all meant to keep us divided as a United people !

Anonymous said...

This is it! Man , another war , and yes it is about religion. The whites believe in God and the blacks believe in anybody that they talk to and give them money or booze or watermellons.

Anonymous said...

6:28 - You blame the news?
Are you serious?
What about the dude spewing the hate? You don't blame him a bit, huh?
At least the news let me know they are comin' for me and my babies. They gave me a chance to prepare to defend my family. The panthers won't take this cracker by suprise.

Anonymous said...

Get real. Racism has always fueled this country. Racism in this country has always been here and will not go away. Unfortunately, racism is here to stay.

Anonymous said...

6:28, its always somebody elses fault. Now it is the news channels fault because a group of thugs from the hood are talking about killing "Crackers" (white people). Shame on you. If the media withheld a group of whites saying the same thing about blacks, you would say that they were racist. That is half the problem, people like that have been taught to blame whitey all their lives for all their problems. Well, affirmative action and crap like that has been around too long. If they fall short, it is because they didn't step up. With all the programs it isn't like they werent given the opportunity. Now some blacks have suggested it is whiteys fault for giving them too much. Thats why they can't succeed. Well you can't have it both ways. You know who's fault it is? It is THEIR fault and their PARENTS fault. I GUARANTEE you that their parents aren't together, and the father left town and never stepped up, and the mother was supported by WHITEY. Now they want to kill whitey. Well, bring it on. I am sick of it. Why don't we just leagalize rock, and the problem will take care of itself.

Anonymous said...

The media has always stirred up racism between blacks and whites because if we ever became united we would vote all of the bums out and the people would be back in control of the country .

J.Albero said...

anonymous 9:48, give me a break. Did you not watch the video. The guy was caught on tape. It's not the media's fault.