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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

V.A. Okays Medical Marijuana For Veterans In 14 States & D.C.

Even though more than a dozen states and Washingon, D.C., continue to square off with the federal government regarding the legality of medical marijuana, the folks at the Veterans Affairs Dept. has decided not to penalize veterans who use the drug in states where its permitted for medicinal use.

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Anonymous said...

This is a sick idea . They have opened the door to failure.

Anonymous said...

the national guard will be happy!

Chimera said...

This could set a legal precedent,because I can see the Feds going after these poor veterans for posession of CDS despite their own states laws.

Anon 8:46 Why is it sick? Alcohol used to only be available as medicinal alcohol during Prohibition.If marijuana provides relief to people with medical problems who are we to judge? If this substance were taxed to the gills and dispensed securely the states and federal government could make a fortune in revenue.

lmclain said...

Marijuana leads to herion addiction. Thats why there are 100 million heroin addicts in this country. wait a minute. There AREN'T 100 million heroin addicts?? dang. there goes that myth about "marijuana leads to other, harder drugs". Maybe its MILK that leads to marijuana... a lot of people that smoke pot drank a lot of milk when they were young...I think its an interest in POLITICS that leads to drugs...that what caused Obama to use cocaine and pot...George Bush must have drank a lot of milk AND had a big interest in politics, too. Clinton only drank OJ. Thats why he never inhaled.