Just mention he's being voted in as MML President or even better, mention a new $900,000.00 Fire Boat and he's there.
That's right Folks. Gary Comegys attended last night's meeting as there was no way he was going to see the Fire Department not get their new toys. Mayor Ireton said, it comes from stimulus money, why shouldn't we take it. Well, you have to maintain such a vessel. Then you have to train your Staff to man it, run it and care for it, something the SFD has failed to do in the past. I can see the Mayor's point, (him being a democrat and all) but to think you and I aren't paying for it seems a bit ridiculous.
Anyhow, I'll stop here and let the comments fly.
The stimulus money comes from the money angels and the tax payers don't have to pay for it. Don't you know anything Joe!
Comegy is on the feel sorry for me trip , this is typical for all patients that suffer from cancer , including myself. No disrespect intended.
The best thing Gary Comegys can do is STEP DOWN from the City Council, he only there for his ideas and TOYS for SBY FIRE DEPT. When was the last time we needed a FIRE BOAT in SBY? The best way to pay for the Fire Boat, reduce the amount we pay the CITY COUNCIL by $7000.00 each member, that should wake up some members.
$900,000 would have created a hell of a lot of needed jobs here on the Shore. It's disgusting to think that with furlough days, unemployment through the roof and crime in this area that we are wasting OUR money on crap like this. Can't wait to see the pictures of this getting abused. This is going to be nothing but a party boat for SFD.
While I agree that the boat should have never been purchased AND while I agree the Mayor of Salisbury is downright stupid, I have to disagree with 9:47 Anon's comment.
$900,000 would not have created a hell of a lot of jobs. However, it sure would have helped out the Salisbury Police Dept in a BIG way!
I'm sure there were certain things this stimulus money was allowed to be spent on. It's the Mayor's fault for not spending it more wisely!
Someone on that City Council needs
to put forth a "vote of no confidence" against Gary Comegys even if it doesn't go anywhere with a vote, it's on record! Do it NOW!
This is a display of typical liberal democratic thinking by the mayor. They just don't realize that it is taxpayer money and everyone should start refusing it because the feds are broke and borrowing it from China. The spending just makes me sick. November can't get here soon enough for me.
A few days ago we got mail from Frank Kratovil. It was an update on crime prevention. It stated that he was securing law enforcement funds for Maryland. Here is what it said
Congressman Kratovil has fought to ensure that Maryland receives its fair share of federal law enforcement funding. He has helped to secure
1.5 million for new 911 center in Baltimore County.
1 million for Maryland State Police First Responder Program.
COPS Program funds to hire additional police officers in Salisbury, Cambridge and Princess Anne.
Did the SPD get funds? If so how was that spent?
I wonder if the boat was built in the USA?
While I don't agree with the boat purchase, it should be understood that the $900K can't just be spent on anything...it comes with strings attached. In this case, the boat. It cannot be dispersed as a general budgetary item.
He, Bubba, just needed a paid vacation. Now lets see if he shows up to other meetings?
I am sick to my stomach over beaucrats like Irenton and the rest of them. He acts like this $900,000 was just picked off the money tree. What a jackass. This is borrowed money. If he thinks that we need a fire boat that has all kinds of hidden costs, then raise taxes on your constituents and buy one. This is a complete waste of someone's money. I look at my kids and can only apologize for what our generation is doing to them. There comes a time when adults need to take back control. This boat/grant should be rejected immediately. Better idea: Let the citizens vote on it in November. Don't need it and don't want it. Period.......
Maybe we should send the grant application to the US Attorney Generals office and show where Hoppes and Gordy lied or shall we say, embellished the truth on the application. I believe that is called FRAUD.
Comegys won't step down. If he steps down he'll lose his prized position as President of the MML.
It is stimulus money from the government, but I thought it was suppose to stimulate our country not Canada?
What's a "far boat"?
The explanation given in this article could not be clearer. If the Mayor and/or Council can't understand the concept of Operations and Maintenance costs vs. Procurement costs, they will never be capable of producing a balanced budget. It's real simple. If you can't afford to maintain a car (insurance, service, etc), you can't afford the car no matter how much it costs. The only thing that makes sense when someone gives you a "free" boat is immediately selling it.
No County funds for training, upkeep etc. Total waste of money. They can't even train personnel to operate the ladder truck that was not needed. If they have why is it always involved in property damage and damage to the equipment?try
With all due respect,Gary C needs to retire.Nothing is more important than your health and he should take it easy with the time he has left,you cant get that back.
Comegys term is limited until his next election.His election was a mgood old boy matter.Hes history.
Was there a fireboat vote last night? Did Comegys vote on it? I thought not all of the council supported it. Was there something else Comegys was there to vote on?
In other words, what happened??????
The Mayor is going to flip the boat on ebay and give the money to the schools or to the wastewater issue right???? If not I want a ride on that boat. My 65% piggy back tax should be able to afford me a ticket or two.
I got my tax bill today , moving out of this county(wicomico) in Delaware.
Comegy is a sick person , at least I think that is why he doesn't attend meetings. He gets paid reguardless. he really needs to step down.
He was an engineer with the state and spent to last couple of years at home most of the time with the states vehicle. Guess he feels he can do that with the city also. He majored in Obamanomics.
Comegys clearly isn't concerned about what's right, only about what suits him and makes him feel like a big shot.
In this dysfunctional little world called Salisbury city he's a big fish, and will hang onto that with all his might. And now some group has made him their president...I'm not sure who or what that is, but I sure don't have any respect for them.
He's going to be gone after this term and someone else will get a chance to make a difference. Unlike Gary and the difference HE made, this might be a good difference. We'll see. The SBY voters aren't known for picking good council members, remember Shanie and Louise?
If the money came with strings (to purchase the fire boat), then it should have been awarded to a city or another area that could prove a need for one. In our case, it is not prudent use of federal grant money, (ie, our tax money). It will not realize its potential here. It is a shame all the waste that goes on. I also agree with the poster about the cost includes more than the purchase price. Why couldn't this town apply for grant money that could be utilized to augment the police and public safety in a meaninful way, such as more manpower. Or to pay for the screwed uup water system the taxpayers have to foot the bill for?
This town has surely gone to hell, and I am sick of the way it looks and the people running it into the ground. Trouble is, I can't sell my house to get outta here.
Ireton, Comegys, Gordy, et al, you are really making a name for
\yourselves, and it is not a good one.
The fire boat is being built in canada by metalcraft. We have a shipbuilder here in Salisbury that could have built it. Were they offered to bid on the build of did they just decide to send our stimulus money North? 900,000 would have helped out alot of people here in town also.
Is Metalcraft involved with Pierce in anyway? I see that name alot on the blog.
Gary is not working for corporate America anymore. Before he took it that he was entitled to collect a paycheck and be able to attend city meetings as well as spend time at home or anything else that appealed to him. If working with the State for the number of years he did and he got away with it, then there is nothing the public could do about that.
But now he is working for the public, the community. He can't be effective if he is not available (even though I didn't see where he was so effective for the community's interest as much as he is for the special interest groups). Gary has somehow risen to a power that he is undeserving of. We the taxpayers, the voters, will definitely not see him stop down now. Hopefully when his time is up, the public will rise up and vote him OUT.
This association with Comegys has been a ride and it is one many of us want to get off. We can't wait until he is done.
Wait, you mean when riverfront property in downtown Salisbury catches fire, we want to put it OUT? I don't get it.
The monies you all are talking about could ONLY be used for a fire boat. if Salisbury did not use it then it would have been given to another city on the west cost for a fire boat only. That is the ONLY THING THIS MONEY CAN BE USED FOR. Not the police not public works not new stoplights not buildings ONLY for a marine fire boat that is it, Damn you people are hard heads.
If we ever have a fuel laden barge on fire in the river just push it up by the appartments on the river and let her burn. you all bring the hotdogs and we will bring the buns and we can have a big BBQ cause thats all we can do about it now with a fishing boat and garden hose.
Salisbury is getting 4 additional cops with a stimulus grant. You can thank Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen for that.
Probably don't know about it because neither of them looks for photo ops (Ireton) or delivers "aren't I great" speeches at the end of council meetings (Smith).
The local metalcraft dealer is Singer and associates out of virginia who are a pierce dealer.....
Gary Comegys voting on anything involving the fire department is a conflict of interest because he is a firemen. Why hasn’t this been questioned before now?
5:58 PM - Not being a hard head about this; let the damn west coast have it - maybe they can AFFORD one - yes I said AFFORD because nothing is GIVEN without strings attached. We don't want or need a fire boat - just more toys for the fire department boys and more of an eventual tax burden for city residents.
Anonymous said...
The monies you all are talking about could ONLY be used for a fire boat. if Salisbury did not use it then it would have been given to another city on the west cost for a fire boat only. That is the ONLY THING THIS MONEY CAN BE USED FOR. Not the police not public works not new stoplights not buildings ONLY for a marine fire boat that is it, Damn you people are hard heads.
5:58 PM
Look moron, the only hardhead here is you. You are obviously a dumbocrat liberal who thinks money grows on trees. If a fireboat of this magnitude was needed then all of us would say go for it. The bottom line it is not needed and the "Homeland Security Grants" are nothing more than a farce. The current fireboat the city has is perfect. As a matter of fact the fireboat has never actually been used on a fire. Can anyone tell us the last time a fireboat in Salisbury was actually used for a fire?
Poor Bubba, he is to stupid to realize he is being used by Bill Gordy. What a loser.
Vote Bubba Comagees You Nex Mare
Right now the Salisbury Fire Department has TWO, that's right 2, ambulances out of service and the Mare and Council are more concerned about getting a useless million dollar fireboat. Two ambulances out of service and a major shortage in paramedics and the biggest priortiy for these clowns is getting a fireboat that will never be used for fires. I can hear it now when you call Wicomico 911. "Police, Fire, Ambulance or Fire Boat, what is your emergency?" Why is it taking so long to replace Hoppes and Gordy? The tax payers need to know?
So again Mr. Gordy is tied up with Pierce...Wow!! Does he get anytype of kickback with buying so much from this company Pierce?
Who is going to maintain this fireboat? Thats right ME!!!!
My tax dollars...Guess you don't live in the City...
To echo what 9:15 AM is saying the Salisbury Fire Department is running an ambulance today with Basic EMT's and not Paramedics. This is because Jim Ireton and the previous mayor is allowing Hoppes and Gordy to hire basic firefighter/EMT's and not Paramedics. Several years ago the Salisbury Fire Department was granted permission to hire 6 paramedics and they only hired 2 paramedics and 4 firefighters. The leadership should have been fired at that time. Since then 5 paramedics have been "fired" or left to work in a better environment. Now Mayor Jim Ireton is giving Hoppes and Gordy permission to hire 4 more employees. They are not advertising or actively recruiting paramedics. They are going to hire firefighters from their special list. The NEED is for paramedics and not firefighters. The assistant chiefs are always sending out text messages that paramedics are needed for overtime and they hardly get any response. Today is a prime example of that. Hoppes, Bragg and Gordy need to be relieved of the duties for malfeasance and negligence. Ireton are you listening!!
Hey Joe,
Thanks for exposing this scam of the week in the Salisbury Fire Department. This is a perfect example of how Gordy has a politian grease to get what he wants. Comegys hasn't been seen for months and he resurfaces on this perticular night. Let me tell you we dont need that boat. Look at the call history for a boat. The need isnt there and Salisbury is adding another unwanted expense.Every taxpayer should call the Mayor and bitch up a storm to end the madness. Ireton your a joke for letting this happen. Wheres that fiscal responsibility you promised ?
You would be the one person that would cry if something on the river happened and cost you one cent you liberal cry suck. If every property along the river burned it woulden't bother me, but when it happens you shut your ignorant mouth. First of all you don't know what the hell you are talking about, second you are probley the one in the crowd that bitches about fire engines speeding and would cry about how long it took them to get there. Just proves ignorance is abliss.
Why is the City of Salisbury Taxpayers paying tuition to Columbia Southern University so Rick Hoppes can get an online degree. Columbia Southern University isn't even a real school. Why can't Hoppes pay for his own tuition? Why can't Hoppes attend a real university such as Salisbury University and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. They are in his own back yard and they are regionally accredited universities. A so called online degree from Columbia Southern University is useless and nothing more than a paper mill. Jim Ireton you should be more intelligent than that and put a stop to the insanity.
Please move this scam expose to the top. It is local and very important for everyone to see.
Hey getting this fireboat is that why Gordy is moving out of the city?
11:40 Jim Ireton does not care what is going on in the SFD. He backs what they are doing. Doesn't care who is leaving or who is being "fired." The ambulance has run with only EMT's on board before and SBY that is against city code but then city code is used selectively isn't it Jim?
Anonymous said...
11:40 Jim Ireton does not care what is going on in the SFD. He backs what they are doing. Doesn't care who is leaving or who is being "fired." The ambulance has run with only EMT's on board before and SBY that is against city code but then city code is used selectively isn't it Jim?
10:58 PM
I agree with most of what you are saying, but please don't be ignorant about it. Where in the city code does it say EMT's only on an ambulance is against the code. Is this some stupid sh!t that Hoppes and Gordy has been spoon feeding you?
Mr. Albero please move this post to the top again. For some reason it got lost with all the other posts.
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