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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

58 Percent Of Americans Want Obamacare Repealed

Most voters continue to favor repeal of the national healthcare bill, but nearly half see repeal as unlikely. A plurality believes repeal would be good for the economy.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 58 percent of voters favor repeal, including 48 percent who strongly favor it. Thirty-seven percent are opposed to repeal, with 28 percent who are strongly opposed.

Support for repeal is up two points from a week ago but is consistent with findings recorded over the past several months. Weekly tracking surveys have found support for repeal has ranged from 52 percent to 63 percent.

Forty-four percent believe repeal of the healthcare bill would be good for the economy. Twenty-eight percent say repeal would hurt the economy. These views have not changed since earlier this month.

Read more here


Anonymous said...

thats all? every1 that i talk to hates it.

Alex said...

Everyone you talk to knows nothing about it, except what Rush and Beck put in their simple minds.

Anonymous said...

75% of America want Obama repealed...Gone, finished out of here....

So tell us something we dont know...

Anonymous said...

10:07 You really believe Obama will only get 25% of the vote in the next election?

Anonymous said...

right on 9:42!

Anonymous said...

If 37% are opposed to repeal, and 28% strongly apposed, that makes 65% of people who want to keep it in place.

If 58% favor repeal, that's a total of 123%.

So 23% of people want to keep and repeal it at the same time?

I know that you didn't write this, Joe. But I have to say that this is the crappiest article ever written. Either the numbers aren't adding up, or it's so poorly written that it doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

Rasmussen again? Next you'll be telling me that we didn't land on the moon. Oh wait you already did that.

Anonymous said...

Alex how can you back something that was passed without knowing all of the hidden details ? Not to mention we can't afford it and that Socialized medicine is a proven failure everywhere it's been tried.

Alex said...

Hidden details? Who stopped you from reading the bill? What exactly was hidden from you?

It is not socialized medicine I guess Beck and Palin told you that it was. What changed in your life because of that bill?

If you want to call it socialized, then I'll take it knowing that America's healthcare system ranks #37 in the world; just above Costa Rica and just below Slovenia.

Also, have you lived in other countries to know that their healthcare does not work? Did your research extend beyond Fox News?

Anonymous said...

Let us help you read this, 11:27-- (you probably went to public school)
58% favor repeal, and of that number 48% strongly favor it-- you see?
So looking at those who want to keep it-- 37% want to keep it, and within that group 28% REALLY want to keep it.
Those numbers are all part of 100%-- so, 58 out of 100 people want to REPEAL it, and out of those 58 people 48 of them really, really want to repeal it.
Get it?

Anonymous said...

Alex when the speaker of the house said we must pass it to see what's in it should have thrown up a red flag . The fact you don't see a problem with that or you just ignore the facts proves you are obviously oblivious. As for Socialism = 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Take your pick !

Anonymous said...

Alex and people like him are idiots. There are things in this bill that you have no idea. Like a tax on gold. THis discourages you from buying gold. Now what does that have to do with health care. All of the people who had preexisting conditions who thought they would now be covered, they will. Their monthly premimum will be between $400-$900 dollars. The remaining risk for these indiviuals will be spread to the rest of us. Utt-OHH, premiums going up? Didn't Pres Obama say the would go down by $2500/year. I think he did but I can't keep up with all his lies. So much for bending the cost curve down. It is bending up, straight up the asses of all working people. There will be cost controls in place soon which leads to rationing. Doctors are refusing medicare and medicaid patients due to lower reimbursements. They crap sandwich doesn't even go into affect until 2014. The CBO saving lie has already been proven. There will be a doctor shortage. Why in the hell would we do this to our health care system when ENgland is moving to privatize their system. It has failed and in unsustainable and is bankrupting the country. The recess appointment of Berwick is exactly part of the problem. He thinks England's system is a great model and that health care is a mean of reditribution of wealth. THose are his words. So again the liberal idea is instead of bring up the bottom, we will bring down the top and make us all equally miserable. Alex is an example of the Sheeple that make up a portion of society. He put a tremendous amount of trust in the government that has never done anything right. My life has not changed at all with the signing of the bill, Yet. Alex, Just tell me one person's life that has gotten better since it was signed. Just one. That right no one is getting what they thought they would which is the only reason 38% still favor the bill. They are still holding out hope that it will help them. THis bill is and was about control. The government controls your retirement,health care, property. So they now control your behavior. Alex, just step out of the way while the rest of us save the republic.

Anonymous said...

Damn Alex you should have kept your mouth shut because you have been shown to be a fool !

Alex said...

Save the republic? How would you do that? By calling the president a muslim and communist. You're so brainwashed by rush and beck you don't even know that the two terms are mutually exclusive.

Please show me where the premiums would be increased? Also, "spreading the remaining risk" means that you or your children get the healthcare they need, then I'm ok with my taxes paying for it.

And no 5:15 I have not been shown to be a fool, in your eyes maybe. But as far as I'm concerned three previous commentator have been via their own comments. You just show how brainwashed you are.

Screaming about Marxism... You have no idea what Marxism and socialism is. I do. I lived in USSR for a number of years. I would like to see one of you to spend a week there. Meanwhile take comfort in attending your TEA party rallies, watching Fox, and admiring Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

"I lived in USSR for a number of years. I would like to see one of you to spend a week there."

We're well on our way to that, Alex. amazing if you lived there that you don't recognize it (or maybe you do and are pushing this along..)
And BTW- I haven't heard Rush or Glen Beck in years.
I think for myself.
But I do remember hearing that Glen Beck wrote a book called 'Arguing With Idiots', which seems strangely similar to how I feel right now...

Anonymous said...

Alex your a joke I give you a definition out of Websters dictionary for Socialism and you scream brain washing ... I guess you want to burn that book too ?

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex is this Socialism or Communism ? Your Democrats are at it again.

H.R. 5741 will give the president the authority “To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.”

Alex said...

I'm a joke? You are certainly capable of googling Marxism/Socialism, but you have no idea what it means and that it has absolutely no correlation to the current situation in this country.
Just like typical wingnut you react instead of thinking.

Your skill of selctive reading also tells me that you're completely brainwashed.

I think you're the one drinking the koolaid.

Anonymous said...

So Alex when the government takes over the private sector it's not Socialism ? Your lame attempts expose you as left wing kook you are . And the Slave bill is fiction too ?

Anonymous said...

Thank god that people who think like Alex only represent about %12 of voters. Part of the radical fringe. He must have a Government job, probably a teacher, and really doesn't have much responsibility in his life. He has never made a payroll or provided health care for employees on the back of a small business where competition to be effecient and keep costs under control,keeps the doors open and provides employment for several other families.. In nine years of business my premiums have more than doubled. My kids get the health care they need because I pay for it.I don't ask or expect you or anyone else to provide for my family but that is where we are very different. With liberals like Alex it is all about feelings not reality or results. For those of us in the real world, I have a company to run, children to educate, mortgage and vehichles to pay for and am tired of the government taking more and more money and control from me. I should be able to decide what to eat and how much salt to put on it. The whole problem with insurance is Government's fault. Why are costs so high because government has insurance regulators that mandate that policies must contain certain coverages to "protect" the public. All of this drives the cost up. If government would just get the hell out of the way, people could buy affordable insurance but they have to choose to buy it instead of cigarettes and 40's. Alex and the rest of you liberal, stand up and take care of yourself and quite being such a pussy

Anonymous said...

9:36 Great post .

Anonymous said...

Alex says he has not heard Beck or Rush in years yet knows what they talk about? I call BS!

Anonymous said...

9:59 Alex just hears what the MSM says about Rush and Beck if he took the time to listen to them he might learn something and it scares him ...
Ignorance is bliss !

Anonymous said...

9:59 and 10:26, that was anon 6:51 who said that, so either pay attention or stay out of the argument... don't just interject with nothing meaningful to say like the rest of the conservatives
Rob S

Alex said...

10:26 actually I have listened to Beck and Rush, I find them very very amusing. They are great entertainment. If you consider them legitimate news sources, you have real issues. What scares me is that there are a number of people who actually take those clowns seriously.

The problem with insurance is not government; it's the insurance companies who have virtually no oversight. That's why your rates go up. You remember what happened with banks that were not regulated.

If government is so bad, maybe we should privatize all highways, post office, police, etc.

Anonymous said...

Alex you make accusations about about Beck and Rush being news sources no one has said they do news they are opinion shows . That fact that you have to attack them for criticizing your positions shows how fragile your positions are ! As for highways they use a lot of private companies because it's cheaper and we all know that the post office loses money every year and that UPS and companies like them are more efficient and make a profit .

Anonymous said...

Finally, Alex said something smart. Let's privatize all of it. The level of fraud in the Medicaid/medicare system is in the double digits yet the fraud level for credit cards is .2%. Why is that? It is because they are concerned with the Liberal dirty word "Profits"...Nevermind that in the process of making these profits, they provide a livelihood for hundreds of employees. Let's see, the government has wrecked medicare/medicaid,Social Security, Public Schools,Fannie Mae/Freddie Mack,The veterans administration, Amtrak, and on and on. Everything they touch turns to crap. They are all in the red. People like Alex say "It's all G.W.Bush's fault". Europe has been down this road and it is crumbling before our eyes yet these wackos(Democrats) try to convince us that they just didn't spend enough or they didn't have the right people in charge. No,no,no. The bottom line is this country was built on the priciples of freedom, personal responsability, and strong work ethic. If you don't work a minimum of 50 hours a week, You get what you get. I nor anyone else is responsible for handing you the things you need. You must earn them. As one of the founding fathers said to a person who claimed they were not going to work," Society cannot carry your weight, if you do not work, you will not eat". Man, is that heartless, alex?