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Friday, July 02, 2010


4th of July Weekend will be crazy in Ocean City, as it always is. However, from adults to children, we cannot remind you enough to ALWAYS use the crosswalks and always follow the traffic signals. Let's have a great 4th of July weekend without having to report any casualties.


Adam ro said...

In the mist of all the fun?? a condo in ocean city! The OCMD real estate market has been improving there over the last 12 months...last year the condo market increased in sales. Forclosure is affecting the second home and vacation home market the most. The first thing a person would give up is their second home...not their primary. That makes buys at 40 and 50 cents on the dollar. Banks want it off their balance sheet because it frees up more money for them to loan. Just think about makes the most sense that this is the time to "buy real estate now!"

Anonymous said...

And don't get drunk and hang off balconies or try to swim in the ocean. Swim when lifeguards are on duty and if you get in a rip current, swim parallel to the shore. The ocean is not really a safe place to actually "swim." Save that for a swimming pool where it is safer. And don't forget to lather yourself and your child w/sunscreen! Remember, sun burn sneaks up on you when you are on the water so cover up w/a t-shirt and wear a hat & sunglasses if you think you are getting too much sun.