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Monday, April 26, 2010

Habitat For Humanity, Built By Women

This Is What Makes America So Great!
You take a bunch of great women, pull them together and watch them work and unbelievable dreams can come true. This can certainly be said about the Angelot Family and all of their new friends and neighbors who helped their dreams come true.
Saturday Habitat for Humanity delivered the keys to the Angelot Family, along with a ton of house warming gifts. They are now homeowners in Salisbury. I encourage all of you to at least click on the second image above and read their story.
While there are truly too many names to mention here, just know that because of some, the American Dream can still be achieved. Get involved Folks and make a positive difference.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful organization !!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, Fernando signing autographs for little kids. I can't imagine how much they look up to him. What a stand up guy!