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Saturday, December 05, 2009

Wash Post - Frank Kratovil 4th-Most Endangered Incumbent

The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza today ranked the top ten U.S. House seats most likely to switch parties in 2010. He rates Rep. Frank Kratovil as the 4th-most endangered incumbent in the country from either party. Below is his brief on the race:

Maryland's 1st district (D): A new poll released by state Sen. Andy Harris' (R) campaign showed the Republican leading Rep. Frank Kratovil by a 52 percent to 39 percent margin, a very troubling piece of data for the freshman incumbent. While internal polls are rightly regarded with some skepticism, the fact that Kratovil didn't release numbers of his own painting a different picture suggests that Harris' numbers might not be that far off. Kratovil eked out a 3,000-vote victory over Harris in one of the best election cycles in recent memory for Democrats and it appears as though the district electorate, which gave McCain 59 percent of the vote in 2008, is ready to return to form. (Previous ranking: 9)

Full story here:


Anonymous said...

The sooner the election arrives, the better off we will be. Kratovil has been just what he was expected to be, a tax and spend liberal. We need Andy Harris and more like him in congress to stop the Obama Express and all of the radical left wing proposals that come out of this Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

His Uncle Steny Hoyer won't like that one bit.

Anonymous said...

Kratovil doesn't have a chance in hell or Maryland! He betrayed his base by voting against health care. The only shot the Dems have of winning this one is running someone left of Kratovil that will still have to overachieve to keep the seat. Frank, if you are waiting for the republicans to vote for you because you are a "blue dog" then dream on...