A firefighter says he is in hot water with his department after his supervisors noticed his anti-Obama bumper stickers and banned him from parking inside the firehouse based on his political views.
"It's freedom of speech as far as I'm concerned," Hartford, Conn., firefighter Mike Di'Giacomo told WFSB-TV. "This is my personal vehicle."
Di'Giacomo has worked for the fire department for 10 years. He said a supervisor noticed his stickers and told him he could not park his SUV inside the firehouse, something his fellow firefighters are allowed to do. The bumper stickers read:
"Somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing its idiot."
"I'll keep my guns, freedom, & money ... you can keep the 'change!'"
"Obama Bin Lyin'. Impeach Now!"
He should be, Joe when are you going to realize that Obama is a MUCH higher calaber person then the rest of us and get over it
you will go to any lengths to poke at Obama and when you have thanksgiving perhaps for one moment you will find something to be grateful for.
Especially the fact that his quick action (like how it was done or not) saved this country from the real "nero" Geroge Bush. We would have crashed and burned, history not emotions will tell the tale of leadership.
Im MAD too..I want to know where he got those sticker...I want one LOL
Some much for freedom of speech !
Although I hated George Bush, I would never have posted such a thing on my car out of pure respect for the office of President of the United States. It's a childish act. I do not think he should have been forced to remove them or park elsewhere though. Our constituion guarantees us freedom of speech. The firefighter should fight it.
"Freedom of speech isn't just for those who agree with our thoughts. It also important, and must be protected, for those who disagree and express the thoughts we hate the most." (U.S Supreme Court...paraphrased)
Mr. Obama should tell the city of Hartford to stop harassing this person for expressing his views. The city of Hartford acting as "fascists for Obama" insults the president the nation and the constitution!
"Freedom of speech isn't just for those who agree with our thoughts. It also important, and must be protected, for those who disagree and express the thoughts we hate the most." (U.S Supreme Court...paraphrased)
Mr. Obama should tell the city of Hartford to stop harassing this person for expressing his views. The city of Hartford acting as "fascists for Obama" insults the president the nation and the constitution!
Joe, with all of your knowledge and skill, I am sure you would be the perfect president. It seems there is something wrong with everyone but you.
Hey 10:52
get your head screwed on and wake up. It's obvious you got a 3rd grade education or you have a computer in ECI.
I agree...he should NOT park his personal vehicle IN the firehouse!
The bumper stickers are irrelevant!
I say give the firefighter a raise. On another note, it's so funny the liberial Obama supporters just don't see he has broken his every word, he has brought us world laughter, and overall is simply a complete joke. Other than that, I like him.
10:15 your spelling is wonderful ! you must have went to the same school as obama - idiot
11:16 AM
I'm mad too, cause I don't know where to get the stickers either. I like them too and as long as I can speak, I'll express my opinion just like the "politically correct" idiots.
Smoke another. You don't make any sense.
anon 1052 you gotta be BLACK or MUSLIM!ANON 10:15 I bet Joe can spell.
Was funnier the first time around, "Somewhere in Texas there is a village missing an idiot".
A much higher caliber person?
Anon 1015 and 1052 quit drinking the koolaid it is blinding you from the truth at least ask what it is you are drinking before you drink it. This muslim pres of ours will go down as the worst in the history of our great nationl you will see all you liberal democrats elected the enemy. what he is doing with the terroristswe caught on the battlefield is a disgrace to our country and all the victims families.IMPEACH OBAMA
10:15 - don't forget to call me Friday afternoon....LOL. Dude you're so transparent. :)
10:52 - We ARE crashing and burning!
Obama has caused more deficit spending than all of his predecessors COMBINED!
China owns us, every administration and congress since Regan has played a part in this, it is much bigger than party-politics. But you are like most of the sheep, just wandering around braying about whose fault it is, you forgot to look for the real problem.
Anon 1133 - So much for you spelling that right! Guess you dropped out of middle school along with Joe.
LOL, so accurate!!!!
I believe Congress did what was done for the economy, not the President.
I hope we can begin debating Obama's entire Presidency beginning in 2013.
I wish you Obama supporters wou;d realize that we are a country of free speech. Besides that why does our President bow to leaders of other countries, they dont bow to him or any other President in the history of this country. If you dont like it leave this country.
YEAH! Saved the day with HUGE bailouts and the creation of thousands of IMAGINARY jobs!!! YAY!!! Perhaps when EVERYTHING is ruined and revolution takes us back to square one we can thank the man for his role... It's coming...
10:52 Keep drinking the Obama kool aid see how far it get's you .
Obama is shredding the Constitution and trying to impose Socialism he must be removed one way or another !
It might be different if he was a citizen ! Obama has spent over 3 million dollars so far just to keep his birth certificate hidden !
isnt this the same place where they filed a lawsuit over promotions?i believe there is some racial tension there.i have a similar sticker on my vehicle and i dare someone to say or do something like this to me.
Maybe the Chief was hoping that the firefighter would park outside the station so everyone could see the dissent!
3:02 Obama the worst in history!! Bush has already claimed that. He left us with no where to go but up.
LMAO, someone up on this list said something about "quick action" I can't remember when he has made any quick action yet? Refresh my mind on that one. Heck, it took him 6 months just to pick a dog!!!
This a case of discrimination !
Obama is not and never will be my president. He is not a natural born citizen and refuses to disprove those allegations
Can anyone tell me one thing he has done since he has been in office that has helped at all. All I have seen is spend! And 10:34 you are right it took him longer to pick out a dog than cap and trade,health care I mean you name it. Where are the jobs? Global warming turns out was a hoax, did he get that memo yet. Housing market still under water, what has he done? Please tell me or give me an example and not lets just give him some time.
Freedom of speech only applies to people who burn Bush's effigy, draw him as a monkey, Cindy Sheehan and her anti-war rallies (sorry for your loss but your son VOLUNTEERED. Dems can dish the poop out and disguise it as "freedom of speech" but as soon as it affects their anointed one(s)(Mr.O and Mrs. P) it is "intolrable". P----es!
This is crazy and I just sent an email to the Hartford mayor to express my displeasure with this decision.
I just want to spread my word to everyone. First of all the same ones that are dogging Obama are the same ones that upset when people were dogging Bush so it goes both ways. ANd about idiots an idiot would know that we had this deficit well before Obama and that you can't create a million jobs in less than a year. All Americans should check out the two Joes. Joe Albero and Joe Scarborough
David are you high as a kite on thanksgiving day? What are you smoking that purple? Pass the dutchie to the left hand side...can he create anything in this year besides more debt? Are you okay with the goverment having complete control over every aspect of your miserable life? Are we not taxed enough, how do you think all this is going to get paid for, what print more money you must really be high..All Americans should check out David's supplier he got that good ish!
David, The next time you want to" spread your word to everyone," wait until you come down from whatever is keeping you from expressing an intelligent thought. I am hard pressed to remember such an incoherent string of words proceeding from anyone over the age of 5.
Anonymous said...
Anon 1015 and 1052 quit drinking the koolaid it is blinding you from the truth at least ask what it is you are drinking before you drink it. This muslim pres of ours will go down as the worst in the history of our great nationl you will see all you liberal democrats elected the enemy. what he is doing with the terroristswe caught on the battlefield is a disgrace to our country and all the victims families.IMPEACH OBAMA
3:02 PM
I agree with you but I can't call him "our" president. He is not my president and never will be!
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