ALL businesses in the state of Maryland will have their Unemployment Fees raised THREE times more next year than what they're paying currently.
This is the maximum increase by law the state can increase. This means the prices of EVERYTHING will go up dramatically.
So tell me, do YOU see any economic recovery in the future? I've been trying to tell everyone, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
The only effect I can see in my business is the unemployment of at least 1 employee. How is this going to help the unemployment rate?
I was just saying the same thing. The small business man and the middle class employee CAN NOT afford this.
Perhaps if so many people werent able to collect unemployment for YEARS at a time the state would have enough money in the coffers to pay for UI.I realize alot of people are out of work but there are also alot of people abusing the system.I know of one person getting a one year extension after already being on it for a year.
We cannot keep hemorhagging money out from state and federal government programs and expect the economy to recover
Its not going to recover. It going to collapse just like Russia did.
I don't see economic recovery, I have been seeing economic disaster for the past 2 years. The only thing to come of this is more people unemployed.
Totmom, the employers paid into the UI fund, it is there to cover their employees should they lose their job. It's not like welfare. Have you ever tried to live on unemployment? It ain't easy.
Doug...no we are different.Russia's government controlled economy collapsed and then they migrated to free enterprise.....now our government wants us to migrate from free enterprise to a government controlled economy..next step is the Health Care Reform ploy
We will be broke before anything gets done. We will collapse. The America and the values that it entailed have been gone for awhile, we believe in something that used to be. The middle class is already collapsing and we built this country. With-out us it will collapse, its only a matter of time.
I have seen no recovery here on the shore. There are many jobless souls who would love to be working and off unemployment. I have personally met people who seem to enjoy being on unemployment and will ride it out to the end. If they can't police the system we all get screwed.
Thats just it-I couldnt live on what UI pays and I dont know how anyone does.My point was that too many people are getting it for too long and SOMEONE has to pay for it.It was never meant to support someone long term and now that the government is granting long term benefits someone has to pay again-guess who?Mr.Businessman,who already paid in his share of UI taxes,now has to figure out how to pay triple the amount.Its not welfare but its coming from SOMEWHERE.Its all part of a grand scheme to make more people dependent on the government and to financially ruin "evil capitalists" who are actually providing jobs to their communities.
Its like the one commenter said, you got to let someone go to compensate for it. Its a tax.
I am the first commenter. I have been in business for over six years and have 4 employees. Until 2 years ago, I had the lowest UI tax rate due to no layoffs. I had to temporarily lay off 2 employees for under 10 weeks last year and again this year and my UI rate went to the highest rate possible. Why? Yes, I had to layoff, but they were brought back as to not claim unemployment for a longer time. I could have made out better just to leave them on layoff.
Many people can live on unemployment. It all depends on how much you made before you were unemployed. The people that can't live on it are the ones that go out and find the job quicker or at least try.
How many times a week do you wonder if its still worth it?
If we just deported all the aliens in this country we would have full employment. Next time you go to WalMart look at the clean floors cleaned by Americans. Remember WalMart claimed no Americans would do this till they were forced to find Americans. They had no problem finding them.
The same for the Meat Packing companies all managed to find Americans to do the work.
Our main problem is Aliens illegal and legal. Kick them out and we would do fine.
As you should know, the amount you pay in to the DLLR is based on your average payroll for your business for the last 18 months. I believe the maximum you can pay in is 8.9% of your average payroll. Since you have a very small payroll and very small staff, even having only two people file for benefits was enough to raise the amount you pay in to the maximum. If you had 50 employees and two filed for benefits, you would not see as dramatic a raise in the amount you pay in.
Rob S
I have a question; Where did all the money that has been coming out of my companies' funds for the last 40 years I worked gone? It ought to be a pretty big stack right now with my name on it!
Oh, and my social security stack should be huge by now, too!
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