Student charged with hitting teacher
SALISBURY — A 14-year-old Bennett Middle School Student was charged with assault after striking a teacher Friday morning, according to a county school board official.
The teacher involved in the incident, which occurred around 11:50 a.m., was checked by the school nurse and returned to the classroom, according to officials.
The student was transported to the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office where he has been charged and is currently being detained.
WHOOPS! Nice little slip up there Boys. Your inside connection failed you this time.
Great work Joe!We need to know all this.You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe now that you have brought up Bennet middle, i have something else to add.Children i know that go there have been coming home from school stating that there is sometimes not enough lunch left by the time the last group gets to go also that they were served iced cold chicken nuggetsTHAT WERE STILL FROZENAND PINK INSIDE.They needless to say were starved upon returning from school.BUT THE WORST HAS TO BE THAT THERE ARE COCKROACHS DEAD AND ALIVE RUNNING ALL OVER THE PLACE IN THA CAFETERIA!Maybe the health dept. needs to get agrip on this.
anonymous 4:46, thanks for sharing that information JR. It's been a while but I see you've been active in comments today.
What does the fact that the student may have been a Special Ed. have to do with anything? What am I missing?
Joe i swaer to you i am a mother of these kids and trust me i am not afraid to carry my own behind to the health dept. or the board of ed. I would really prefer not to have roaches brought home to my house because of an unclean school.And by the way i don't even know who jr is ???????????
One: It's really hard to catch the dead running cockroaches... you run right past them, and
Two: A special ed student, as if I would need to explain, has some mental deficienceis that may cause behavior that normal students may not display, and therefore may not fall under the normal guidelines of how to handle an outburst of said student.
anonymous 4:54, ROTFLMAO, Thank You for now CONFIRMING you are JR!!!!!
OMG, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. You are a habitual liar JR, nice try!
Yes, the same rules apply when a special ed. student attacks another student. Because the state monitors the suspensions of special ed. students, those students are rarely held accountable for their aggression. If they cannot be controlled in the environment, then they need to be housed elsewhere.
by special ed, do you mean a child with learning disabilities from around here, or is this one of the gangsters kicked out of NYC public schools, and wicomico board of ed being paid by NY state to let their problem children come down here to go to school?
then you all wonder why we have thr problems down here with gangs that we do!
I can say for a fact that this school is better off this year now that Mr. Briggs is in charge. If there is an issue, he will handle it.
Also, if this was a special ed. student, there are laws that protect him. May not be fair but that is how it is. If any question, call Bonnie Walston at the BOE and she will show you the information.
Hey Joe the cock roach thing is for real I know because my son goes there and got in trouble for kicking one down the hall. As far as the special ED student what does that have to do with anything other than if they can't control them they need to be removed from the public school classes. The inner action with others for these students is a great learning tool for the special ED students and I am in no means saying remove them all just the problem maker. These children are special people and deserve the same education as the rest of our children.
I think the BOE would be breaking confidentiality if they share about a student's disability. Just because a student is in Special Education, that doesn't mean that they don't know right from wrong. They may simply have a reading problem, like dyslexia. Special Education doesn't always mean mental retardation. Many Special Education students have a normal IQ. They just need to learn in a different way. We shouldn't assume that the Special Ed. label is an excuse.
Boards of education have WAY too much power. They are accountable to no one!!
the cockroaches are right my son goes there too and as for lunch your right about that too, he complains about never having lunch left by time he gets there and if there is something ots cold and nasty, i have called for the past three years but nothing has been done, i have also called about my daughter in elementary school because she always comes home saying they were late to lunch and didnt have time to finish eating, and again nothing comes from my calls
1. The cockroaches are not just in the cafeteria. My son is in 8th grade there and in 6th grade he had cockroaches in the locker. We ended up buying roach baits to put in the locker so he wouldn't bring them home (at least if he did they would have eaten bait first).
2. The "Special Ed" classification covers not only metal retardation issues but other medical and emotional issues as well. My son, while in 6th grade, was listed as "Special Ed" because he had an IEP due to a hearing/speech issue and ADHD (medicated). He was also in advanced algebra and on-level reading and not in any of the "Special Ed" classes. At the end of 6th, he "tested out" of his IEP - he was actually testing at very advanced math (calculus) and normal in reading. He now has a 504 plan that still covers some issues with the ADHD (which is not considered Special Ed). Please don't assume that because a child is classified as "Special Ed" that he/she fits in the mold that you assume all Special Ed students to be.
Special ed! Another p.c. cover up.
Sure, some have special needs but special ed is a dumping ground for many who are on the way to a criminal career.
Re: Cockroaches in cafeteria, and cold/not enough food:
Here's a thought - have your child PACK LUNCH. My son never complains about not having enough time to eat, or about cold/nasty food. And we have the added benefit of knowing exactly what he's putting into his body. No matter what they say, school lunches are not exactly healthy.
You poor jealous man! Special Ed or not makes no difference.
Anyone interested in the laws governing Special Education students, including the 10 day maximum suspensions, and the way schools must work to keep them in the least restrictive environments possible, please Google FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education) and IDEIA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act). Both are Federal laws, not locally-governed.
Whether or not a student's Special Education status will have bearing upon discipline has to do with whether the student's guardians can prove their disability caused the behavior.
You can also look at HIPAA laws to see why the papers and boardd of Ed did not release the Special Education status of this student. it is against the law for them to do so.
In addition to IDEA, FAPE, and HIPPA they are also covered by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) - information regarding students cannot be disclosed to just anyone.
Special Ed status is confidential info. The posts before me are correct - what you read may really blow your mind. Along with Sped status, there is a new category, 504, which places a student under the protection of Sped.
The 504 list at the school where I work reads like a list of Who's Who as far as the rich and famous in the community. This is because the 504 label is easy to get for your child, and once they have it, they may only face repeated 10-day suspensions - nothing else may be done to them. Wealthy parents' lawyers are recommending this if kids are not so well-behaved. That way the little darlings can't get booted out of school, and don't have to face the same consequences they would have to without the 504 label.
Disgusting . . .
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