Don Elkins
Sun Sep 13 09:04:46 Good Sunday morning, everyone.
John Dearing
Fri Sep 04 12:28:15 Candlelight vigil tonight for Georgetown Police Patrolman Chad Spicer, 6-7 pm, The Circle, Georgetown, DE. WBOC-TV will be there live.
Eileen Whelan
Thu Sep 10 10:50:50 Coastal Flood Advisory, Wind Advisory, and High Surf Advisory in effect. Keep tuned to WBOC for the latest on this rainy and windy Thursday!
Kelley Rouse
Mon May 18 13:12:28 Getting ready for another try at the Wallops rocket launch. Scheduled for tomorrow.
Elizabeth Harrington
Sun Sep 13 18:07:10 Ravens football is back!
Alice Bavis
Tue Sep 15 22:44:49 Police in a Chicago suburb say that a former fundraiser for ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich committed suicide.
Scott Abraham
Fri Sep 18 20:14:04 The Final Score tonight at 11. We'll have several HS Football highlights, plus all the scores throughout the area!
Steve Hammond
Thu Sep 24 21:46:56 A SBY mother charged in the death of her own child. 8 month old left unattended in a bathtub.
Brie Jackson
Fri Sep 25 15:21:17 Relay for life kicks off today!
Jennifer Walker
Sat Sep 26 09:37:34 Awake? Live in wicomico co?? come out to Relay For Life at Perdue Stad, we're still walking!!!
Lisa Bryant
Sun Sep 27 11:14:20 Roman Polanski taken into custody on a 31-year arrest warrant.
Brian Keane
Mon Sep 28 11:38:14 ...and did you see Brett Favre? Flat out AWESOME!!!
I say, screw Twitter. Salisbury News is about as LIVE as it's going to ever get here on the Eastern Shore. You're welcome to go to their SITE and see these are current Twits, (LOL) where WBOC is trying to keep you as up to date/speed as humanly possible, through Twitter. I personally think Twitter is a bunch of crap. If you're doing your job you'll deliver the news just as fast as possible anyway. NOT weeks behind. Oh, they'll change all of this within 5 minutes of this Post going up but you'll see for the record this is what was up first thing this morning.
SALISBURY NEWS: where you'll get more news in less time from Delmarva's News Leader.
Now that's funny.
Twitter, My twitter is hangin low. What a joke.
Its pretty clear that they don't keep up to date with most of their tweets. I went down the list to see if they were updated but you're right, most haven't tweeted in the past few weeks.
I think twitter is for mindless idiots with not enough to do....WBOC doing it is absurd and I have thought so from the start....thier twits tend to prove my point.
Not only do they leave old news up for days on their website, they also cannot be original and have to copy their questions for the WBOC Online Poll off of CNN's website. 90% of the time it is the same question, just maybe worded slightly different.
The news updates are not too bad, it's the incessant babble about non-news from their personal lives that's irritating.
for crying out loud, do we not have any people that think positive that read this blog?
11:19..point out something positive about the twits at WBOC...I'm all ears
I agree with 11:19. Maybe they wanted to try and see how twittering worked for them. Maybe they see it's NOT working. Why have a negative posting about them?
They do have recent comments on there, even some put up last night! There, that's positive! Why weren't they mentioned on this post?
Because no one reads the stupid twits.
Like tweet Alice Bavis
This twitter is all twattle.
Joe - seriously - I watched the news last night at 11:00 and realized that everything they had was already covered here. That led me to think about the whole news thing. The newspaper has old news and now the TV has old news. The truth is that if you wany news anytime of the day you have to come here to get it. Anything else is old news.
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