
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


In a special meeting of the Wicomico County Council, County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., proposed a pay reduction plan for county employees that would lower Fiscal Year 2010 expenditures by $721,000. Pollitt said that this is only the first phase of budget cutbacks made necessary by an almost $7 Million shortfall caused by a $3 Million reduction in state funding and a $4 Million shortfall in county anticipated revenue.

Pollitt stressed that the pay reductions are temporary and that all county employees will participate with the exception of those whose wage would fall below the federal minimum and exempt employees. The plan is based on the equivalent of a day’s pay ranging from a minimum of 5 days to a maximum of 10 based on the employee’s salary range. Pollitt said that there will be no affect on benefit computation and that furlough days are not part of the plan.

It is anticipated that the legislation will be on the County Council’s September 15th agenda. The council must approve the budget reduction before it can take affect.


Number of Days
Employee Group Pay Reduction
Less than $40,000 5 Days (1.961%)
$40,000-49,999 7 Days (2.767%)
$50,000-100,000 9 Days (3.586%)
Over $100,000 10 Days (4.000%)

This will not affect any benefit computation.


Anonymous said...

What are exempt employees?

Anonymous said...

If I could get my business back to 4% less than three years ago, I would consider the depression over.

Anonymous said...

the county employees must be a lot more valuable than the state employees. Wicomico employees are getting a pay cut and will be required to work anyway. The state had a true furlough whereby the workers's salaries were cut but they did not have to come in. Aren't you folks happy the county has such dedicated workers? lol

doug wilkerson said...

We have county employees that make OVER 100K? I quess its GREAT work if you can get it.

Anonymous said...

12:29 PM is right on...The question of the day: Who are the "exempt employees?" I'd be willing to bet that Jim Fineran, Ted Shea, Matt Creamer and Rick Pollitt all fall into this "exempt employee" category! Is Rick really going to sign his political death certicate here or is he going to do the right thing?

Word verification: PHARE sounds too similar to FAIR! So ironic...

Anonymous said...

I am a county employee. I have no problem with furlohs, but don't dock my pay and make me work. I don't make enough to do this crap. You'd save more furlohing anyway, with cost of electricity and other things. It is ridiculous. I know I WONT be voting for Pollitt again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's see who the exept employees are Especially if they are from the executive's/council's office...

Ted Shea/Matt Creamer:

Approx $100,000 Salaries-4% would yield approxmately $4,000 in savings each.

Rick Pollitt:

$85,000 Salary-3.586% would yield $3,048.10 in savings.

My husband's county salary:

$39,000 Salary-1.961% would yield $764.79 in savings.

The county could make/save 3.9 times as much off Mr. Pollitt and 5.2 times as much off of Mr. Shea and Mr. Creamer (each) than they stand to make off of my husband-and they are the ones that may be exempt?

Collectively, the county could save at least $11,000 (or 14.4% more than my husbands reduction) if EVERYBODY took the cuts!

And let me express this to you, I know that my husband works a whole hell of a lot harder than those three do!

To me, it looks like they are the liabilities, not the exemptions! If anybody has to take a pay cut, those people should be the first! CUT ACROSS THE BOARD, NOT JUST THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL! We certainly do need the moeny more than the higher-ups of the County!

Anonymous said...

Good move -- pay cut without (further) furloughs.

Anonymous said...

Exempt employees are 24/7 status employees like law enforcement and fire protection. Do you really want these guys taking furlough?

Anonymous said...

1:20, County Exec only makes $25,000. Where did you get your numbers? Your a$$?

Anonymous said...

1:20, That came straight from your heart and I could feel the passion in it. Wow.

Anonymous said...

What is the reason that a decision was made not to furlough but to cut pay? I would think it fairer that if a person wasn't going to get paid for the day then they should be made to take off. There has to be a reason because I know Rick Pollitt wants to be as fair as can be with this situation. I am sure this is a hard decision for him to make.

Anonymous said...

county executive makes $85,000. Check the charter.

Anonymous said...

The County Exec only makes $25K?
What kind of loser would accept that job for that kind of money?
That's the same as an asst. manager of a fast food store gets.

Anonymous said...

1:42 pm.
They can work ya for free. What are going to do about it. Maryland is a slave state. No one wants to loss their job. Just roll with the flow. That's what ya been doing. Roll with the flow.

Anonymous said...

What about the Board of Education? This pay cut affects them too, right?

Anonymous said...

It was so nice of Rick Pollitt and the Council to consult with the County employees and public opinion (both of which they REPRESENT!) prior to moving forward with these actions...

Joe (or somebody), please correct me if I am mistaken, but isn't a public hearing required in order to make any mid-year changes to the budget. I believe that is stated in section 704 of the Charter, but the wording is vague.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:31 PM,

The County Executive makes $85,000 per a year. Here is the proof: right in the ADOPTED budget-page 9 under the "ADMINISTRATION/EXECUTIVE FUNCTION" section it says "SALARY - COUNTY EXECUTIVE" $85,000

2010 Wicomico County Budget

Apparently, the numbers I got out of my "A$$" are smarter than YOU!

The Mayor does, however, make only $25,000 per a year. Perhaps you got confused????

And if you check deeper into the charter, the executive also fixes the Adminstrative Director's salary (AKA Ted Shea's atronomical salary)

Anonymous said...

Does this include the WCBOE? It has too.

joealbero said...

anonymous 2:02, no, The County cannot touch the BOE funding. O'Malley sets it in stone for the entire year and no one, including the Governor cannot reduce anything until the following budget the following year.

Anonymous said...

Lets see now , how about doing the right thing , lets see who is productive. Lets see who earns their salary , just ask the supervisors. Go by your last evaluation , ops , maybe not , the
government doesn't do a real evaluation , does it? Guess the low guys on the salary list get the shaft , again. Lets elect some more democrates and really see how we can screw up this country. When are you guys going to WAKE UP?

Anonymous said...

No Way. Then Mr. Pollitt needs to speak to O'Malley and make this happen. How fair is it that all county employees take a cut but the culprit that gets more than 50% of the budget and they are untouchable? There is something wrong with this picture. They are a big part of the problem and they have to be a part of solving this money crisis.

Anonymous said...

Public hearing to be held Sept 15 at CC meeting. All show up and voice your concerns.

Anonymous said...

Follow this.

<$40K 5 days.
$10k more 7 days
$10k more 9 days.

fairness would dictate it should increase at the same rate. Making $100k, what 19days.

Sorry, Stupid me, I forgot it's those incomes making the policies. They're not going to cut there pay. Only the laborers get cut to pay for the non working welfare programs they can't afford.

How many K's did the county loose at the landfill? Don't those guys have property? Is the county doing anything to get that back? Oh Ya, there taking it from the hardworking low paid county workers.
I'm so stupid sometimes.

Tom Sawyer

Anonymous said...

take the money you have set aside for that new library and the money you supposably have to purchase the land for a PARK and use it. Dont take the "easy" way out of this. Use some common sence. Make yourself look like you care..take your cut too! If the governor of california can take the job for zero pay you Rick can take the pay cut too and the executives who work with you..Man up!

Anonymous said...

With the BOE scenario it makes an even more compelling case for a Succession move away from the Western Shore.

We need our independence more than ever before. I say make the Eastern Shore the 51st State of the Union. Or what's left of our Union.

Anonymous said...

You have to petition the UN. The last man that tryed that was from Alaska, hes never been seen again.

Anonymous said...

it just means that lraning on that shovel just got your lazy ass in trouble

Anonymous said...

What is really screwed up is that the BOE, who is untouchable, gets half the budget and also gets....get this...... a COLA.....and get this......A RAISE!!!!!!!! Now come on teachers, tell me some of you didn't get a raise and all of you didn't get a COLA. So what this amounts to is that some of our hard working county employees, the lowest on the totem pole, will be receiving pay cuts (working as hard, or harder, for less pay), while the majority of the county funded positions (education) will be getting paid more for doing the same. WTF is wrong with this picture. AND GUESS WHAT ELSE? This is only the first phase. I can only guess what phase 2 will be. Lets see...... lets lay off some from the bottom of the totem pole so we can make it look like we are really saving Mr. Taxpayer money and then guess what.....there won't be anyone left to do the work. Then we will really show them. Now the teachers will cry that some of their budget comes from the state so they can't be held to the same raises as the rest of the grunt county workers. So how about this, next year, don't fund them as much, and make them look into trimming where they can trim. This can be done without sacrificing the quality of education. Didn't one honest teacher come on here and state how top heavy they are? I mean, how many assistant this and vice this do you need? Lets find a list of all the administrative staff and their titles and their salaries. I bet the public would pitch a $itch.
The teachers can't always have their cake and eat it too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did they get that thing through where teachers don't have to pay property tax either? I mean, at least repeal that or double their property tax!

Anonymous said...

4:40 Well said. They are the biggest part of this problem and they have to help with a solution. Unfortunately, the BOE knows they are untouchable and won't offer to help. They don't have to. They have the state protection. These are bad times for the citizens not just county employees. Most everyone is suffering and yes education is most important but this top heavy administration that we have been screaming about for years needs to be retired. NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who said law enforcement are exempt? They got the notice today too. If the state can cut their employees why are BOE excluded from pay cuts?? You said the state sets their budget, so does the state for all other state agencies that has been furloughed and had pay cuts.

Anonymous said...

Any other county department pay people 10% of their salary for up to three years as a bonus for saying when they MIGHT retire? Why hasn't that been investigated? What a benefit for those few retiring at the top of the BOE scale. One took the bonus for a year and retired which was legal, one didn't take it and retired which was legal, and one took it and kept it and didn't intend to retire until later. The Bd. said it was to recruit teachers, but how paying retiring asst. supts. a ton of money recruits teachers is beyond most of us. They knew money would be short but did it anyway.

Anonymous said...

State employees got furlough days. County employees are now being affected. Are you saying neither state or county cost cutting can touch the Bd of Ed?

Anonymous said...

The County can take as many days as it wants to from me, I'm just going to work more overtime and get all the money back and then some.

Anonymous said...

why did rick not cut the ferry hours like he said in the could have saved the county two too three hundred thousand dollars.but at the last minute he decided not to go ahead with it.

Anonymous said...

Ricky boy must em all out!

joealbero said...

anonymous 7:27, yeah, it's all Rick's fault. PLEASE! The Governor raised MD sales tax from 5% to 6% and we're still in a deficit. Come on now, our government is pissing away money and it's about time they started pulling out the RED INK PEN and got back to reality. If you think it's bad now, wait a year or two. This is just the beginning. No more $14,000,000.00 Fire Stations. No more Library's or Civic Centers. Learn to stop spending and enjoy what you have. STOP going out to eat every other night. YOU better start tightening your belts folks because I have been warning you these days were coming for years.

Anonymous said...

that is sad if they cut deputies, which are the only thing between you all and the bad guys It is bad that the state may cut MSP to this is just wrong get rid of Shea's fat a-- and creamer's to

Anonymous said...

if they cut county pay, are they going to base raises on that salary or the current salary they make now next year

Concerned teacher said...

The BOE is sacred ground. Thou shall not bother thy portals that hold up the pyramid of Knowledge. Many teachers would like to work 5 days without salary to do their part in these tough economic times.Some don't know how to do this .The new superintendent believes the educational staff should show by example that teachers and administrators do care about the children. With some parents without work and others taking pay cuts makes many children come to school without adequate clothing and a proper lunch. Teachers realize that a hungry child or a worried child cannot do good school work. I am glad all professions are lending a helping hand during this serious economic crisis. Thank the Lord there is hope and a Christian conscience in Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:40
The public has the right to see admin salaries of the BOE.
you wanna see my salary you have the right to request them from the BOE. There is a process you can follow to get our salaries. Do you have the testicular foritude to post them. Lets see. Many have asked and no one does anything with them.

Anonymous said...

I hope Delegate Norman Conway, chairman of ways and means, reads your comment Joe. The whole state has to live with the money in their pocket and keep their hands out of mine.Democrats know how to spend, spent and it's all gone. Just like a magic show but not very amusing to me who just got laid off.

smitty240 said...

Has anyone at any level of government considered drug testing and physical examinations for welfare recipients?

Anonymous said...

7:07 PM, You must be with the sherrifs office. All the O.T. you want. But, I am glad you can get it. (truthfuly) I wish in my department I could get the OT to make up what I will lose. I guess in reality it could be worse, I could be getting laid off, but it seems like it was such a fight to even get where we are. They say that it is temporary, but that probably means 3 years. I took the job with the county even though you could make more in private sector, the county was suppopsed to be secure. I guess there is no such thing as secure anymore.

Anonymous said...

I have a great idea for all of you idiots bashing the BOE. Lets reduce the number of days the teachers have to work and make you sorry a$$e$ have to watch your kids during the day instead of the teachers. I will gladly give up 1 day a week and go to a 4 day week. That is what some districts are doing.

Oh, by the is not the BOE's fault that the governor can't reduce the education budget. It is the law.

Maybe you should have become a teacher!!!

Anonymous said...

There is way too much misinformation out there.
Teachers did NOT get a COLA and a raise. Teachers only received an increase commensurate with their experience (commonly called a step)if it was on the salary schedule. Most teachers at the higher end of the scale (15+ years) only receive a step every 5 years. I don't know the exact numbers but most experienced teachers did not get a raise this year.
There have been many years where teachers have not received their negotiated increases because it wasn't funded by the county council and the money went somewhere else. Shorebird stadium comes to mind. There have also been years when other county employees got higher % increases to maintain competitive salaries.
The Early Notification Program (ENP) was designed to encourage retirement to bring in new teachers at a lower salary. My understanding it that this year is the last of the 3 years of the program. As far as I know there are a bunch of teachers retiring at the end of this year because of the program. As far as I know there's nothing "maybe" about it. None of the teachers I've talked to are planning on staying.

Anonymous said...

7:55 said "Do you have the testicular foritude to post them."

HAHAHAHAHAHAH, no but I probably have the VAGULAR fortitude to do so. I saw the teachers salaries in the paper and couldn't believe how much many were knocking down. I bet their bosses are knocking down even more. Are you suggesting that the BOE is not top heavy? While you are at it, answer my question, did you receive a COLA and a raise, or just a COLA? I don't care if 9:18 calls it a step, or whatever, it is still a raise and in economic times like these, is a slap in the face when others are getting paycuts. "There have been many years where teachers have not received their negotiated increases".......... THAT in itself is a joke. You shouldn't be able to negotiate your salary. "There have also been years when other county employees got higher % increases to maintain competitive salaries."........Oh please do tell me when, and if it is REMOTELY possible, it may be one year out of 20 that the teachers didn't get something the peon grunt workers did.(you must be talking about the sheriffs office and pay parity) The teachers have been b!tchin because they have to pay more after retirement than the peon workers. That is because we pay double or more what you do while we are working. Do the math (you are a teacher) in reality, you are making out better paying less while you are working than the short number of years between retirement and medicare. Oh, but you still want more. BTW, you said they didn't get a COLA and a raise, so they got one or the other? Give me a F break!!!!
By the way, stop sending the da(* fundraisers home, I know darn well the couple of thousand dollars they generate could easily be found in the BOE's budget. I am tired of guilting family into buying something stupid they don't need, especially in this economy, to help pay for something that my taxes already should have (that is if it could be managed more efficiently). Maybe if I had some teachers in my family, my child could sell something.

Anonymous said...

9:10 PM, thats fine with me, you guys get so many proffessional days its like you work a four day work week anyway. I am always having to juggle child care around. One more day once in a while won't be that bad. Whay do you guys do on those days (really). Does it involve taxpayer funded lunches? Who pays for your Christmas Parties and end of the year drink fests? I have actually had the pleasure of attending one, you guys can really party it up!!!

Anonymous said...

"Oh, by the is not the BOE's fault that the governor can't reduce the education budget. It is the law."

It certainly aint the law that the overpaid teachers should continue to get everything they want, including raises during a depression. It also aint the law that the county has to fund half their budget.
You guys could have at least been a little more inconspicuous. Maybe had someone give your raises in cash during one of those "proffessional" days.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break with this so called Pay Parity everybody says the deputies got. NOT ALL of the deputies got those nice fat pay raises. The pay parity was just a lot of political BS. Some got and some did not. It was pick and choose who got. If the county and the state started looking at the waste of taxpayer dollars they would have alot more to manage their budget. If they were in the private sector they would go bankrupt. Just like a new Civic Center and new library. Let them manage with what they have and put that money back in the budget!!! Look at the savings. In bad economic times why not cut the fat where it is first.

Anonymous said...

I am curious what anyone has heard about our two largest employers in our area. What is there economic situation? Are Perdue and PGH taking furlough days? Are they getting raises this year? We would all like to know what the big players are doing for their employees.

Anonymous said...

Christmas and end of year parties are paid for by social committee dues which all school staff members pay, proceeds from the vending machines in the teachers' room and by money specifically collected from staff for that event. Taxpayers funds don't pay for these events, employees do and that's how it should be. Also, unless the P.T.A. pays for a professional day lunch for staff, we buy our own food on those days which is also how it should be.

Anonymous said...

Wicomico County schools are open every day for at least half an hour longer than required by state law. Only one other county has a school day as long as ours. That's our taxes paying for heating, air conditioning for some schools and lighting that doesn't have to be paid. Shorten the day.

Anonymous said...

I found part of the answer to my question:


Well, we know that Rick Pollitt is one of those exempt employees after his bonedheaded comment in the paper this morning: "he plans to donate a portion of his salary to the Meals on Wheels program." Although I think that this is the stupidest idea EVER and his political career is certainly over, I expect no less than $3,048.10 to be donated to the Meals on Wheels. I WILL BE FOLLOWING UP ON THIS RICK! You want to cheat the County and make out fat yourself, we'll see where that gets you next election. You know that you can take the pay cut too or are you just trying to get the tax deduction for it in April so that you can get it back? That being the case, I would like to donate my salary reduction to the Susan G Komen foundation.

In addition, furlough days DO NOT involve shutting down the GOB-why does everybody think that the government has to shut down inorder to do furloughs? I can take a furlough day on one day and still have 10 people in the office that are planning on taking their furlough days on other days. The wheels don't have to stop turning to do furloughs.

"Next, Pollitt said he plans to meet with the county Board of Education to see if schools will be able to help the county cut expenses. Education makes up about half the county budget." I hope you ask reeeeeally nicely Rick, because they aren't going to "give" you sh!t! YOU HAVE TO GROW A PAIR AND TAKE IT!

Joe, can you please create a post asking/demanding who these exempt employees are? I'm really curious as to whether or not Shea, Finneran and Creamer are on the list. If so, the County is truly corrupt and ran by some pork eating a-holes and the citizens should demand their resignation!

Anonymous said...

2:52...the $ for the library and the new park come from specific state programs and cannot be used by the county to subsidize general fund spending

Anonymous said...

Exempt employees involve many employees within the government. Exempt employees receive straight comp time for overtime versus getting paid. Maybe the article is worded wrong. Possibly "appointed" or "elected" are the ones who have not been affected? If not, there is still lots room unless it was just the Ivory Tower that was not affected.

Anonymous said...

I get comp time in lieu of paid overtime, but I'm not exempt...guess again...

Anonymous said...

"P.T.A. pays for a professional day lunch for staff, we buy our own food on those days which is also how it should be"

UM SORRY, I disagree with that. First of all, a $5 membership to the PTA, nets a whopping $1.50 to the school your child attends. The rest goes to the state PTA. That is B.S. All these fundraisers that the pta does, which equals parents having to buy a bunch of stuff so the school can collect some measly percentage of the cost of an item, goes towards things that the schools should already have enough cash to buy. No, the pta shouldn't be buying lunch buffets for the teachers. My suggestion, make a donation box so that if I contribute $50 to the PTA, all $50 stays at my childs school. BTW, according to my calculations, taking int account all the professional days and holidays, teachers actually only work 162 days out of the year. That is 32 weeks (5 day weeks). The rest of the lowly workers year is based on 240 days. With that being said, a teacher who makes 60K a year, in reality is equivalent to making nearly $100,000 per year based on days worked in relationship to pay. No, I don't think the teachers are overpaid, and they certainly can buy their own lunch.