SEAFORD, - The Delaware Department of Justice on Tuesday announced that to avoid being taken to court, the owner of the Canton Inn in Seaford will no longer offer any form of adult entertainment at his business.
The Department of Justice said that the Canton Inn adult nightclub has been the site of prostitution and lewd sexual conduct over a period of several years. Following an investigation by the State Division of Professional Regulation and Delaware State Police, the Department of Justice determined that the Canton Inn presented an immediate threat to the public health, safety and welfare. Under the state's Drug Nuisance and Social Vices Abatement Act, the Department of Justice has the authority to take enforcement action against so-called "nuisance" properties. Such measures can include shutting offending businesses down.
They will now turn the establishment into a night club and renovate the facility right away.
It would be better to rebuild the building. It will never lose the reputation and there fore you will still have the same kind of people going there acting the same way.
It's about time!!
that "sucks" hehehehe
They did the same a few years back, maybe 10?, because I took my wife there for dinner. It was a Chineese restaurant at the time.
What a shame! These do-gooder bible thumpers are out to ruin everyone's good time.
My goodness , it's about time they
got rid of these girls. They set a
bad example for other young adults.
I never heard of foolishness like this until I came to this area.
8:10, no offense meant, but have you been living under a rock? Really, you never heard of "foolishness like this" until you came to this area? You've certainly led a sheltered life!
Well, there goes my part-time job!
Ha ha, the verification word for this comment is "demon."
"I never heard of foolishness like this until I came to this area."
Really? Where did you live before? Sesame St., Perfectville, USA?
You never heard of a strip club before?????????????? Where were you living? Jupiter??????
darnit. no more crack hoes with pasties on... shooot!
Holy cow! Now where I can leave my l5 year old son to receive some sex education while I am shopping in Seaford?
Good Riddance!!!!!!!!
No more skanky gals with scabs and bruises. No more half 50 dollar bill tricks. No more rolling rocks. No more "Harry met Sally's. No more bottle openers. No more $1.00 pool games. No more Good "dancing" music. No more!!!!!! I have not been there, only heard of these from people who went there.
Connect the bruises on the stripper, not what I call sexually stimulating. Or are those needle marks. Good for you Seaford.
I am so haapy to see that business closed down. Eight years ago, my niece found this dump when she was living with me. She came down from Massachusetts with her 1 month old child to "change her lifestyle" and one year later I got custody then adopted her child. Places like these are a detroment to society and enables young niave women into thinking every man "loves" them, only to get what they want and then leave. Thank God the good people of Seaford have been victorious.
Thank goodness BT didn't know this before quitting her day job! ;-)
I am willing to do some advance on-site pre-planning/consultation with the honorable, Supreme Court figure, Mr. Flynt at his fine Baltimore establishment. BTW..even the Amish are no longer as uptight as the Eastern Shore [and they serve much better sandwiches].
And the five-spot is the "new" dollar bill ya'll if you catch my dizzle...Help these ladies out!!
I also have an argument where I say at least some of these ladies are at least working [usually their second job] to be in an arguably degrading position because they love their children SO much during a recession/depression that it is actually worth it; and how some of the most religious among us here are so judgmental and hypocritical that they can't wrap their narrow minds around this concept.
never been there, but it does suck that its closing. nothing wrong with a place like that for adults to go. hey 10:23- if you think those are nasty legs, you must be very hot! but i suspect just the opposite. as with alot of below average looking women, it seems to make you feel better to berate someone that is hot. self esteem issues maybe?
What am I gonna do with all my one dollar bills now?
while i personnaly would never be a stripper, i really don't see anything wrong with it. the prostitution, of course is not cool. however, people shouldn't blame the strip club for girls getting hooked on drugs, these girls were aready turning tricks and had drug problems, or would of anyway because of the lifestyle they live and the circle they travel in. lots of stripped don't do drugs or even drink. i imagine that for the right girl, it is a great source of income.
i have been there and, truthfully, i have seen more on the beaches of ocean city, etc.... thongs and pasties are what you would have found at the canton inn. have any of you ever populated a "strip club" in Georgia or Flordia?? quite a difference....
I agree with 1:01 as far as stripping not being a bad thing but I wouldn't do it myself (I may not feel the same if I had the body for it LOL). I do blame the establishment for the activity there though. They could do things like monitor the parking lot & make the girls aware that if they're caught turning tricks/doing drugs on they would be fired. I know that a few years ago a couple of bouncers & dancers conspired to do "smash & grab" schemes - the girls would provide services to a customer for money while the bouncers robbed their cars. An acquaintance of mine got his rims stolen that way.. HAHA!
Our governments lie cheat and steal, they create and attack far more crime than any strip club....when are we shutting them down?
As for the possibility of prostitution...again, our governments have been screwing the taxpayer and taking their money at will for years....actually..thats more like rape and robbery!
Let them keep their seedy bar, it keeps them off our street corners!
Please OH please, tell us master, what else we "should not do"?
Oh no,now the nearest boobie bar is Smyrna!
Seriously,I cannot judge these girls.In this economy,I would rather see them dancing topless than living off of welfare checks like so many others do.While Canton Inn obviously has problems,and SHOULD be shut down for the interest of the public,not all exotic dancers are druggies and prostitutes.There are gentlemens clubs that operate above the board.
Its easy to say you would not do it,but lets keep it real....how many of us women WOULDN'T consider doing it if we were younger and had the looks???I would not want my own daughter to do it,but if that was the only way I could make enough money to support her and I was a "hottie",you bet your "pasties" I would do it.My fellow females,come down off of that pedestal.
6:13 or anyone
It was on this blog that you can get all the sex you want on rt 13 in salisbury.
I cant remember the price , think it was $2 or $3 dollars, hell thats cheaper and closer than seaford.
i'm glad 2 see other women on here not putting down these women 4 doing wht some of them have 2 do 2 pay the bills. i don't no wht canton was thinkin allowing prostitution. but n delaware strip clubs the laws r thongs and pasties and "no touching". if u work at a law abiding club, the jobs not so bad. now if the judgemental women who posted comments on here really want something to talk about ask someone who knows about some of the clubs in baltimore and philly. u'd really have something 2 say then! n 2 the guys who said the closest club is n smyrna: theres actually a club in dover called the gold club...a little classier than the one n smyrna
As a guy, I never understood this concept or have been able to rationalize going to these places. However, there are guys who like to empty their wallets for nothing but a few drinks and some eye candy, and they should be free to do so. I met a very nice young mother at such a place once, and understood she was single and supporting her kid, but what a place for her to meet a new guy?
There are some very upscale places like that in Atlanta. A friend of mine actually met his wife at one.She was going to medical school and "dancing" to pay her way.I met her and asked her about it.She was very frank.."look,I am making over $50K a year doing this...no one touches me and I do nothing but dance. And if it gets me through Med school what's the harm? I had no response!!!
thats how it is sometimes. don't get me wrong, u have ur skanks, prostitutes, and drug addicts. but u also have college students, and caring mothers just trying 2 make ends meet. have u ever tried 2 support yourself and 2 kids on $6.50 an hr? i have, its impossible. there's days u dont eat lunch so u can put a couple dollars of gas in your car
thats sucks good pu... good stuff!!!
They need to open another gentlemen's club in the area, its a shame they got rid of the Canton Inn, it looked like a nice place. Its stinks that there are no gentlemen clubs until Smyrna, VA Beach, or the otherside of the bridge.
Obviously your real career is not as a spelling or English teacher!
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