A video which captured just of a small portion of this incident is attached to this release. It was filmed by a bystander. Upon viewing the footage, one will see that multiple people were involved to some degree and detectives are not sure if anyone else was stabbed before, during or after the video was taken. Other victims should call investigators at 302-834-2630 ext. 208. (In the video, the victim is wearing a yellow tank top and Jayd Hampton is wearing the bright green t-shirt.)
Detectives from Troop 2 in Glasgow are investigating a stabbing that occurred earlier in the day in the parking lot of the Christiana Mall. This investigation revealed four females had arrived at the mall on a DART bus. The bus pulled up to the south side of the mall adjacent to the food court. A 19-year-old female, and her friend, Jayd Jenita Hampton (the suspect), got up and began to walk to the exit. While doing so, the 19-year-old inadvertantly stepped on the foot of a 14-year-old girl. The two exchanged words and eventually got off of the bus. The 14-year-old was accompanied by her friend, a 15-year-old girl (to be referred to hereinafter as the victim). Once in the parking lot, the four girls began fight. Eventually, the victim and Ms. Hampton were specifically fighting one another. Jayd Hampton then produced a folding knife and began to stab the victim multiple times in the arms, face, neck and back. Several bystanders intervened and separated the victim and the suspect. Ms. Hampton and her 19-year-old friend immediately got back onto the DART bus and fled the scene. Witnesses at the scene provided the bus number to responding Troopers; and the bus was intercepted on Route 40 at Route 7 in Bear. The suspect was apprehended without incident and transported back to Troop 2 for processing. The victim was transported from the scene to Christiana Hospital where she was treated for her multiple wounds. Ms. Hampton will be formally charged with felony Assault and felony Possession of a Deadly Weapon during the Commission of a Felony. Bail information is not available at this time.
She carries a blade because she fights like a punk! WEAK people need weapons. What happened to the old days when people had a legit one on one clean fight and walked away? Now a days kids are so grossly ignorant they feel the only way to "win" is to shoot or stab someone. IMHO if a person needs a weapon to assure "victory" they aren't worth the skin they reside within.
What has this world come to when a supposed adult stabs a teenager over a stupid disagreement.My guess is she has no upbringing,did not apologize for stepping on the girls foot and when the child(because at 14 you ARE a child) called her on it,she just whipped out a knife.I hope this b*tch gets some serious time,she could have killed this kid.
And what a MORON!What kind of speedy getaway is that-hopping a transit bus?
They are animals and need to be put down.
When will things like this end? its a viscious cycle that seems to just grow more violent with each generation / each year. I feel bad that this is the norm, not just for blacks, but for kids in general growing up today. I wonder where our society will be in 20 years.
Were the people taking the video lying on their sides?
Boy you just can't get away from the ghetto types these days can you, the malls the schools, your own home.
But I guess it is still the fault of the man keeping them down.
Dr. King and all the people who fought for civil rights in this country must be rolling over in their graves at what these people have become.
Hey, its against the law to jump in or try to stop the fights! I see they watch cop movies and come up with their own laws. Here is a law for you, Acting like animals gets you put down! They were prob fighting ove a guy who is sleeping with both. The guy has 6 kids from 6 different hood rats and don't pay child support.
Let them all take care of one another. It won't be our problem anymore then.
It's a shame people make assumptions about situations they know nothing about. There are fights everyday and I'm sorry but making an accusation of ignorance does not solve the problem.
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