After yesterday's storm I decided to take a ride down to the River and take a look at just what might be floating in the River this go around.
It looks like part of a Pier/Dock is floating by along with a shipping pallet and other entertaining floatables, (as former Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegys likes to call it).
Anyhow, if you happen to be enjoying, (if you can) taking your Boat out into the River and you want to do any water sports, be very careful of what you might run into. Oh, make sure you up to speed with your Insurance Policy too!
Did you see that CASH FOR GOLD sign? Looks like it washed away from Robinson's Jewlers.
Ewwww How disgusting. Salisbury ain't what it used to be when I was little. Down right nasty what the heck I hope Salisbury is PROUD of what it looks like.
This is outrageous and a disgrace. The river is a major proplem and needs to be fixed for good. Urban Salisbury's plan is lipstick on a pig until the river is fixed.
Is Barrie Tilghman still the mayor? Obama is still blaming Bush also.
wasn't there suppose to be a boat that the city/county bought a few years ago that was to be used as a skimmer and clean up crap floating on the river?
We may need to get some boats in the water and just do it ourselves.
JOE, The wife and I went to MAC DS and bought our lunch.We went over to the parking area about11:30am and it was low tide then.I told the wife look how filthy the river is. The river had a green haze on top and all the items u shot were there then. Just think what would be coming up under the bridges with 5hrs.of the rising tide.Unbelievable. EARL
for those that do not know the city has a pontoon boat that they send people out to clean up trash on the river. However they never seem to be out when there is trash.
Maybe Joe can call the Mayor and have the 'Salisbury Navy' dispatched to do some work instead of ride around all day
The stench of raw sewage at the Rt50 and Mill St bridge at 7:00 AM today was breath taking.There had to be another unreported sewage over flow.
Couldn" agree more with 9:32's comment. The riverproblem is a disgrace and BPT should be held accountable for its condition along with Smith, Comegys and Shanie, the triumverate that pushed all the other useless crap upon us, including the Urban Salisbury bunch of thieves!
Joe. Talking about isn't going to help anything. Organize a clean up. Actually do something if you so much!!!!!!!!!!
What do you do, wait for a major thunderstorm to coming rolling in and the next run to the river near the storm drains and take pictures of the trash that was from the roadways into the river?
Sick ,how can you go in that water.
Why are you allowing postings , against Robinson.
There is no proof only albero oppinion.
That is disgusting.While we are blaming the city,lets also blame all those ignorant people who litter who helped make this mess.How hard is it to throw trash in can where it belongs?
Why not a fundraiser to clean up the river?
They have them for everything else around here.
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