Hi Joe,
Don't know if you have space or time, but I put together a list of helpers/businesses that made the bonfire possible. This does not include of course the monetary donations. We had an amazing turnout (as you know!) especially considering the weather...we estimate around 350 people came by, and $12,500 was raised! We were excited that the community backed this and that the event came together in just 5 short days! This cause is so important--it really hit home to so many people that this beautiful little 4 year old girl, Brooke Mulford, has to go through so much. We are happy we were able to raise so much to help with the family's medical expenses. Here is the list--we tried very hard to list everyone who helped. Again, none of this would be possible without the community!
Giant Food
United Rentals
Parties Etc.
Mike Wessels--Met Life Home Loans
Pam Price, Realtor
Eric Morris/Juley Pinchak
Mike Malone, Mack Malone
Butch Malone
Phat Boyz Catering--Andy and Christy Glushakow
Outback Steakhouse--Shawn Wilson
ASAP Services
Herl's Fiberglass
Talane Hastings
FP Winner--Rob Kenny
Delmarva Towing
Pam Morris
Bartlett Tree Service--Ronnie Haymaker
WGMD Radio
Starbucks Coffee
Don Bailey, Realtor
Salisbury School
Pete Richardson Auction Sales
Delmar Fire Department
Colleen Meiser, Realtor
Salisbury News
Kevin Anderson
Spicer Mason Construction
Got It Covered Painting
Carousel Hotel--Michael James
Kuhn's Jewelers
Taylor Oil
Janice Smith
Great Scott Broadcasting
Froggy 99.9--Mike and April
American Outback Septic
Comcast--Fred Baker
Gillis Gilkerson--Dwight Miller
Wicomico County Public Works/County Roads
Wicomico County Fire Marshal
Pemberton Appliances
Dave Allen
Jessica Haden (who volunteered because she saw the story about the bonfire on Salisbury News)
Smitty's Gun Shop
Fountains Wedding and Conference Center
Pressing Strings (band)
Erik Emely (Flea--DJ services)
Tony Windsor (musician)
Treetech (Bobby Robinson)
Factory Card Outlet
S & D Coffee (Mike Davis)
"Beat the Beast" Relay Team
Furnitureland--Larry Barnes
Pohanka--Nina DiCarlo
Acorn Market
Home Depot
Ronnie Lewis, Gerald Lewis
If you can publish it it would be great for people to see what local businesses/businesspeople assisted..if not I know there is a lot going on!! Thanks again for your support.
Christal Marshall, Realtor
The Porter Marshall Group
Long and Foster Real Estate
410-546-3211 Office
410-726-8192 Cell
funny that you advertise asap services
I agree with anon 9:05. ASAP services is only donating our tax dollars back to the cause. I realize the bonfire was a success and the cause was more than worthy but this idiot needs to thank the taxpayers of Wicomico for the donations to his cause.
Kudos to everone else. It is great to see a community come together in these times. It gives you hope.
Funny that ASAP's donation would even be accepted.
Other than ASAP why not make sure the community now supports these businesses to thank them for their kindness. Rick P.
Why shouldn't Ray's help be accepted and acknowledged? Who can think of a better use of some of his money? Or did he provide port-o-johns? If the latter, I can only imagine some of the artwork left behind. Nonetheless, there is no better cause than to help a child that is in need,No matter who you are.
imagine that... no help from the metropolitan mag
Thanks to Party's Etc. Too!!!
Why shouldnt ASAP donate? That company has paid the price for their mistake...financially and economically. Give it a rest...move on to another topic. Donations are donations....a good thing no matter who does it.
Then have ray donate that $400,000 back to the county. Then I will call it even...
I think someone got there feelings hurt for not being recognized.
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