"Not sure if they were on the clock or not, but the driver of this Salisbury EMS #16 vehicle was in line behind me on Saturday at the Tanning Salon. I came out and saw the vehicle parked and thought it interesting that you could tan on company time and drive a company vehicle to your appointment. I will give the benefit of the doubt and say, well maybe he was a volunteer???? Either way, good advertising for them!"
The Tanning Salon was Beach Fever on College Ave and it was around 1pm on Saturday afternoon.
Keep up the good work Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy.
The meager ammount that they are paid she was probably working a part time job while on duty at Salisbury.
They firemen (women) have to get tans so they look good for the VCOS conference coming up at St 16
I am suprised they are allowed to leave the building with a tight budget. They have to pay to have training props painted and lettered, how do they afford to pay for fuel?
They dont, they are getting it from ASAP at a discount price.... ROTFLMAO....
Did you say HE? How freakin' lame for a male EMT. Or maybe he was moonlighting as a stripper and you are mad because you weren't invited to stay for the party! What a waste of taxpayer dollars. Now, if you said she......
The ladies auxillary could pay for the fuel, thats a volunteer resource that the chief hasnt tapped into yet.
This is nothing new, these losers also use the fire trucks to go to Wawa and TCBY for the free coffee and ice cream.
It does not matter if it was a volunteer or not. My tax dollars are not at work in a tanning salon.
Thanks for posting this Joe. It isnt just in Salisbury its everywhere.
I would bet my paycheck, that the two people on that ambulance Saturday were not tanning...They were in Taylor's BBQ getting lunch. Which by the way is one of the local favorites of the SFD. So to the viewer who had an issue..Please stop and think about what you typed. There was nothing in your article about which store you were in or obviously did not pay attention to where the EMS crew was.
anonymous 5:52,
I allowed your comment through but havce rejected a few like it, allow me to explain.
NO, the EMS person was NOT having lunch, picking up lunch or anything of the sort as you and others have attempted to suggest.
The person that wrote this and sent it in to me clearly stated they were IN LINE in the Tanning Salon and this EMS person was directly behind them IN LINE.
They were amazed when they walked out of the Tanning Salon that they were in a Company Vehicle.
So you can play damage control all you want, you, (and others) are WRONG.
Why can't you people just admit to a screw up or mistake. Instead, you ALWAYS come back here and lie hoping people will believe you. What say you now?
Wonder who may have died because the call went out and the EMS could not respond fast enough because they were naked w/pay.
I think for some, this is a paycheck and nothing more. Some of them could care less they are there to save lives.
In defense of them going to get something to eat with these vehicles, the workers need to eat and the vehicle is their office. So they need to take it so they can respond to what is needed. Don't forget how many times they didn't get a chance to eat because they were working.
However the tanning, if that is what they were doing is over the line.
anonymous 6:22,
There you guys go again. READ the Post and then the comment I JUST PUT UP! Are you people fools? They were in there tanning, period.
While I can respect the fact that they have to eat and while I can accept the fact that there are times we see them out in City Vehicles doing so, we can deal with that. However, when something like this comes up, we have given the date and even time of day. If See & Gordy refuse to do anything asbout it, shame on them, period.
However, quit suggesting they were out to eat because in this case they were not. Any more comments suggesting that they were will simply be rejected from this point on. We get the point IF they were doing the right thing. In this case, they were NOT.
The reason you see this bunch of grub hogs eating out so much is because they all take advantage of every single perk that places like WaWa,TCBY, Panera etc.. give them. 1/2 off, free coffee, free sodas. These people are the biggest moochers you'll ever see. Any John Doe with a FD shirt gets the discount or freebie, whatever the case may be. My ex is a Paramedic from another company and they all mooch like heck.
Now as far as the tanning goes, not sure about discounts there but I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Tanning in a company vehicle is spelled F-I-R-E-D.
I was at KFC once and as soon as the EMT crew sat down with their lunch, there was a call, and they all left the food on the table and went to work without so much as a mouthful. Let's charge them for that.
How about we charge them for being S-T-U-P-I-D instead?
You can easily take what's there and bring it with you.
Besides, like many have said here in the first place, a lot of what they get is FREE anyway. Just look at See & Gordy and that shoulod tell you a whole lot.
4:53 now thats funny!
Wait a minute, wait just a dang mdriveninute! Isn't anyone else seeing the real issue here? There was a LINE at a G.D. tanning salon? Is the whole town nuts? Someone please tell me it was not a"man". What a bunch of petty, self centered, pop-culture driven metro-sexuals men are today. In my day, my buddies and I hiked the Grand Canyon if we wanted a tan.
Who really cares. They could have been getting a gift certificate for some one. And if this person is so worried they should have stayed and saw for a fact what they were doing.
anonymous 7:58,
The ONLY person who would have made such a comment is a Firefighter/EMS or the person just snagged.
Again, learn about accountability! It was wrong, they should admit to it, apologize, management should assure the taxpayers this will not happen again and move forward.
We live in a whole new world because of Blogs and the Internet. Get used to it. This information was brought to Salisbury News by a taxpayer. Quit ragging on me simply because we exposed it.
When you work a 24 hour shift, you can not spend it all sitting on a hair trigger.
Think about a volunteer being at a firehouse washing their truck, shooting pool, or working out. All of these things 'cost the taxpayer money'.
When the call for EMS comes for you, would you like me to be at the station washing my truck, or at my local bar kicking a few back.
When FD is toned out for a structure fire at your house, would you like to know that a few guys took the engine out and already on it and know it's fine, or would you rather 3 people show up at the station in 8 minutes to find the engine is not ready to go.
Personnel at a station or on an apparatus are ready to go... Amuse them to keep them there... it's in our best interest.
Was it the big hairy paramedic getting his yearly full body bikini wax?
You want sightings? The College is back in. Watch the SFD vehicles around the College - University Park and University Village apartments from Thurs - Sun. I forgot Chiefy Mon - Fri, between 10am - 3pm, riding the same area with the cell phone in his ear. These are facts from last semester. They all forget about stop signs because their eyes are else ware.
Is it not in the employee handbook that employees of Salisbury will not be driving a city vehicle while talking on a cell phone?
Ive seen alot of Fire engines parked in the fire lanes at WaWa ?
Arnt these lanes for emergencys?
I dont beleive it is a designated parking spot for fire enginges is it ? Yet they park there every day !
Is this o kay ? Cause if I park there I would be fined.
anonymous 10:35,
For what it's worth, I would think as large as the Fire Trucks are and considering they are exactly what should be on those lanes, why not let them park there. If a fire breaks out, they're exactly where they need to be, right?
Who was in there watching this person tan? Thats a thread you need to start.
As far as the whole food issues, who decides to give fire/ems discounts?....? Not the fire/ems. Its the managers or owners. There is where your complaints should be, to them. Some actually respect what fire and ems do. Maybe these people have needed these people before. If someone said hey, you are that famous blogger, here is a 50 percent discount, your going to take it. That goes for anyone on here that posts.
anonymous 10:44,
Quite honestly, it's very rare I go into these kind of stores so I probably wouldn't give them anywhere neat the volume of business you guys do.
That being said, you're probably right. However, I call that bartering in a "Bloggers" case. If someone did something special for me I'd make darned sure I gave back by promoting their business. I'm confident they would be well served knowing they have been recognized.
So my giving back is not something that would happen once in a lifetime. It's instant.
Joe, they were getting a tan and following Chief Sees orders. You see, there is more than one way to integrate the fire department and or increase the people of color in their membership.
Anon 6:31
You wouldn't happen to have any of those t-shirts laying around, do you? I take a xl. Man, free coffee, now that's what I call a real PERK!
When at WAWA the Salisbury rigs are normally parked on the back side of the building. At the grocery story they are normally parked in the parking lot not at the front of the store.
At the time the only ones that can issue fines are the police, who are to busy handling other issues. So you dont see many "fire lane" viloations handed out.
There are alot of other ambulances that come to PRMC and stop at WAWA on the way out. They do tend to park in the fire lane. If you see this Identify what company they are, call and complain. If you see the private ambulance company parked in the handicap spot, get the unit number,call and report this.
A cup of free coffee at a store is very much appreciated. Most of the firemen also go to the store off duty and spend $$$ on gas or food.
TCBY doesnt give free Icecream.
If you want to file a formal complaint about this you have to go to the fire department administration, in person. They no longer take complaints over the phone.
You do relize that the same discounts apply to police? Don't hear any complaining about them? If the owner/manager wishes to to this for public satety personelle, who cares? How is it a bad thing?
"Keep up the good work Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy"
You guys keep attacking these two, but you keep forgetting one more and he is actually worse than these two put together. He is smart enough to fly under the wire and he is obviously smarter than you guys.
I just read all the comments. So what if this person was tanning. It sounds like it was at a lunch time. I would think you could tan or eat or whatever you wish on your lunch break. I don't see the problem. I don't always eat on my lunch break. and i dont work for any fire departments.
FYI- it was a male not a female- I have seen him around for years and he works hard on TRYING to look good. I just hope he's paying attention to the road while he's driving the EMS vehicle and not looking at himself in the mirror
I agree with 809am. Hoppes has been flying under the radar for quite some time. He is trying to lay low hoping for the new mayor to appoint him chief. That would be the biggest mistake of the new mayor's term. He played a large part in wasting the millions of dollors on that McMansion in da Ghetto and the 5 new fire trucks. It's not his money and he will tell you quick.
Wasting millions of dollars on the McMansion? What happened to the trash can part of the paper towel dispensers in each restroom at the new fire house. They were taken off and disposed of. What a waste of my tax money. I hope they sent them to the scrap yard to salvage some money instead of just throwing them away.
joe you are the biggest flamer, and i really hope somebody catches you in a dark alley some night and beats the crap out of you. i wish i could be so lucky to be that person. keep hiding behind your screen and being nice to our face, you'll get yours one day
anonymous 1:26,
I am soooooo scared of you. Unless you plan on killig me, you better be very careful because guess what, I do fight back and you may be in for the beating of your life. Some of you Firefighters have got to be the biggest fairies on earth. Hiding behind anonymous, unbelievable. Man up little boy and show everyone how big a man you are. Oh, that's right, you'd rather meet me in a dark alley, I forgot. I'll bet you're the same little fairy that dropped off that dead deer too.
Maybe you guys could be on the undercard at the big fight. Why the hell does it always have to be a dark alley? I always thought if you wanted to take care of business, be a man and hit it head on. Don't post anonymously, because nobody will take you serious, and most importantly, you wont even take yourself serious. So my advice to you, anon poster (or POSER) 1:26, make your identity known to Joe, (see email address at Blog heading) arrange the meeting, and your wish will maybe come true.If you can't do that than maybe you should refrain from comments such as the one you made.
Because it's not a game for all to see. Joe is full of crap and you fools need to see him for what he really is. It's entertainment to him thats why he wants names. He needs the crap beat out of him.
go blow yourself joe, and you backinberlin. i dont need to put my name out there for everyone to see. you should know me well enough as it is, after all i was one of the ones you knew so much about when i up and moved from salisbury to delmar and joined their fire dept werent you. i really dont think im the tree you want to go barking up. youre in such stellar shape as it is anyway
Look at the anonymous commenters acting like tough guys again. I'm sure Chief See would love one of you Villiage People Fireman to beat Joey up, he'd be so proud of you. Then again, sould would the rest of the group in the Villiage People in Jail. Maybe that's what you want, Antwan?
I don't know or care who you are. I will tell you this, I stand by my comment. I wont take your comment personally because You don't have a clue as to who I am. Your childish mentality is troublesome if you are indeed a person who is supposed to serve people in need. By the way, this is truly entertainment to me, and getting under your skin is providing MY circle a ton of laughs, as intended!
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