Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., announced today that he will host the first County Executive’s Economic Summit on Friday, January 30, 2009, at the Greater Salisbury Committee offices on the Downtown Plaza. The session is scheduled to start at 8:30 A.M. and conclude at 12:30 P.M.
Mr. Pollitt said, “The purpose of this meeting is to analyze the impact of today’s economic crisis on the current county budget and to help me plan for the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget. Toward this end, I have invited a group of outstanding Wicomico County leaders with expertise in finance, planning, real estate, tourism, public works, education, economics and marketing to participate in a spirited roundtable discussion.”
Mr. Pollitt added that he will follow the summit by appointing a similar group of county leaders to a standing advisory committee on county finances that will meet on a regular basis for further oversight of the county’s fiscal health.
The meeting is open to the public with limited seating capacity.
Who are the people who were asked to attend?
Must be trying to lay the ground work to repeal the tax cap.
One way to have some extra money in the budget is to hurry up and fire the 10 or more employees that have admitted to stealind gas and other stuff from the landfill !!
standby ---- somethings coming that will not benefit the citizens of wicomico county.he's just laying some calm before the storm.standby and watch out.
economic summit sure has a expensive ring to it. look for alot of county fees to go up soon.
they should kill the tax cap, and I second who are the people invited and can we get this on pac 14 so we can all watch. Pollitt is telling you he is doing this, if he was going to hide something he would tell you. Pollitt has and will be good for this county.
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