As we mentioned yesterday, 417 people signed up for yesterday's walk around the Downtown area and raised several thousand dollars and fellowship like you've never seen before. Everyone was upbeat and enjoying a fun day out while getting some great exercise. I saw an elderly woman go up to Sheriff Mike Lewis and said, "I didn't see you at the Gym this morning Sheriff." I wonder how tall he felt at that moment? LOL
We invite you to visit Brooke's new updated Website HERE and participate in sending messages back and forth if you'd like. Once again we thank everyone who attended and participated. This has been an unbelievable year of giving already and we appreciate it so much.
Elizabeth Harrington, (WBOC) and I are teaming up to try to put something together for the Pirkle Family. Anitra Pirkle was murdered last week and had no life insurance. The Mother will need to take some days off of work to make arrangements for her Daughter and will not be paid for those days she must take off. Between funeral expenses and time off work, anything we can do to help this Family through very difficult times would be fantastic.
Well we know Barrie didn't come out to walk in those shoes.
Mike Lewis, whatcho got under that right arm, boy? ROFL
The events for Brooke have united Salisbury. What a message of hope for the family and hte community. Our prayers are with the Mulford family and our thanks go out to everyone who has worked to organize the events, to support the Mulfords, and to Sbynews for helping to promote this and a future event for the family of the most recent murder victim. Has WBOC or anyone thought about setting up an electronic account so that we can make contributions via the internet for the funeral expenses?
I have been checking blog to win boxing tix every five minutes.Now, my wish is for Ms. Pirkle's family to have have your remaining 16 tix and prove the thugs will not win. True sport is in the ring...mano v mano.
Rick Davis
What a great idea!
I think it would be wonderful to see something set up for the Pirkle family
Does the Pirkle Family have a PayPal account??? If they get one setup, we can help them begin to collect donations.
WBOC has the ability to host a banner/page for the public to donate. Surely this site would be able to channel traffic to the fund as well.
Where is chiefy?
Joe I heard from some of the people in Delamr that Anitra had a three year old child, is this true?
Cruggly, Anitra had no children. She did have 2 jobs and was enrolled in the accounting program at Wor Wic.
I worked with Anitra for about a year. she was always so happy and full of life. she loved to show of her new clothes and was happy that she always got stuff and bargain prices:) please keep us updated. She had no children. she would have been a great mom.
THX YOU, I didnt know.
Her aunt is the vice principal at Fruitland Intermediate School.
Joe I have attended two of thee events for Brooke and what a great bunch of volunteers, But i have noticed that the Dj services have been donated by the same person, As a business owner i will be contacting this Gentleman and return the favor. Great Job " Flea" and i hope to meet you soon
Joe, just a quick update for you.
We actually raised $16,839 through raffles and walkers. This figure doesn't even account for the corporate sponsorships we received from the signs in days leading up to the event.
This thing is working and we are so thankful to all who participated.
Most gracious regards,
Eric Morris
BTW Folks, plans are in the works to get a web-based donation method for Anitra Pinkle's family.
Just a quick note to everyone. Did you see ANYTHING featured in the Daily Times about this event yesterday? Any pictures, anything?
NO! Why, because they weren't there. The Mayor was there and other Council Members but no Daily Times.
I'm sure many of you can clearly tell just how busy I am any more with this Blog. It is getting so hard for me to get out to many different events, especially Council Meetings like tonight. I'd love to be there but it's been a very busy day and sometimes personal things take over blog things. Nevertheless, we do make the effort while the Daily Times disappears any more and then puts out articles days later.
Now, like Gary Comegys, I'd welcome teaming up with the Daily Times to help the Family out with funeral arrangements. In times like this we ALL need to work together. I have numerous photos from this event I will gladly GIVE to the Daily Times for FREE withoutr asking for recognition, I feel it's that important. I invite Greg Bassett or Joe Carmean to contact me and I will send them photos I did not use from this event. It's up to them.
DEAR JOE, i have been praying for this young lady... my wife c.c. is facing major surgery @j.h.u. on the 28th . pleasease have your readers pray for her as well. she is facing her second battle with breast cancer. we are not not asking for donations, other than prayers ...thats enough for us she is a retired monkey cty, teacher... thanks MR.JOE...SEMPER FI
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