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Monday, November 03, 2008

Woman Physically & Verbally Attacked At Her Own Home IN Fruitland


I wanted you to hear this from me first. This evening two juveniles were making lots of noise in my front yard. From what I saw from my front door it looked like one was beating the other one up. I went out on my front porch making sure I had my phone and both dogs with me. I told them they'd have to get out of my yard. This started a whole new problem. Both of them verbally attacked me. I have never in my life been called the things these two kids called me. When I told them I had called the police they laughed about it telling me to go ahead that they wouldn't do anything. Before I knew it the taller one and I were in a shouting match which I hadn't noticed how close he was getting to the porch. I ended up getting hit in the face. Honestly it shocked me more than I felt it.

Fruitland PD caught up with both of them eight houses up from me. The one who hit me was already wanted for another issue. I have a year and a day to decide if I want to press charges. I have no idea what I will do. The one thing I do want are restraining orders on both boys. This is the first time I have ever felt uncomfortable living alone in my own home. I guess I'm still in a stage of shock because I always get along with kids. This boy actually hit a woman in a wheelchair. Lets face it Joe, between the wheelchair and my dwarfism I'm not exactly a threat to anyone."

Perhaps everyone should share their opinion as to what this woman should do to these two young men.


Anonymous said...

Press charges not for revenge but to show these two punks they can't do this kind of thing. If enough problems with these two are brought about then the state will have to act and do something about them.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to know where this happened? Is it in a community? If anything others can keep their eyes and ears open!

Anonymous said...

Get the restraining order and press charges. If you don't press charges they will think that they have won, and they need to be taught some sort of lesson, even thought the court will probably give them a slap on the hand. Good luck in what ever you choose.

Nikki said...

Please please press charges. My husband and I bought our first house in Fruitland last year. We have similar problems with kids/teenagers. We live in the city off Main Street. They seem to have made the street in front of our house their hangout. Sometimes there are 10 - 15 of them out there in the street yellling, fighting, cursing, until late at night. One night they were standing in our yard throwing rocks at cars. We have also gotten verbal threats, and our house was egged on halloween. Please press charges. These kids need to know they didn't get away with what they did to you!!!

Anonymous said...

Press Charges!! Not much will probably happen but something will stick with them later in life because they will most likely end up in jail eventually. Punks!

Anonymous said...

press charges. don't let them get away with it. that's waht they want and that's why they are like they are.

Anonymous said...

Press charges! And get a restraining order. What a bunch of thugs they are. Yesterday I was at a store on South Salisbury Blvd and I was getting in my car and saw this scruffly looking guy walking up to my car. My door did not close tight and I immediately reopened it so I could lock it as I felt uncomfortable with him walking up to my car. He looked through my window (thank goodness I was able to get my door locked) and he was asking for money. I shook my head no and he basically cussed me out. What a bunch of low lifes around here who think you owe them!

PS Oh yes Shanie - there is a problem here!

Anonymous said...

The punk already told you that the police wouldn't do anything. If you don't press charges how do expect them to. PRESS CHARGES!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Get a restraining order, press charges, charge them with a hate crime and follow through.

Anonymous said...

#1 Press charges, maybe even file suit also, that will make sure parents/guardians face the music also.
#2 Exercise your 2nd amendment right to keep/bear arms (be prepared to use them if needed, most likely they will seek revenge)
I hope anyone else in this or similar situations do the same. These kind of punks will not win!

Anonymous said...

Is this for real? Why would anyone have to get everyone else's opinion on this subject? There should absolutely be no question whatsoever on what to do - PRESS CHARGES.

Anonymous said...

I think the judge would want to know what kind of kids they are; when you abuse someone whom is handicapped, you don't get to much charges.. the next victim may not have the same option as you have now.

Anonymous said...

These two are nothing but thugs, pressing charges doesn't even phase them. The know the courts won't do a thing to them other than waste their time IF they decide to show up for court. They won't learn anything from being arrested, it might become a badge of honor for them.

You should have sicced your dogs on them, at the very least. Go get a gun and take care of business when they return. If you press charges, they will return. If you don't press charges, they will return. Police your own home.

Wymzie said...

This nearly exact scenario took place in our front yard 4-5 years ago. A group of heathens were chasing another kid and they landed on our front porch wrecking and breaking furniture.
My daughter ran out and started yelling at them to get off of our property, and the beating continued.
I was in the backyard with friends and heard the ruckus and ran out to see. The kid was being beaten in my bushes and I started yelling for them to get off of him.
My husband was upstairs putting our toddler to bed and heard the commotion and came running down (toddler followed), and stood on the front porch and told them all to leave.
An overweight 15 year old black girl emerged from the crowd and came up the walk towards my husband and asked 'What ya gone ta do bout it Bitch'? Billy told her get the hell off of his property and she jumped up and busted his lip. Billy was shocked. Not one of us saw this coming including him. No sooner did she hit she sprung back, so there was no time for retaliation.
Our daughter was already on the phone with the cops and the crowd of kids kept getting louder and more threatening.
I had the walkway lined with canning jars containing votive candles which Billy picked up and started hurling at them. They in turn started trying to pick up rocks out my landscaping. Finally, he hit one of them with the bottle and they started running off.
This was absolutely incredible.
All this drama with no provocation, just enjoying a summer evening at home, and then we were under siege.
The officers who responded caught the girl and she was incarcerated.
We were called to court a few months later. She was not there. They had let her out and she had left her address of record. The judge issued an order to find and arrest her, and to incarcerate her without bond. This was not the first time she had fled, and the judge exercised the maximum penalty because of this.

Don't be afraid.
Stand up for what is right, and get a gun.
They can smell a victim a mile away and will continue to pick if you don't stand up. You must face your enemies head.

To Nicole,
We had the same problem a few years ago. If we would say anything we would get cussed and threatened in the middle of the night. One day Billy bought a spot light mounted it to the roof, and aimed it at the area where they hung out. Later that night they showed up and started their usual ruckus. Billy flipped the switch, and you should have seen them scurrying away like cockroaches. We only had to use this two more times.
No arguing, no nothing, they were gone.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure why you are even questioning pressing charges? It seems obvious to me that if the kid was verbally AND physically attacking you, you are crazy if you dont. This is probably the exact reason the kid stated "go ahead call the cops they wont do anything"..because people feel sorry for the punks afterwards and dont press charges. If it was me I certainly wouldnt need a year and a day to decide I wouldve pressed charges the second the cops arrived. I am actually disturbed your questioning whether you should or not!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would press charges and get out of that neighborhood. Sounds like its going downhill and the thugs are taking over. I wouldn't want to live there.If its a financial issue, they have very nice subsidised (sp) apartments in Pittsville called Talbot Apartments.They base your rent on your income and they have handicap apartments as well.There is no trouble there and you would feel safe.Even if those boys get prosicuted, they have freinds...the cycle never ends.Its a shame these boys act more like animals than humans.

Nikki said...

Wymzie -- thanks for your post!! I think a spotlight is in order! We are also thinking of night vision security cameras

Anonymous said...

Sue them in civil court.

Anonymous said...

Before they got that close I would have warned them at least once, approaching me after a warning would put me in the self defense mode. I hope Andy Harris supports a weapon possession bill, let Americans defend themselves equally. We can't expect the police to cure all of these ill's, we need the tools to help reduce crime in our own neighborhoods.

BossHogg said...

One day Billy bought a spot light mounted it to the roof, and aimed it at the area where they hung out. Later that night they showed up and started their usual ruckus. Billy flipped the switch, and you should have seen them scurrying away like cockroaches.

Nicole: I must tell you that the spotlite was put there because, get this.

The people who were congregating and dealing drugs were being supplied by the Pocomoke City Police Officer who lived across the street from us at the time.

The police would not do anything about it because they were profiting from the drug sales.

The spotlight really worked because it was legal and there was no personal confrontation required.

When that cop moved the problem ended when the moving trucks lights turned the corner.

We have used the spotlights since then and they work very well.

Anonymous said...

7:11 It happened on Hayward Ave.

I had questioned myself about pressing charges for two reasons. I didn't know if it would do any good since he had no fear of having the cops called and would it just make matters worse.

I will be getting a restraining order for both of them as soon as I can get transportation to Salisbury.

It's been a long night but now I'm thinking clearly. It's sad that these kids are headed down the wrong path. At that age if I had said half the things which they had said I wouldn't have a tooth left in my head after my Mom had gotten a hold of me. Back then I thought she was hard on me but she made me the independent woman I am today.

For those of you who have called this morning, thank you. I went thud when I hit the floor last night but you know me I'll bounce right back.


Anonymous said...

One thought not listed is that the Police Dept.and City Council needs to be held accountable for NOT policing the streets like they obviously should be unitl the streets are taken back.You Pay Fruitland Taxes put them to work for you.

Anonymous said...

1:22 I don't blame the Police Dept or the City Council. Obviously there is a bigger issue here starting at their homes. There's no possible way to have every single street covered 24/7. As soon as the call was receved by FPD the officier responded immediately which made it possible to catch them.

Chief Mike, Cpt. Bradley and all the there officers, Thank you for your help!


Anonymous said...

press charges. period. long break. the system can not work if you don't.

Further, appear in court. let a judge or jury see you.

The more I read around here, the more I realize I need to make a visit to the second amendment shop to pick up some protection.

Chimera said...

Damn right you should press charges and heres what I would the Victims Advocate at the States Attorneys office and ask if you can make an impact statement when they appear in court-when you are allowed to speak encourage the judge to give these punks community service as part of the sentence and suggest they work for an organization that helps the disabled.Not with people,they have proved they are antisocial but some hard grunt work that will free up volunteers to do other things.Maybe if they have an idea of the challenges you face they might,just might,get an inkling of how much you have to overcome daily.Also recommend anger management because they clearly need it.I blame the parents because if they did their damn job the kids would not be free to roam and cause trouble!I am also old enough to say that if I had ever talked to another adult like that,my mother would have been in my ass with both feet!If all else fails,get a gun!Betcha they would run if you pulled one of those out on 'em!

Anonymous said...

PRESS THE CHARGES! GET THE RESTRAINING ORDER! Dont let the little turds intimidate you into NOT pressing charges! Show up for all court dates, even if it means missing work! Testify to the best of your ability, tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Anonymous said...

Diversity sucks. Nothing new here.