Even for Home Deliveries, the price of a daily paper is .41 cents per day and $1.75 for a Sunday Delivery!
Man am I glad I dumped that rag of a Newspaper. Do these people actually believe with the Blogs out there today that people will continue to support that Paper when the news is several days old and absolutely inaccurate. I mean, one day one Reporter writes one article and days later another Reporter changes the article, both saying two completely different things.
I hate to see what the new price at the News Stand is! They're probably asking $2.50 for a Sunday Paper. Remember Folks, November 4th is the kill date for the Daily Times. It is my understanding that most local Republicans will be dumping their subscriptions to the rag on that date. Can't say as I blame them. Did you see how thin the Sunday paper was too? The way I see it is, if I don't buy the Sunday Paper, I'll not see the sale ads and be lead into the stores to buy items. If I stay away from those ads, I'll stay away from extra trips for things I really don't need anyway. I give the Daily Times less than a year and they'll close their doors. That is, unless Gannet continues to fund a Newspaper not making any money. You'll see.
What Miss Nikkie Lavigne said is a lie. The cost of printing the paper has gone up but the cost of delivering the paper has stayed the same. We still only get 8 cents per daily paper and 24 cents for the Sunday paper. Like everyone else at the Daily Times, she likes to put it on the carriers. The blame is not ours, we're still paid pennies, litterally.
Why would you buy the Times when you can get the news here first, for free? It's nice to have a blog like SBY that is not only accurate, but where you can voice your opinion as well.
Not to mention… I think I speak for most of us when I say I'm tired of reading democratically slanted news.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the Daily Slime used to be only good for covering the bottom of a bird cage. Now that it has shrunk, it is not even good for that, although the birdcage coverage IS better than the news coverage!!!
Lou said "I'm tired of reading democratically slanted news."
Yup! You just get 100% slanted/biased news on sbynews!
Hey Lou, when are we going to see some of your work. You are the same Lou that contributes here, aren't you?
The difference you get here is that you get to voice your opinion if you disagree and do it for free. With the Daily Disappointment you can't talk back and you have to paid for it. Too much for it at that.
No, tedh, you do not get to "voice your opinion if you disagree." If you come back at Joe with a democratic viewpoint, he will use his Magic Democrat Viewpoint Filter (himself) and refuse to print your comment. That's his right and I respect it, but don't think for a minute that you get to voice your opinion if it disagrees with Joe's.
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