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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Heavy marijuana users showing up at the ER 'scromiting'

Chronic cannabis users are at risk of experiencing a horrifying new condition that is being reported at hospitals across the United States where marijuana is legal.

'Scromiting,' doctors say, is becoming an all-too-familiar site at emergency rooms, with patients 'screaming and vomiting' as they turn up for help.

The condition, called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS), is not properly understood but medical experts believe the symptoms appear from individuals using or consuming heavy amounts of marijuana over a long period of time.



Anonymous said...

Believe it if you want but chronic cannabis use is extremely prevalent. I have never heard of this from anyone, ever.

This sounds like more attempts from our Pharmaceutical lead government to turn smoking pot into another health crisis. I am shocked that they did not list the cure as buying more stock in Pfizer. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Well Salisbury get ready for the influx with the new site on Snow Hill Road to open next to McKee Animal Hospital. People only need a prescription and local doctors and the State I'm sure will fill our own ER. Crime will inevitably go up in one of Salisbury's crime infested neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

Just take a hot bath or shower and don't smoke so much weed.

lmclain said...

I'm calling BS on that.
First, you would turn into a werewolf or some crap.
Then, your daughters would start having sex with black musicians.
Then, it would lead to heroin addiction.

All of that was BS, too.
Screaming and vomiting?? Seriously???

Anonymous said...

1:31 get a clue. Anybody who wants to buy weed for recreational use in that area can already buy it. It's prevalent to say the least. The Maryland medical rules are very strict as to who can receive a card. If you don't have a serious condition, you don't get one. Some of you old heads are still stuck in the reefer madness days.

And this article is the most absurd and blatant propaganda by the pharmaceutical industry I've ever seen in my life. Never happened

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this before in my twenty-five years as an E.R. nurse in large cities. While it is a documented condition, it can't be prevalent. I think that somebody's trying to whip up the ignorant a la Reefer Madness.

Anonymous said...

Faster! Play faster!! Ah,ha,ha,ha,ha!👹👹👹

Anonymous said...

Nice reefer madness reference , lol

Anonymous said...

Scromiting is only secondary to the chronic stupidity and dumbness that the potheads experience, and are usually too stupid to realize how dumb they've become.

Anonymous said...

Until MD gives protections to workers they really only allow retirees and people who don't work access legally. Its discriminatory legislation in a sense that even though you can legally follow the procedures to obtain a card and get medicine, you can still be fired for having it in your system. You could have opiate in your system daily without recourse. Fix the legislation and opiate use will drop dramatically. Oh and this article I agree is total propoganda. Or as they say Fake news.

xcbvsfb said...

Dear 1:31. Your comment is cute. Aren't you adorable? Perhaps you should read some statistics or some actual studies on your fear insteadof parroting something you heard from the federal government that is corrupt and in need to keep big government law enforcement jobs in tact. Not to mention it's collusion with pharmaceutical industry.

Anonymous said...

5:59- At least I'm not an ass like you. I also own my own business, college graduate and a fireman.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you could use some. All potheads aren’t stupid and do stupid things. Judgmental much? Get yourself a prescription. It will make you feel good 😉

Anonymous said...

I would say it was more than just weed!

Anonymous said...

Really funny.
Reminds me of Reefer Madness too.

When will government learn that lying about things do not make people avoid them.
Just the opposite.

Or, was that the whole point to begin with?
Sedate the masses, and pull off the gigantic heist of the aeons by counterfeiting the US Dollar?
Not one of us has ever really protested the absolute destruction of the US Dollar.
Everybody must get stoned

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're the one too stupid to realize how dumb you are. I hold a degree in business management and own a moderately successful (non cannabis related) business that averages over a million dollars in gross income yearly. I pay my employees a decent wage and pay my taxes religiously. Been married for 30+ years and have successful, grown children. And I smoke cannabis almost daily, before I retire to bed. Sometimes I even smoke through the day. I dare say that I'm probably smarter and more successful than you. Your little non-researched, uninformed commentary is moot as it just shows your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a comeback of marijuana that is laced with another toxic chemical. Used to occur back in the seventies. Don't blame the pot. Only those with an anti-pot agenda would do that.

lmclain said...

5:59....what is your "business"?
Detailing cars?
You certainly aren't smart enough to hang out with all the doctors, lawyers, judges, astronomers, business owners, physicists, etc. that you just whitewashed as "too stupid to know how stupid they are".
Pompous ass. Is THAT your business? Or your hobby?

lmclain said...

5:59....what is your "business"?
Detailing cars?
You certainly aren't smart enough to hang out with all the doctors, lawyers, judges, astronomers, business owners, physicists, etc. that you just whitewashed as "too stupid to know how stupid they are".
Pompous ass. Is THAT your business? Or your hobby?