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North Mill Facility for Dove Pointe |
After my article on Jyrah Brown's case last week - a special needs child who died in the care of Dove Pointe, a source started sending information and videos to Salisbury News about a young woman named, Genequa Winder, recently arrested earlier this month or the alleged murder on Bethel Street. Once again, this could leave the organization in legal crosshairs for numerous violations.
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Screenshot of one of Winder's Video |
In the videos, Winder violates various HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) regulations in all the videos sent by the source. One shows her actually showing the patient roster on the computer while another features a conversation between a client on a telephone (speakerphone) with a relative.
Winder claims on her Facebook profile to be educated as an Registered Nurse at WorWic. If she attend an accredited nursing program, wouldn't she be educated in HIPAA regulations?
What led the source to ascertain she worked for Dove Pointe is because Winder answers the phone, "North Mill" and refers to Nutters - another DP facility. Upon investigation, the SDAT revealed the North Mill property is owned by the organization.
Where is there any operating standard or enforcement for these types of facilities?
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Another Screenshot from from another video. |
These types of programs depend heavily on funding from State and Federal agencies, so wouldn't there be inspections by some governing body? Ultimately, taxpayers foot the bill for grants and subsidies, so isn't there some checks and balances as well as standard behavior protocols for their employees? If there are, how did Winder's behaviors slip through the cracks?
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Winder's Mug Shot from her arrest early this month. |
One can hope that by bringing this to light, it will serve as a wake-up call to various organizations like Dove Pointe to get a handle on these types of situations because it leaves them vulnerable to serious issues with authorities.
After notes: It is unknown whether or not Winder was still employed by Dove Pointe at the time of her arrest. Winder is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law for any possible involvement in the recent Bethel murder.
After viewing the videos, it was decided not to provide the links because it would further violate Dove Pointe clients' privacy. However, should law enforcement or clients' family members wish to view them, please contact Salisbury News through a private email.
After viewing the videos, it was decided not to provide the links because it would further violate Dove Pointe clients' privacy. However, should law enforcement or clients' family members wish to view them, please contact Salisbury News through a private email.
Winder deteriorated fast between facebook and mugshot. you sure they be same person?
In MD you have to refer to 2 (Two) sets of privacy laws-HIPAA and MCMRA (Maryland Confidentiality of Medical Records Act. Unfortunately both are really just smoke and mirrors. The protection is minimal. In a nutshell what can not be disclosed are medical records. That takes you to the legal definition of medical and medical records. Simply just living in a residential home for the developmentally disables is not considered any kind of medical treatment/intervention. They are not patients. They are clients/residents.
If anything was breached it would be nothing more then employment policies.
NOW-What could possibly be a violation of law would be the phone conversation. If she taped that conversation without disclosure to the other party she may have violated MD Wiretapping laws.
Her mother, who is also a DP employee, participated in the live feeds (comments) as did other co-workers (appearances). Some, it appears did not know they were being filmed. One can only hope they assumed it was a private audience and not a public forum.
One of them should have told her to stop.
I doubt the law will do anything with this because they don't see the patients' rights as any big deal. If this were one of the special people in our community being violated, they would be all over this. Just reality.
This whole dove point thing should be in question. The employees there areca direct reflection of what our community consists of and has to offer. The majority of their caregivers ARE some sort of drug or alcohol offenders but yet still granted employment. I would hate to see what truly goes on with their actual behavior and treatment to these people behind the scenes. On another note about dove point does anyone know what the situation was with that Scott brittingham guy who was building these homes for them around Salisbury and apparently was defrauding the state in costs and went to jail?
8:21 AM Actually patients/clients or what ever you want to call them, are not allowed to be video'd, and she eluded that she knew that when they accidentally appeared in her vids, but continued to do it. Therefore she violated privacy laws. There are also clips of medical notes in one vid
828 the N. Mill address was passed through three other owners at least before Dove Pointe bought it. My question is do they get permission from the neighborhoods to put these homes there? Don't these homes lower property values for the other homes around them? Not to be cruel but would think they do.
The videos were in January and September 2016, the mugshot was a couple weeks ago. The second image added from the 9/2016 shows her with no make-up like her mug shot. It's the same person. Her last Facebook post was 7/26/2017 a couple days before her arrest. She looks much different when she's made up and has her hair done or extensions. It is the same person.
Nobody seems to take anyone's privacy anymore in these places. They're just a dumping ground for WorWic grads to make money. They're glorified babysitters who don't care about anyone but themselves. It's all fun and games to the employees.
HIPPA and MCMRA are a joke.
This girl was one of seven people arrested for this murder. Was that in a group home, too?
8:21 AM she vids herself dispensing meds, including olanzapine, dropping the f-bomb in a conversation with a "consumer" and recording a "consumer's" telephone conversation with a family member.
That all occurred in 5 minutes
I joined a gym and they were taking photos and I said, do not release my image publicly. I have a right to privacy. They said people in photos have to sign a release and agree to it.
With that said, these patients and their families expect a level of safety and privacy when signing on for care. Nowhere in their wildest dreams do they think their family member and or their private conversations are being publicly broadcasted on fb.
Legal basis or not, they are entitled to privacy and respect, and from what I saw, they did not receive that.
Most dr's could care less about hippa because who is enforcing it?
When she was feeding one of her people, she was making fun of them. Whatever happened to having caregiving with dignity and free of taunts.
Does this happen in nursing homes, too?
8:31 AM The organization behavior aside, there has been one on S Saratoga for as long as I have lived on the E side (over 12 years) and it is well maintained (on the outside) and never a bother. On the other hand, I have been inside another organizations property that was not well maintained and was a dump, as were the vehicles they transported their patients in. Basically they go cheap. Not repairing things adequately creating safety issues.
Isn't there one of these homes on Riverside Drive? I've seen their vans parked behind a house there that has a ramp. How many of these homes are scattered throughout Wicomico? I went on their website and they don't give any of the addresses for their residential program for some odd reason. Dove Pointe is like an enigma. They put a whole bunch of nothing on their website.
My late wife worked at Dove Pointe befor she died and she told me about a lot of things that went on there that just weren't right. Most of the people working there are just there to do as little as possible and get a pay check, I heard one woman tell my wife she didn't do nuthin today nuthin.
9:15 AM I would think that it would be a safety issue to their patients to broadcast addresses. They are vulnerable and do not need the undue burden of everyone knowing where they reside.
OMG on a January video she boasts about being high from a prescription narcotic she has taken. How do you provide safe reasonable adequate care when you are stoned on drugs? Sure it prescribed and legal, but that doesn't mean you should be at work.
9:17 AM Seems the staff eats better than the clients ! All Winder did was cook and eat. While she was busy posing for a selfie in a Feb video you could see how filthy the bathroom was. But she never even noticed. Instead of posing she should have been cleaning.
Their HR officer even quit. Shows you the level of skills and talent DP is hiring. I went through the hiring process for a part time position several years ago and after seeing what my "co-workers" attitude would be like, decided to withdraw my application. I know several people who are currently employed by DP who are looking for other employment due to the staff.
Do you have to be a Registered Nurse to work there?
She didn't get board certified for nursing. Checked the verification site. She's not there. What is the prerequisite for working there? Just breathing?
9:37 AM she was still in the nursing program, having a relative work there often helps.
Scott brittingham aka skylark Mngmt was bragging how he was making enough money building several of these homes(main st fruitland, Zion rd, beaglin park drive) in Salisbury/wicomico county he could live off of that income for couple years then heard gw went to jail no more building these properties. Not certain the type of fraud or charges brought against him
9:33 AM no. they have to have a registered nurse on staff in the office. all the others dispense under her license.
9:30 AM it is because of the pay scale. I also applied for the job but never got past the interview request phone call. It was for an accounting position which should have paid 45+K a year and they were offering $14/hour.
I used to work for DP a few years ago and also ended up leaving because of the lack of care from other staff members and the administration. I actually worked in this home for a period of time. These clients deserve so much better than what they get. And to answer those inquiring, all you need to work there as a direct care staff is a HS diploma or GED. No prior experience, no certifications, no degree.
These problems are not exclusive to DP. Families think they are providing the best care to their loved ones because that is what these organizations sell them.
I worked at UNA and could give you a laundry list of issues including theft, bed bugs, people inviting their boyfriends over and having sex in group homes, etc. When I was there, the state also had issues with them, but they are given time to clean up those issues.
They all work with the same narrative, take all their money and find the cheapest way possible to provide care, including what 10:02 states - no experience necessary.
Until we develop an affordable way for families to care for loved ones, nothing is ever going to change. Often home care is not covered, and it takes a lot to pull that off.
Monitoring cameras are not that expensive, so that excuse is BS. And if they truly cared about their clients they would have already installed them in the community areas of the homes.
Mr. Crowe, you have the scent of a rat in its hole now. Keep digging, you are on point with this.
Commentors seem to be forthcoming with some information but are understandably reluctant to identify themselves, as am I.
This issue is etched deeply in the 'culture' at this "organization". Sad, but true.
I only wish there was a more direct way to reach you to point you further...this needs to find the light of day finally
Scott Brittingham and the CFO 'Christian' Parks were 'butt buddies'.
A previous commentor stated that relatives get hired regardless of background, certainly true...many exemptions have been granted for past behavior that was questionable.
This is one that needs to be much more carefully examined Mr. Crowe, you may be the person to do it
8:26 AM I believe the family members of these clients will not agree with your statement.
10:45 AM Start by emailing Joe. That's what I did. I asked him to keep my identity anonymous and he did.
$14 bucks and you don't have to have any credentials plus you get to pig out, talk on FB and lay around watching TV? I'd pass up this job said no derelict in Salisbury.
Absolutely embarrassed by my own actions but due to ny own actions I was forced to do outpatient court ordered class and several of their employees were present, still using alcohol/prescription drugs
11:05 AM Sorry to point out your comprehension issues. The house staff does not make $14 / hour. more like $8 - $10. They are there 12+ hours a day. Plus supportive staff are not paid over time.
11:05 AM I will clarify you few things for you, so you won't look like a complete tool when commenting.
Some clients are totally bedridden. There is much more to the job than eating and watching tv. You have to bathe, feed, medicate and monitor these patients including bodily accidents. You have to medically care for those and their apparatus who are bedridden. You are supposed to clean the house and do the laundry.. All this on a HS diploma.
The previous comment about $14 was an accounting position and not a supportive staff position which makes less than $10, no overtime and most likely no benefits since I am sure the organization keeps them below the level of qualifying.
DP has a workshop where these people can work but they earn pennies on the dollar. Literally. Although they are not career chores it keeps them busy and active.
Any questions?
I am perplexed by the comment in one vid, where it was the client's birthday and they went to Target but bought nothing because her family left her no money.
My understanding is that DP keeps all their money and it is their responsibility to provide them what they need, including clothing, toiletries, food, housing.
You gonna tell me that DP couldn't take $20 out of her own money to let her buy herself a treat for her own birthday and expected the family to give them even more money for that?
WTH?! The had enough to buy a cake that the staff ate, but did not buy her a small gift?
That's messed up beyond printable words.
1117 with so much to do how did this chick find time to videotape herself constantly? By the way, not a trick question, it's fact!
Looks like 1110 and 1117 are some how trying to justify this moron's behavior. Wow. No wonder this crap goes on...................
11:23 AM - this is 11:17, I am not defending anything. I am simply stating facts so that people don't make stupid comments. You totally read the comment wrong and interjected your own perception in to it.
Yes, 11:17 AM I do have questions....do you have answers?
11:22 AM She commented in several of the vids that she did it so much at work because they had wifi and that way she didn't need to use up all her data.
Of course there is always some down time at work, at any job. I am more concerned about the violation of privacy she subjected her clients and company to.
1127/1117 what I'm saying is it's easier than choking on burger grease or delivering pizza where anything could be lurking on the other side of the door. It seems like you are painting this moron in the video like she's some kind of martyr. Working overtime with no pay, 12 hour days. She even hoots about how she only works four days a week and three days for play and boos as she refers to her friends. DP sounds like a sh^% place to work no matter what the money.
11:21 You might want to check with the accounting office, Call Christian Parks
we got at least 3 houses on marlynn dr in delmar
11:31 AM Again, you are twisting my words.
I simply stated that support staff do not get overtime, and that is a state law. nothing more, nothing less. She only works 3 days because they often work 12+ hours a shift and to keep them under qualifying for benefits they have to cut off their hours at a certain point.
In fact I never made mention of her in my comment, but people need to realize that the job is harder than she portrayed in her videos, and based on your comments you have never been in a support home. Some have bedridden patients hooked up to apparatus.
If you are asking the point of my comment, it was not in support of her, but in support of others that do this job and do it like they should. It was also to educate people to how the system works, how they pay people, how they deny them benefits, in order to keep costs down to a minimum.
Quit being an aggressive tool, really, I am not going to fight over the fact that you are twisting my words to fight we me on a blog, isn't going to happen.
Hope this helps clarify things for you.
@11:31 why would anyone WANT to contact this Christian parks guy with questions?? He obviously is part of the problem if he is good friends with Scott brittingham and he ended being incarcerated for some sort of fraud. It would seem to me parks if in charge of dove point financing had to have some sort of knowledge and insight to something being wrong
I don't want to hear one word about the level of pay for the job. An employee is informed of the expected job duties and the pay level before taking the job. The people they are 'caring" for need to be treated with kindness and dignity and can't do for themselves. If a person has no intention of doing the job as described, then don't accept the job offer. It is total bs to say "oh look at all they have to do for x amount of dollars per hour". If you don't want the job or can't/won't do the job, then don't take it. I know people that have done the same job and done it well without bitching that they don't make enough money to do it.
This should be your clue to never put loved ones in nursing homes or residential care centers. The patients get abused and the staff is only there for a paycheck.
12:36 PM Yep, not the point but thank you for sharing. But to counter your rant, you get what you pay for, huh. And its all on video.
12:36 PM sound like DP finally responding, lol.
If you are not in there clique you would be fired. There hr officer has her favorites.
When ever you have this bunch working in or around anything the problems will be massive until it folds.
The reason for those anonymous comments is very simple. After being there for many years they have a long reach through the community. They get what they want.
I would love to see this organization exposed for exactly what is, more specifically what is not going on. As a previous contractor for DP, I can say that the daycare rooms are FILTHY. Nothing is cleaned regularly! I can only imagine the lack of sanitation in the group homes. It's all smoke and mirrors to the public and the families. Chris Parks is a joke, so is the administrator, Don Hackett. $$$$$ in his pocket, zero money for quality care of the "consumers" of DP. It is quite sad and infuriating.
Wasn't a guy by the name of Sandy involved? Worked for the State
Where is their a Dove Point residence on Main St in Fruitland?
I believe Dove Point is one of the top 3 Employers in the County along side Perdue and SU. As such they will get away with a lot because of the over all power and reach of influence they wield.
Don Hacket...Well the name say it all..he is a Hack. A complete air head who is more concerned that his office is decorated as lavishly as the suites he wears. He is image means everything to him and of course him getting photo ops with the Rotary Club The guy is dumber than a bag of hammers and all of the employees know this. He is an empty suit and that's about it.
I recall some sort of investigation going on with Dove Point about 10 years ago or so regarding a care giving restraining a client with Duct Tape. No idea what happened with that or if it went public. I just know they wanted to keep the case very hush hush
2:55 PM its really not necessary to broadcast the location of each home. that's not the point of the thread and compromises the safety of the people in it - just my thoughts
About 5 years ago Don Hackett said DP had 40 some homes in the county. Im not sure of the number now.
How many residents do they have per home? 2? What's the reason for having so many homes throughout the area? Don't believe they're anywhere near filled to capacity.
I truly am disgusted by this whole scenario. It obviously is another example of greed in today's society. It should be all about the actual patients and their care but it sounds like as usual the almighty dollar has overpowered all involved. Hackett, parks should be in investigated. Brittingham got his hand caught in the cookie jar bit the sad thing this clown parades around town as new born Christian and steals money for overcharged building of these facilities. Even goes as far as riding around town in a car with Jesus painted across the hood, WOW!!
Are they trying to hide something by not allowing the towns to know where their locations are?
The people who hire these animals should prosecuted and in jail , who the hell is their human resources person? That person is also guilty of violating the law. Don,t these people do any background checks. Human resources was probably her sister or brother or mother .
If families knew what really went on there they would have closed along time ago! I was dismissed because I would inform families of this I was told they did not need to know! But of course I was told I was bring let go do to 1 no call no show! I'm sorry for the families but your loved ones are better off out of dove pointe!
You wouldn't let your son or daughter marry one, so why would you let one of them take care of your relative in a nursing home.
When your a company with GREAT LAWYERS you can get away with anything. They pay their direct support workers the bare minimum.. Its 2017!! DP IS just an excuse from Donald and Christian to scheme the public for DONATIONS the clients out of their money. And more importantly their staff of their pride!!
Exactly.. Things are swept under the rug.. Because its obvious Donald,Chris, Sarah, Samantha,Trisha are great friend with someone high up who works for the State of Maryland because they always know when the state is coming to do "Surprise Inspections"
Untrue in some cases!! DSP WORKERS ARE A JOKE TO AGENCIES LIKE DP WHO PAY SUCKY PAY AND HAVE TO DEAL WITH RUDE AND NASTY SUPERVISORS!! And a full time job where you have to rob peter to pay paul!! Thats the joke!!
Please!! Keep digging and leave no stone unturned this agency is Awful!! What they allow to be done by workers whats done to their workers!!
Dove Pointe's issues have never gone away, they just keep getting bigger and bigger. 11:50 PM is correct. If you have family in there, you might want to get them out, like yesterday. Investigators where are you???
The problem is UNA is no better if not worse.
They whole system needs overhauled and it is all about money.
I Worked there for one and a half years, I saw a lot wrong. I went to donald who sent me to a couple admins, because he was clueless.I voiced my concerns and spent one week more there before I quit. It was useless, they are running handicap plantations, scraping every dime for thier pockets without care for thier consumers. Bed bugs, bad management, lazy ghetto staff,low pay all this is so true! Someone needs to go undercover and investigate this.
DP thinks it's above the law. Rules & regs don't apply to them. They don't have accountability to anyone.
Worked there for one and half years, I went to voice my concerns to Donald and was sent to some other admins because he was clueless and didn't want to handle it. I spent one more week there and quit. Bedbugs, bad management, ghetto and foriegn staff, laziness and low pay with high risk. I will never work any place like it again. This place and some others need an undercover investigation one the state admins know nothing about.
Donald Hackett is verging on Dementia/Alzheiemers....He is still there only because his Board of Directors are all good friends on oxyen tanks or being treated for Alzeimers too. That is a place that could 'Make a Difference' as the Web site and the clown billboard out front touts. Just needs to have some new and innovative leadership! Donald, Time to step back big boy...you can still wear your suits to your church place, everybody will still be impressed
Does anyone see a pattern here in Salisbury/wicomico county? Jake day and his church buddies making developmental money making deals, hackett, parks dove point and their church cronies making developmental money making deals. Nothing worse than stealing in the name of the Lord
Yes they are trying to hide personal information that is nobody else's business. Just the families.
Usually it is 3 residents Per House. And they have approximately 50 residences around the area. But you still do not know what you're talking about.
Ask whatever you want...I'll answer them
It's all in who you are pressured to hire. Companies are forced to hire people that have no business doing that job. Investigate them to see if they are qualified or not. Get their records and see if they actually passed their test. Check into it and see. Affirmative Action, plain and simple.
Thank you, I used to work there. The owner doesn't care about the clients or his underpaid staff. It will be covered up anyway.
You need to get your information straight. Hiding behind an anonymous message is truly the character of a fraud in itself!! I have known Mr. Brittingham for years & he has never done anything fraudulent. He attends Emmanuel Wesleyan Church & donates not only his time, but materials & to my knowledge provides 2 buses for the church.
I am a good friend of Scott Brittingham's. Seems to me you drink koolaide from those that are jealous of his good works. Never has he been in trouble for Fraud
Funny. haha. Mr. Brittingham is legit. If you truly knew him, you would not feed into the frenzy!!!
Scottie B did a kitchen & flooring in our home. His pricing & workmaship surpassed our expectations
Dove Pointe is a JOKE! Donald Hackett only cares about his decor, coming from someone who use to be an employee there. The only time supervisors came to the houses wasn't to check on the health of the clients or how the staff acts all they cared about is that the floors have been mopped and the pictures on the wall are straight. I also worked in the day program at the main facility on Mt.Hermon road the class rooms that were hidden from the public were disgusting half the chairs are broke and there is holes all in the walls because the clients specialized whee chairs are to big for the small spaces but yearly Donald Hackett spends thousands of dollars on decoration and remodeling of the banquet rooms. He doesn't care about the clients he cares about the looks from the outside. Don't even get me started with the piece of shit cars they own and these clients are riding around in. If there was another place for these wonderful clients to go to and be well taken care of Dove Pointe should be shut down, half the staff is a joke and they could care less they are just letting that state check roll in
as far as Dove Pointe is concerned asked the HMA of Hunters Court about a Resident of Dove Pointe in a facility they were renting in development about harassing 12 to 14 to year old girls walking the neighborhood trying to lure them in to the home with an employee sitting on the porch letting it happen and the police hush hushin it and the law suit for the poor non verbal child that drowned under their care that the Daily Times covered up after one reporting... call the office of child care and ask for a PIR and you will see all the violations
Scott brittingham has to be the man, trying to impress people with "things" it's no wonder he got caught up in taking advantage of the less fortunate. Another example of today's prosperity churches and money grabbers
I worked there this is so true..Donald and the management have no clue and one half the home staff cares a lot and all the others are ghetto trash sitting on phones and being lazy.And God help you if your white because there are a lot of black racists there who try to get you out because they are afraid you'll snitch on them.
Man has he got you buffaloed. Lived in neighborhood by Mr. Brittingham off of butters& colbourne mill and this guy is no saint. Several times law enforcement was called for domestic plus sone of the "other" activity going on was definitely in question. The dudes a freak
About 30 locations
No. Don't even need to have a HS diploma
Pretty much
Depends on the family, whether dp gets to keep all money. If do keeps money they even charge a monthly $63 fee to handle the money
No just a previous lover
Seriously? There are several of us that got left hanging when he was called elite building supply. Think maybe you need to get some facts straight
I have to agree Dove Pointe is a total embarrassment. Don has only ever cared about the outward appearance. As to his current health I can't comment. As to Chris Parks he is a total ads. He treats employees and clients like crap. The less he can pay staff the more he can raise his salary. If you check, his salary has more than quadroppled since he was hired. Yet he was hired to get the finance dept in order. Their books are supposed to be open to public request.but they haven't been kept current since they opened.
And you're bragging about that why? ONE EXAMPLE, PNC bank 620,000 judgment!!! Yes I'll take "kool aid" over anything you guys "indulge" in
Yea he's legit all right please forgive the fact he defaulted on 650,000 worth lines ceedit. Get your information straufht, he screwed dove point in some way shape form
650,000 worth of defaulted loans legit. Hell yea my kind of business I want to deal with. Guess I could donate materials and buses to the church if I pulled that off
Sadly her behavior is like most of the residential homes in the area no matter who the company happens to be. Most of the employees are driving vans with clients/patients in them with suspended license. Once they get hired they don't have to let the employer know of driving issues.
Chrissie is just waiting for the Donald to hand it over so that he can finish running it into the ground....some good real estate will be available on Mt. Hermon Road then, maybe get it back on the tax rolls? Service Merchandise anyone?
Sounds like someone whom was screwed over by chris too.. SMH
They have an individual working there, named Carlessa Beckett with weapons charges, first degree assault and she is bi polar, she cant give meds, cause of the charges, and i dont feel safe, with my family member attending there
I sent this same message along with the list of charges, to Don Hackett, and Trisha Smith, they ignored it, please think twice before sending your family there
Not surprising they care nothing about consumers, rather have them sitting in cold all day, in rooms with no heat
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