DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 12, 2017
PETA Killed 1,411 Cats And Dogs In 2016, Only Got 57 Adopted
The animal rights activist group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), euthanized 1,411 cats and dogs last year, while only 57 were adopted.
The animals rights group euthanized 1,428 animals and transferred 482 to other shelters last year, according to a report by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS). Of the 2,007 animals acquired by PETA last year, the group only returned ten dogs and cats to their owners and successfully placed only 57 with adopting families.
On the other hand, PETA put down 557 dogs, 854 cats and 17 other companion animals.
The additional animals euthanized last year brought PETA’s death toll to over 36,000 since 1998. Most of the animals put down were processed at PETA’s headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia. PETA’s official blog states that killing dogs and cats, helps them “escape an uncaring world without trauma or pain.”
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ALL SHELTERS SHOULD BE NO-KILL BY FEDERAL LAW all 50 states ........This is Murder, same as Hitler did Period !!
Animals deserve the Same Rights as Humans ....They have a Right to Life just as Much as anyone else...!!!
They are Better than Humans ...We SIN > They Don't know even
ONE Sin >> Not ONE They Deserve Heaven More than US !!
These people need to be put out of business. They are anything but ethical!
Putting down any perfectly healthy animal is far from 'ethical treatment' for them. By that philosophy would it not be ethical to "put down" unwanted humans as well? This group is a farce and front to collect monies from the ill informed public!
All shelters should have to keep /feed / care for ALL the
animals there, as long as it takes to find them a good Loving caring Home....
The Gov't pisses away far more than enough $$$$ to do it and
then some......
If no homes found , then keep and feed them there in the
improved shelters for life or until good home found.....
Improve All shelters to make them proper and comfortable for
all there......proper programs for excercise etc ........
Isn't that kinda like Ducks Unlimited. They say by allowing the hunters kill ducks, while at the same time making donations to their organization, it is a good thing for the ducks, as a whole.
Trying to read the whole story and there are so many ads it is awful!
Never give these Killers a stinking dime!
The picture itself kind of disturbed me. I have two Welsh Corgi's that I love more that life itself. I like them more than most people out there. I think a fine healthy dog should be only put down as a last resort or if he is a danger to others.
My dogs give me more back in love and devotion, and provide security as an early warning for intruders. They are constant entertainment and they bring joy to me and my family everyday. If I could take another shelter dog in, I would, but I only have the money, land and resources to handle just two at a time.
This is another group that should be devoid of any Federal assistance. They 'rescue' critters only to give them death, instead of finding them forever homes. Shameless and irresponsible.
1105 Agree with your first statement until you went off on all the Hitler shit. All shelters should be no kill shelters. But the Nazi shit basically diminished your damn post. Idiot.
To me, the animals who were given a peaceful end to their suffering in PETA's shelters were far better off than the ones turned away by no-kill shelters and left to slowly die from infections, diseases, and injuries in the streets.
It saddens me to see people attack open-admission shelters that never refuse to help any animal, no matter if they are sick, injured, elderly, aggressive, or unsocialized. So-called "no kill" shelters often turn such animals away because they are "unadoptable." Instead of being roundly criticized for refusing to help animals in need, they come out smelling like a rose because they have nice "saved" stats. But what about all the animals they slam the door on? They count, too, even if they don't officially show up in the records.
you would be surprised how many animals get put down at the wicomico county humane society everyday trust me I know
Wicomico county humane society euthanized at least 12 to 20 animals everyday
Each and every can needs to be sterilized. They kill over 300 million songbirds in America alone. They were introduced by Europeans in the 1600's and are not an indigenous animal in the Americas.
This is not newsworthy. PETA has always taken in the aged, sick, injured, and dying animals and provided a painless end to their suffering. Unless all of us spay and neuter our animals and stop buying animals from breeders and pet shops, there will be homeless and unwanted animals. That's just a fact.
Oh shut up and go hug a tree. And stop spewing the songbird crap! I'd rather have a cat who keeps disease carrying rodents and small mammals in-check than a bird that poops on everything and squawks at all hours! It's called the circle of life...the food chain...did you fail biology?
This information is being circulated by a front group for the meat industry, which has long tried to smear PETA and other animal protection groups in an attempt to distract from the real issues. Unlike the industries this group represents--which kill animals painfully, so they can make money by selling their flesh--PETA is a shelter of last resort for animals who need euthanasia to end their suffering (many of whom have been rejected by “no-kill” shelters because euthanizing them would make the shelter’s “numbers” look bad). This includes dogs who are aggressive and unadoptable because they have been kept chained their entire lives; feral cats dying of contagious diseases; animals who are wracked with cancer; elderly animals who have no quality of life and whose desperate guardians brought them to PETA because they can’t afford to pay a vet to euthanize them; and the list goes on. Euthanasia is a kindness for animals who are suffering beyond hope and have nowhere else to turn. PETA refers healthy, adoptable animals to local shelters and has also found excellent, lifelong homes for many animals themselves.
Bullshiggity! PETA has THE worst track record regarding domesticated pets! There is NO WAY every single animal euthanized was sick, injured, or unadoptable. They own ZERO shelters and dump their surrenders (or STOLEN) animals on poor, overloaded local shelters. So what exactly do the funds they raise go?
It's all about money for Peta not the animals. Look at how much they make versus how much goes to animal welfare. You'll be shocked!
But the clueless animal rights freaks keep on shelling out $$$$ to fund there dog killing ways.
Where are these shelters located ? in wicomico ...another clueless fool.
Your comparing animals to humans ? you need H E L P.
POST your name and address i have 500 cats for you ?
Our society does this to perfectly healthy unwanted humans already....
You are a kook who was not loved correctly by humans and now are warped by it, I love animals they are delicious!
Show a shivering little lap dog with sad eyes, then ask for just $19.00 a month from your credit card for the rest of your life. That's what PETA is all about.
Spay/neuter is the solution. There aren’t enough homes—or even cages—for all the needy animals out there. Believe me, I volunteered at a “no-kill” shelter many years ago. Animals were turned away because there just wasn’t enough space for them all. We have to be merciful—and realistic. Animals need more than to simply exist—they need loving families, toys and attention, proper veterinary care, nutritious food, and room to run and play. And simply not euthanizing animals doesn't prevent animals from being born. The only way to eliminate the need for euthanasia is to pass and enforce mandatory spay/neuter laws.
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