The Big Picture
Christina Chambreau, DVM, 'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09
Mike Kohn DVM 'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09
Michael Goldberg, DVM, 'Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
Vaccine Schedules... Where's the Science?
'Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
'Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
Michael Goldberg, DVM, 'Vets Say Shots May be Deadly' Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
Vaccine Induced Disease in Dogs and Cats
Larry Glickman, DVM 'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09
'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09
Mike Kohn DVM, 'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09
Jean Dodds DVM, Veterinary Hematologist and Immunologist
Dr. J. E. R. McDonagh, Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Bacteriologist, 1987
'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09
'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09
Dr. Charles E. Loop DVM
'Science Behind Vaccine Damage' by Catherine O'Driscoll, 2/24/09
Sr. Charles E. Loops DVM
So, human vaccinations and now pet vaccinations are harmful. Boy, those drug companies have been making lots of money for all these years.
We have cut back on the dogs vaccination. The vet stated that over the last 10 years she has built enough immunity and no longer needs them and yes they would do more harm than good.
Rabies, yes.
Distemper and others, no.
We also had an issue with Frontline causing seizures and she hated the application, she was telling us all along, it was bad. So no more of that crap either.
Sheesh., big pharm pulling a deceitful scam.., who'd have ever thought that of them?
"Dr. Jean Dodd"
Must be a cool person like our Councilman.
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