Even though he has run his last race, the president needs the 18-to-34 age group to make his signature Obamacare policy work. Without them, the whole system falls apart — not tomorrow, today, right now, before the radical reform of U.S. health care can even get off the ground.
Just how bad is it? Just 24 percent of the new enrollees to Obamacare are between 18 and 34. The entire plan was predicated on a sign-up rate
Maybe the youth of America is waking up!
We can only hope!
Got to love the arm chair qb'ing and play by play you guys are giving obamacare. All the while praying for failure just to stroke your partisan ego. Fact is whether you like the law or not, we won't know if it is a true success or failure for quite some time. Penalties for not having insurance haven't even kicked in yet. Plus how many in that age group are actually still on their parents' policy? Chill out. If it fails, there will be plenty for you to talk trash about for the next 20 years.
That's what I don't understand about obamacare, There's more than 300 million people in the country, and only a few million have signed up. At that rate, it'll take til next century for it to be a success.
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