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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chicago Grassroots React to State of the Union


Anonymous said...

Don`t cry now, guys you elected this jerk twice. I would say you are slow learners.

Anonymous said...

I also think they stated that they didn't vote for him...may not be telling the truth about that, but, depending on how heavily this might have been edited, it looks like they 'get it'

Anonymous said...

They also have Obama's boy Emanual as their mayor. They are suffering a double dose of stupid, and you can't fix stupid!

Anonymous said...

There's a real fix for Chicago. Why not wall in Chicago and make it a city prison?? Make Emanuel its warden and let the gangs fight it out until a last man is left standing. Ship in the necessary rations and armament so the gangs and thugs can fight it out without the worry of innocents being caught in the crossfire. This could be a real legacy for our communist kenyan king and something that he and his band of communist liberals can be proud of. After all, the wounded will have Obamacare and can be patched up and sent back into gang combat immediately!

Anonymous said...
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