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Thursday, March 07, 2013

You Are NOT Going To Believe This Article

OC Fire Dept. Embroiled In ‘Turmoil’; City Manager To Form Focus Groups; Employees’ Spouses Create Support Group

OCEAN CITY -- Armed with concerns over hostile workplace conditions for Ocean City career firefighter-paramedics and deteriorating morale, a group of more than a dozen spouses has been formed to provide support and promote an improved direction for the city’s first responders.

The creation of the support group is the latest controversy to embroil the Ocean City Fire Department (OCFD), leading Chief Chris Larmore in an interview Monday to refer to the current state of affairs as “turmoil”.

In recent months, serious accusations have been made about the OCFD and its alleged culture of stress and negativity, including several grievances filed against leadership and recent decisions, but it was not until this week that the specific concerns were vocalized, confirming further these are tumultuous times for the OCFD.


Anonymous said...

This is totally unreal! A serious article well written in incredible detail by a real journalistic writer who has serious investigative skills and knows all the right questions to ask in order to put together a complete story. And it's actually published in a NEWSPAPER, of all places!

Anonymous said...

I am so sick and tired of hearing about this one and that one's "low moral" and "hostile" working conditions.
The wives need to tell their whining husband to grow the hell up.
It was mentioned that they get to sleep during shifts. This is NOT acceptable as it cuts down on response time and whether it be only 30 seconds it still cuts down on response time. Cut shifts back to 8/10 hrs and quit sleeping on tax payers dime.
As far as not having vacation time in the summer-too bad. Ocean city is unique and with it's uniqueness comes downfalls.

Anonymous said...

This is a question I had for Steven Green that I am not sure he will post:

Since it is a well known fact that most workers are mistreated by most employers in OC, why does Steven think the firefighters' mistreatment is newsworthy and all other workers who work at hostile workplaces not newsworthy? Do these firefighters and their wives mistakenly believe that they are much more special and important than all other people that are workers in OC???

Anonymous said...

You cannot win with these special interest groups. OC has been out of control for so long that I have made an informed decision to boycott it all together. I have warned people on this blog - time and time again to stay clear of OC. Between the real estate taxes, unjust policing laws & ordinances it is simply unsafe for any law abiding american to cross over that bridge.

How do I know so much - I worked down there for over a decade and it has gotton much worse.

Anonymous said...

It's sounds like 8:41 was one of those workers who was so lame they acrually got fired during the summer.

Folks who are willing to work in OC can make some serious money. Yes, the owners can make money as well which use to be perfectly fine until Obama was elected.

Anonymous said...

Hi 10:35, it's "LAME" 8:41 here.
OBVIOUSLY you are a name-calling bully who sounds like a Cry-Baby-Republican OC business owner who treats their employees like dogs and blames Obama for everything that is wrong in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

So lets go to eight or ten hour shifts, so more oeople need to be hired. Yeah that will save the tax payers. Twenty four hour shifts require less personnel.

Anonymous said...

We really miss you...

Anonymous said...

These back-stabbing, plastic, and unbearable women are a group of many OC women's "click" clubs who think they are superior beings on earth. All they do all day is gossip, complain, criticize people and meddle in other people's business instead of focusing on their own business.
Would you whining hens gull of DRAMA---PLEASE focus on your own business and do something productive and worthwhile in your lives for ONCE!?

Anonymous said...

There seems to be turmoil in every fire department. They all think they are better than each other and their egos get in the way. Most can't tie their shoes but since they were given a title by a person they sucked up to they think they are more important than everyone else

Anonymous said...

If they stop the gossip and focus on their own lives they have to admit that they actually live a horrible life. They try to make themselves feel better and more important if they can put others down or find fault in others rather than their own lives.

Anonymous said...

11:35 this is so sadly true and then they pass their pitiful traits down to their children.
I guess that's what is meant by "Misery LOVES Company" since these women are miserable and thrive on criticizing and inflicting misery on others.

Anonymous said...

These comments exude viciousness.Now I'm beginning to understand the scope of the problem.Control freaks abound.

Anonymous said...

I do appreciate everything firefighters do. God bless them. However, they are not and were not drafted (no pun intended) and are free to seek employment elsewhere if the heat in their particular kitchen is too hot (again, no pun intended).

Anonymous said...

It's no surprise the department is in turmoil. The council was blinded by "in your bed politics" when they allowed a person to become chief that is unqualified. If memory serves me well when the chief was approved he wasn't even a fire officer 1. He wouldn't be allowed to be an officer on a fire truck much less command a department. I know he has the qualifications now but he missed the years of experience needed to function at his current rank.He is guided by his ego not by experience. Even at a $1 a year that defines failure. The same ego he had when he was going to take "his" fire trucks out of OC to west OC when he wasn't going to get his way. The the great council gives him $100+ thousand a year to get the same pitiful service that we were getting for a $1 a year. The town should have done a search just like they did to replace Mr. Dare. As far as vacations never heard of not getting leave because the town has too many visitors in the summer. I'm sure the DC fire department member get leave in the summer when millions vacation in the nations capital. I could go on but why? The council needs to get us our moneys worth with a qualified experienced chief or put the Larimore back to his $1 a year salary.

Anonymous said...

It seems they are upset because they aren't being coddled because the chief says his main duty is to tax payers and he is correct. Tax payers are footing the bill so to speak for this service so their concerns and well being should be paramount.
I'm also wondering if Hartley who was promoted isn't a union member and that's why some are all riled up? They get all riled up in the FD's and PD's when a union member is passed over for promotion.

Anonymous said...

11:17, I was thinking the same thing about fire departments. While I appreciate the service they give, it does seem like there is always a flap, always.

The display they put on in Salisbury at that council meeting was ridiculous, too. Wonder if they were intimidated into it? Or what's in it for them?

Anonymous said...

On the Dispatch's site, a long-time firefighter stated:
"The majority of us did not agree with the Chiefs selection for Captain, however, to promote the first female to a command position was not going to be easily accepted in any organization."

So it appears that these firefighters and their wives are having a hissy fit and throwing a temper tantrum all because a woman was promoted instead of a man.

OC's former Chief of Police was a female so why are these people acting like childish spoiled brats!?

Anonymous said...

I am a dedicated long time career Firefighter Paramedic in the Ocean City Fire Department. Many (most) of us are not supportive of the Union, or this new 'wives club'. The majority of us did not agree with the Chiefs selection for Captain, however, to promote the first female to a command position was not going to be easily accepted in any organization. Was it right for a certain union member to leave a dead cat at the Chiefs home (female candidates name was KATheen), or to start false rumors that hurt inocent familes) I am very ashamed of actions of a few, and ask that everyone understand, this is not representative of our Division. We will continue to provide the exemplary service we always have, that you can count on. These other issues are growing pains, and will soon fade away.

Anonymous said...

3:15 Before we get on the bash the Chief rampage, exactly what are the "wives club" saying he has done to create the hostile work place. One wife says her husband yells at the kids, another crying at counseling sessions, another excessive drinking, sure seems like they have a lot more problems than work. So the Chief didn't allow the union to push him around, maybe he has the exact qualifications we need in every Department. These few employees let their wives fight for them, and then complain about leadership! Read close, there's something wrong here. Start with FACTS relevant to today's concern, not some regurgitating of six years ago, been there done that.

Anonymous said...

I applaud your post 4:45pm.

Anonymous said...

As another OCFD Career Fire Fighter Paramedic, I plead to my brothers and sisters, lets not promote this bottom feeding gossip. We are entirely to professional to engage in these childish antics. This is about us not handling our issues internally, and a few "wives gone wild". We have a great Department, with great benefits, lets appreciate what we have, and work to make it better. Are we better today than 5 years ago, no doubt whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

5:05 pm, Thank you, it's simply the truth!

Anonymous said...

OMG!, Big bad fireman, have to have thier wives fight thier battles, I have heard everything now! What has the world come to? You wonder why thier children dont want to follow in thier fathers steps? No wonder they dont like thier chief, he's not Martha Stewart.

Anonymous said...

What's up with the council person who is going to a meeting with the wives club as a "sounding board" (whatever that is supposed to mean)? Quite frankly this appears as though a bit of dishonesty is going on. If the city manager needs to hear something he needs to hear it first hand and not via a "sounding board"-(where in the heck do these fruitcakes come up w/this goofy stuff anyway?)
This is not how professionals operate-city manager nor especially a council person who it appears is interested in gossip only. You get your info and knowledge first hand so not twisted either intentionally or unintentionally.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, what in the world is wrong with these fire departments? Bottom line is this, if you want to be a fire-fighter, then stop whinning and be a fire-fighter. If you don't then find another job. If you don't like the hours why did you sign up? Sounds pretty simple to me..end of story.

Anonymous said...

So it was a union member who left a dead cat at the chief's house? I read about that in the paper and whomever that was should be immediately fired because they are in desparate need of mental help.
This was not funny, nor cute nor clever but sick.
How did the cat die? Anyone sick enough to leave a poor dead animal on someone's doorstep is sick enough to kill an animal also.

Anonymous said...

4:45 states that these problems are just "growing pains" that will magically "fade away." Sounds like VERY wishful thinking dude!
Hostile, unprofessional, and bullying work environments have been a MAJOR problem at most OC workplaces for many, MANY years and will continue to be a MAJOR problem for many, MANY MORE years to come.
As the saying goes-"The more things change, the more they stay the same." This ESPECIALLY applies to OC.

Anonymous said...

I want to know more also about the dead cat. Who killed it? It can't be a coincidence that a cat just happened to die when someone named KATleen was promoted. I bet someone intentionally killed it. I too read about it but until today didn't get the significance.

Anonymous said...

Here are the problems that are MUCH more prevalent at OC workplaces than ANY other MD cities:
Hostile employers, back-stabbing, gossiping, drinking on the job, frequent workplace infidelities, tyrannical managers, low morale, bullying, sky-high turnover rate, immorality, power struggles, HATEFUL people....I could go on and on and on and on!

Anonymous said...

5:44, that is not only sick. That is PSYCHOTIC!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with 5:26. Why in the heck do these firefighters' wives have to 'posse up' to defend their husbands!? These men are supposed to be strong and courageous so why are women running to their rescue???

And what is it with our fire fighters yelling at their kids, drinking excessively, and crying in their counselor's chairs!? I don't know what you people think, but I think these so-called men need to figure out another profession because it appears they are too mentally unstable to protect our community.

Anonymous said...

This from OC Today-"The deposit of a dead cat on the doorstep of Ocean City Fire Chief Chris Larmore’s home the night after he enacted a controversial promotional decision"

Someone killed that cat! It did not just happen to die the same night of this promotion. No way. You union people are disgusting and so is the council person who gives them the time of day. Anyone involved in this should be fired and any council person worth a damm would tell them so instead of coddling them. No decent person would ever pacify and condone this behaviour by attending their stupid meeting. This is sick and psychotic.

Anonymous said...

The OC Today article from a few months ago appears to give the real story as opposed to this gossip piece by the Dispatch. Seems some feeling are/were hurt by the female (now we know is named KATleen.) Not only was a poor dead cat left on the chief's door but lies were made up about the chief and this female having some kind of relationship.
In my opinion you wives need to tell your husbands to grow the hell up! Their actions are not defendable. That is what strong women do. They do not baby men who act infantile.

Anonymous said...

5:04 I agree the wives should stay out of it. However, the chief leads and manages with his ego. Which make him not a leader or manager, but a bully. As stated before he doesn't have the experience for the position so the organization suffers thru his learning process which sets the organization in turmoil. The employees need to bring their concerns to the council and if that fails in the next election campaign for council replacements who will terminate the problem. The chief.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who's address that is where the wive's club is holding there get together's. Lighthouse Rd in Selbyville DE.

Anonymous said...

it's a mailbox service 835 in the same plaza as Smitty Mcgees.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of whiners. Now they have the women fighting their battles. WIMPS!

Anonymous said...

The Chief does not manage by himself, funny how all the trash comes from a select few, yet nothing about the reamaining Chiefs. Oh, thats right, they are ALL afraid of him. Guess so is the city manager and council. Wake up people, its the same cry babies that will never be happy, AND, they have to have thier wives fight thier battles. Glad I distanced myself from the "boys club" years ago.

Anonymous said...

The real truth, this all surrounds the same person that caused all the problems in Berlin. Connect the dots, he was fired in OC, the others involved and thier wives are afraid thier in the same boat. Thats what all the stress is about. Thier only hope is that they can take the chief down first.

Anonymous said...

My firefighter husband should have been promoted. HUMPF.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am so sick and tired of hearing about this one and that one's "low moral" and "hostile" working conditions.
The wives need to tell their whining husband to grow the hell up.
It was mentioned that they get to sleep during shifts. This is NOT acceptable as it cuts down on response time and whether it be only 30 seconds it still cuts down on response time. Cut shifts back to 8/10 hrs and quit sleeping on tax payers dime.
As far as not having vacation time in the summer-too bad. Ocean city is unique and with it's uniqueness comes downfalls.

March 7, 2013 at 8:16 AM

You have no idea what you are talking about. Those paramedics are there for your emergency. Speaking about response times what are response times when the volunteer Farmin respond from home. Ironically many of those fires they get in Ocean City burn down because of the slow response from the Volunteer Farmin. I bet the volunteer far cheef gets to take his vacations during the Summer. Cough cough, you ever heard of the blue flu? That uneducated far cheef should not be in charge of more qualified firefighter paramedics. Sounds like that mess Salisbury has going on with its uneducated far cheef.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
11:17, I was thinking the same thing about fire departments. While I appreciate the service they give, it does seem like there is always a flap, always.

The display they put on in Salisbury at that council meeting was ridiculous, too. Wonder if they were intimidated into it? Or what's in it for them?

March 7, 2013 at 3:51 PM

Uh.. yeah, ever heard of Rick Hoppes. Notice the majority of them were appointed young fire officers and 12 newly hired barrel of the bucket free money grant hires who hope to get hired permanently in 2 years.

Anonymous said...

People like you and the way you think is what is WRONG with the fire departments. You try to make one better than the other. You put paid firemen against volunteers. Neither is better than the other and both are needed. Once you thick headed dopes get that through your pea brains things might change for the better.

Anonymous said...

9:46 That's right, when you cant handle the truth, divert and confuse. This is about a few babies that are afraid to take a stand, because they have baseless claims, then have their wives fight for them, that won't say their names KH. Then you write like a 1st grader and bring in the volunteers which have have nothing to do with this. We all see through this, grow up or leave, your a disugusting example for the fire servive.

Anonymous said...

And, I applaud the majority of Salisbury Council members for standing their ground on the Hoppes appointment.

Anonymous said...

This has absolutely not a thing to do with voluteers 9:46 so save that one for another day and stay on topic.
According to an OC Today article these so called professionals missed a call recently-slept right through it.
Then had a fit because the chief made a rule requiring a watch person to stay up monitoring so no more missed calls. This resulted in the FD having to purchase 20 new pagers so no one would miss their sleep nor a call.
Everyone has job issues. The mark of a mature professional person is they know how to handle it.
It's obvious there is more deep rooted problems here like immaturity and mental unstability which isn't caused by the job. The dead cat display proves this. That is abhorrent and 'normal' people do not act this way.

Anonymous said...

"You have no idea what you are talking about. Those paramedics are there for your emergency. Speaking about response times what are response times when the volunteer Farmin respond from home. Ironically many of those fires they get in Ocean City burn down because of the slow response from the Volunteer Farmin. I bet the volunteer far cheef gets to take his vacations during the Summer. Cough cough, you ever heard of the blue flu? That uneducated far cheef should not be in charge of more qualified firefighter paramedics. Sounds like that mess Salisbury has going on with its uneducated far cheef.

March 7, 2013 at 9:46 PM"

I want to know about the dead cat. That was a direct threat against the person named KATleen. Not only was it a threat to a person but as an animal lover I find it alarming on that level. The last thing the public needs is unstable paramedics there for an emergency.

Anonymous said...

Wow , I just whisped over this and it is easy to solve the problem.
The Firemen and women need to work for their pay. They need to stay busy !! I know what firemen do all day , so why don't some of you guys admitt it , nothing.

Anonymous said...

I's commendable that a few EMT's that work within the department are taking a position against the "wives club" and the union. The department as a whole is very professional and competent. No group is perfect, and when the "5' husbands can't have it their way, the women got involved. Real men we have, lets send our little wifey into the fire, but not surprisingly, they hide also. Wonder if one of the wives is married to the fireman that slept through the call? Wonder if one of the wives is married to the cry baby that can't take off in the summer? (well they only work two days a week anyway) Wonder if one of the wives is married to one of the disgruntled men that got beat by a female candidate? get these answers, and I'll bet the wives will head back to the kitchen where they belong!

Anonymous said...

The dead cat stunt did me in. It's not defendable 9:46 and speaks volumns to not only you but also the mindset of this "wives'club."
This "club" has zero credibility. You do not stand behind anyone including a husband who thinks it's smart to not only use a dead animal as a prop but also something that can be construed as a threat against a fellow worker.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if one of the wifes is married to whomever thought it would be clever to maybe have killed a cat and left it on the chief's door, 7:58. You people are beyond grotesque is all I can say and do not deserve one second of anyone's respect.

Anonymous said...

OK, I just read the entire 1-sided article publisher Steven Green wrote. What I don't understand is how Mr. Green has no qualms exposing and identifying Chief Laramore and Kathleen Hartley, but won't identify these women?

What's the big secret Mr. Green? These women's names will be exposed very soon so.he should have published their names to lay all of the actors/actresses of this comedic drama out in the open to all of us.

Let's start with Kendra Sackadorf. Is she 1 of the actresses Mr. Green? I know he is probably reading this so it's time for him to answer some questions since it was his decision to publish this comedic drama.

Anonymous said...

8:58 AGREED! I won't publish the names, but everyone knows. I was asked to join, so this is fact. The FF wife that slept through the call, the FF wife whose leave was denied, two FF's who got thier butt kicked in the promotional process by a female! We all know, and won't forget, hereafter the "hens club" Simple as that! Kat, you rock!, mayeb some of the "men", and thier wives will never like you, but bet your butt they respect you!

Anonymous said...

SBY News would not have alloed a smear tactic to grow to this level without mentioning names. Guess the wives club has learned a big lession. Media coverage cuts both ways. When you pull the trigger, make sure you have enough bullets. This group had nothing but a straw and spitballs from a few boys that never grew up. Maybe they should consider serving coffee at the next fire, or better yet just staying home.

Anonymous said...

I'm with 9:30 AM!

If I was working with Mrs. Hartley and she was promoted over me, I admittedly would be upset and maybe even a little angry about it, but I definitely would NOT run to my wife to convince her to rally up a band of whining women to launch a smear campaign against the Fire Chief and Mrs. Hartley nor would I kill a cat and leave it at the Captain's house.

These men and women are envious, sick in the head, and WICKED! Kudos and Congratulations to Mrs. Hartley!!! I'm sure she must be very upset with this, but she needs not pay attention to these WICKED men and their hens of wives they are married to and realize she has many supporters who got her back!

Anonymous said...

I agree 8:58. Steve Green appears to have been born yesterday in believing they wished to remain anon due to retaliation. It's more like they wish to remain anon to save face in the public after going on a smear campaign courtsey of the dispatch.
This stands to reason as they are a group asking for members so it would be quite easy to figure out who they are by joining.

Anonymous said...

I never thought so much of the truth would come from the blogs. A qualified female gets promoted against the wishes of the union, and a few dinosaurs, so they attack everything and everyone else they can find. When unsuccessful, they recruit some wives that are gullible enough to report to a newspaper desperate enough to run a story. Then lets reach out to a female council person that has been a loser for years, and hope she will report lies to the city manager. Lets see just what she can report. SOME "Men" that want to sleep more than work, are abusive to their children, drink and need counseling, all because of their Chief. At least he wasn't afraid to answer questions. Surprised he didn't plead the "no comment, personnel matter" rule. Bet there's far more to the story, let's hope the "hens party" will continue, then as Paul Harvey said, "now for the rest of the story". Lucy, ya got some splaining to do.

Anonymous said...

The Chief has been widely criticized when he promoted two people. All the attention has been on the female. The male is a long time provider, very knowledgeable fire fighter. However, he has NO loyalty to the Chief or the Department, lacks respect from 90% of his co-workers due to self serving disposition. However, the Chief still promoted him based on the process. Look at the irony that now his wife leads the "hens club" criticizing the Chief, and undermining the integrity of the entire Department. Your busted Liz, The Chief passed over my husband for a person with character like Trevor? Chief, sorry speaks volume for you. "The boys behind the women behind the hose", god help your children, your a fine example.

Anonymous said...

OMG-Did someone really actually kill the cat 10:46? It's horrible that the council and the city would even consider being a "sounding board" for such instablity. They need to be rooted out and fired immediately. The last thing people- residents and tourists- alike need to hear is their is such unstable people are providing emergency services.
Yes they are wicked and any wife who stands behind an animal abuser is a lunatic herself.

Anonymous said...

1:41 Yes, there was a dead cat left, and OC Today did thier homework. Although they did not publish the name of the candidate he promoted KAThleen, that goes by "Kat". And it was left the following day after the announcement was made she was promoted. HELLO, and the council wants to support this group. The wives club should be called out by name, oh, now thats a thought. They asked for it.

Anonymous said...

"Then lets reach out to a female council person that has been a loser for years, and hope she will report lies to the city manager. Lets see just what she can report. SOME "Men" that want to sleep more than work, are abusive to their children, drink and need counseling, all because of their Chief."

Loser is an understatement. Any decent person does not even entertain the idea to reach out to animal abusers and kilers.
Oh and why wasn't the cat mentioned in this article? Let's keep that hidden. Sorry to the good guys and girls of the department who have to tolerate a handful of mental cases.

Anonymous said...

OC needs to do some weeding. When you have someone who resorts to killing an animal and/or using it's carcass as a symbol that person has some phychotic/psychosis symptoms going on. Definetely not an asset to the Department.
Not only is the person directly responsible "off" so is anyone and everyone who condoned this by covering for the person/persons involved.
A question is why is the city and the council of this supposed "family resort" condoning animal cruelty?

Anonymous said...

"nor would I kill a cat and leave it at the Captain's house."

That is just so bad and wrong! Who could ever be so low to harm a defenseless cat? If this person still has a job with the city, why?

Anonymous said...

2:04 Lets see if Joe lets this through. If any of these "ladies" wish to deny thier being the wives club, call him, bet it won't happen. S.Baker, B.Homel, K.Sacadorf, L.Steedman, K.Holloway BINGO, and the "boys behind the women", the same ones that have an az to grind but no substance. Oh, it's OK for them to put Hartley out for everyone to view.

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget, Mary Knight wants to be a member, by her own admission. How's it feel "ladies" to have to stand up for yourselves? How does it feel to be exposed as the negative of the Department along with your husbands? How does it feel to be called on the carpet for the truth?

Anonymous said...

2:04 Anyone including council (and the Dispatch) who lends credence to this group is in essence also lending credence to aberrant actions ie-dead cat left as a symbol.
Why ISN'T this mentioned in the Dispatch?????
It takes a lifetime to build a reputation and a single act to destroy it quote comes to mind.
I wish more names were named because quite frankly now everyone in the department is giving me the creeps thinking it could be them who could harm a little animal though I know the "bad" ones are only a few.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what their grips are or how bad things are-YOU DO NOT HURT AN ANIMAL. The most shameful though is Knight because as a representative you do not pacify animal abusers-you call them out on it. These people or atleast someone quite possibly broke a law and it's being covered up.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or can any other guys see a hilarious sitcom coming from this?
If anyone else interested in joining me to pitch the concept to Hollywood Execs, please contact me. I'm not a greedy man and I am willing to share the small fortune we'll earn from my idea.
The name of the series I had in mind was 'Real, But Fake, Housewives Of Ocean City Firemen' unless someone can think of a better name for the show.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that nice. OC officials let disgruntled employees get away with possibly killing an animal to use as a symbolic gesture of their displeasure.
This should be the story and not about employees who are child abusers, drunks, seeing a counselor. Oh wait-animal abuse goes hand in hand with above mentioned afflictions. But I get it-the Chief made me do it.

Anonymous said...

Joe do you think you could move this post to the top? I am completely disturbed by this possible killing of a cat and last time when you got on something the OC council acted.

Anonymous said...

4:25 The council knew about, Ocean City Today tried to expose it. They were to busy worrying about the contract negotiations and their campaign promises to the union. Ms. Knight takes care of the union 7, in a special way. Three of the hens know this is true, found evidence. Wait untill they turn on each other, it's coming.

Anonymous said...

4:25 has a good idea. Either put the story to the top or people should e-mail Joe any updates because this story has just begun and is nowhere near The End.
4:20, not only did they kill the cat but they also trespassed on Chief Larmore's property which sounds like 2 more arrestable and punishable criminal acts to me.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that the Chief did not mention the "dead cat" until at least 3 to 4 days after the event. Most folks if they find a dead cat on their porch with a noose around it's neck would call the police immediately. You decide.

Anonymous said...

and they think Virginia may be on fire due to a troubled firefighter.

Anonymous said...

"It is interesting that the Chief did not mention the "dead cat" until at least 3 to 4 days after the event. Most folks if they find a dead cat on their porch with a noose around it's neck would call the police immediately. You decide." No-one has ever mentioned a noose. Seems you just let the "cat" out of the bag. Go ahead, just what do you know? Bet your credibility rates right up there with the "hens club". Also, tell us about the 3-4 days ..... inquiring mind want to know. You have a stinch like Mary Knight.

Anonymous said...

What I find more interesting is how quiet the wives club and it's supporters became when the cat became a topic 6:33. It was like they had an Oh $hit moment-no denials or anything.
The cat story is true and everyone knows it thus no denials until Green thought it up to cover his own butt for ignoring it and claims its a rumor.
While on subject Green claims he doesn't print rumors or allegations but then prints a whole article based on allegations. I mean has he seen these husbands yelling at kids, going to counselors, etc? Lets just talk out of both sides of our mouth why don't we.

Anonymous said...

6:33 I don't see where the chief has mentioned anything. You have the facts, just who are you. Maybe you know more than you choose to disclose. Just why don't you call the chief down, bet you have to much to hide? Place your bets folks, mine are on Larimore. This is a union tactic to divert attention when your down and out. Can't answer for themselves, blame someone else. How about Bush, he's a great diversion.

Anonymous said...

Steve Green didn't know anything about the cat, that's why he's now playing cover up. SBY NEWS kicks ass, and by allowing all sides, the truth came out. Steve printed an entire article with anonymous sources, other than Recor and the chief. He didn't contact Ms. Hartley it appears, and by all appearances the city manager and chief were candid. how does one say BUSTED! Thanks Joe, we can count on you. Also, Stewart Dobson and the OC Today have been reporting the truth, maybe a little vague, still the truth. Read his editorial two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Yep as soon as the cat became the hot topic crowd scattered. The silence was deafening. Now they've regrouped after someone dreamed up to say the chief made it up.
Sorry that doesn't work around here. We were not born yesterday.

Anonymous said...

You can't make this s*** up as my friend Chris would say. I know Chris, not as the chief, but as a friend. I can't believe there's not someone with a serious case of buckshot out there. He loves the department, and many can attest, even in his leisure time he lives it 24/7. Chris, leave that BS and come back to your family on the bay. To the naysayers, and wives of wimps, the chief forgot more class than you will ever have.

Anonymous said...

I see the cast of characters finally made it out....not surprising. There is a common characteristic with each one of the husbands, which is they are a black hole of negativity to the fire department that suck the energy right out of a fire house. There is a reason for a 25 year retirement in public safety. Husbands take advantage of it, stop drowning the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Recor, their wives inadvertently identified the cancer in the department. Please use a scalpel to cut it out and not radiation. Or I agree at least get them to retire and let everyone else have a career without cancer.

Anonymous said...

From OC Today editorial-

mum’s-the-word style also has been applied to the workplace harassment action filed earlier this year, when members of the firefighters union and some councilmembers inappropriately tried to block the promotion of a female fire department lieutenant"

I wonder which coucil members tried to block the promotion?
I bet the same ones who are involved in the cat murder coverup. The Dispatch wants to cover it up because they don't want to admit they have possibly sided with animal abusers.
I heard about the cat and no one has ever said it was not true or they even thought it wasn't true until yesterday.
Even if the police weren't called those involved don't if pictures were taken so that why no one has ever denied it.
I can totally see the chief not calling the PD for the simple reason that he surely had an idea who was involved, and that they were upset and things would simmer down. But now that the word is out that the cat was killed by these people something needs to be done about it.
If the council doesn't act then animal lovers need to contact national animal rights organizations who have their own investigators and also major newspapers like the Baltimore Sun.

Anonymous said...

The article is informative. I cannot attest to all the personal attacks on Steve Green, the chief, the women, the paramedics or the city in general. The culture of emergency services needs to be addressed here. The women are only part of the story. There are the grievances, the union at work, the city manager's plan to get to the bottom of it and much more.

Anonymous said...

Okay so I read and reread the article and then Green's comment concerning the cat-I can only say to put it mildly-Is he simple?
He admittedly says there is an "alleged" culture of stress, etc.
Then in his comment he says he left out the cat because nothing has been produced to him to prove the cat story is true, in other words it's an allegation.
Within the article itself he gives no proof that the allegations against the Department are true other than a handful of ANON wives words. He uses allegations throughout the article but then claims he doesn't use them. Speaks volumns to not only his judgement but also his credibility.

Anonymous said...

The article is so NOT imformative.
In a nutshell certain union members are ticked off because a non union person was promoted.
The council tried to block the promotion also it appears because they made promises to the union in order to get elected.
So now some are trying in every way they can to cause trouble.

Anonymous said...

Knight huh? She's friends with JT so what's that tell you?
I don't want to sound mean but from a woman to another woman she needs to get a new dentist. Those dentures she is sporting are horrible!

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate the overwhelming upset regarding the alleged dead cat, but WHERE is the PROOF! There is no police report and not even a photo of the cat. All of you readers are just as gullible as the Cheif assumes you would be. The more horrific the story, the more people want to believe it. If leaving a dead cat on someone's porch is physco, making up the story and publishing it in the newspaper is beyond sick and manipulative. THIS is how the OCFD has been run for the last 5 years, by a SICK, DISHONEST, EGOTISTICAL, MASTER MANIPULATOR.

Anonymous said...

OMG someone just screwed the pooch! I dare you talk so negative about Princess Knight and her teeth. She can't help that, she doesnt know a good dentist. lets keep this civil and concentrate on her total lack of integrity and bias for the unions. The voters got what they wished for, hold on for the tax increases and continued union termoil. Just wait untill the new police Chief is named. The OCVFC boys will be mild compared to the F.O.P.

Anonymous said...

10:08 I dunno. But it is ironic that the PD was called to a house which happens to be owned by a one Christopher Larmore on Nov 20, 2012
There is a report. It's online. Vandalism is the offense.
So what's that all about?

Anonymous said...

Thank you CAREER division for all the recent proud moments you have brought to the FD. Can't wait for your encore - a grievence on my porridge doesn't tast just right, my bed doesn't feel just right?

Anonymous said...

Sadly I think the cat story is very much true. No one has ever denied it happened nor said anywhere before until yesterday that Chris made it up. The few people I asked about it when I first heard acted as if they knew all about it and didn't want to go there. Kind of like a let's just drop that subject thing going on.

I think everyone who doesn't know for sure knows in their heart that it is true just as everyone knew in their hearts the stories they made up about C and K were untrue.
While I totally disagree with these offhanded tactics going on with a few who are upset with the promotion I do not wish them to be humiliated but I do want to see them held accountable. I wish there were some way to have them held responsible but in a way that is private so it doesn't cause harm to their families or to them.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I have a friend who works for a bunch of ambulance chasers. They can't take off in the summer either. All 100 plus lawyers have to work. Ambulance chasing is big business in this large city in the summer because it's very cold and snowy in the winter and crime goes down. No taking off around the holidays or any other time the big cheese ambulance chasers think there is a buck to be made.

Anonymous said...

I know a couple of these women. They are whiny, narcissistic trouble-makers. Always have been. They gossip and talk trash about everyone behind their backs as if they are the most glorious people in the world. They may think they are friends now, but I predict they will not be friends in the near future.

As far as their husbands, do they not possess any courage or dignity? Do they have any comments on the matter or are they hiding and telling their wives what to do and say?

I don't know what these firemen and their wives are up to. What I do know is that these people were not worthy of respect before this ridiculous commotion. What I also know is that most people reading this article will also feel that they are not worthy of respect.

Anonymous said...

Lt. Holloway was on duty yesterday and complained all day how unfair everyone was treating the "wives", considering his wife is the head "hen", no big surprise. Talk about stupid is as stupid does! John, stay in Berlin where you belong, and allow us to move forward. Everyone else is actually enjoying the laugh, and overall spirits are better. And PLEASE take Kim with you, she outlasted her welcome here a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

4:26 Funny you should say that, quiet as a church mouse around here today. Golden Boy sure isn't saying much. The entire shift (B) is disappointed and ashamed. If we could, I guarantee his retirement papers would be hand delivered. Stop "thinking about it" Baker. Maybe Sharon is going to pick them up, seems she speaks for the family. We never though you would lower yourself to John, that's very sad.

Anonymous said...

I've read this and I'm concerned because all these behaviors are classic warning signs of someone who ends up "going postal."
The city should not dismiss these behaviors and needs to act before Ocean City makes international news as being the scene of work place violence.

Anonymous said...

Allow me to be 100. This is a classic case of a good group of people, mislead by a small group of union, "never enough" Obama, let's blame it on someone else tactics. The strong and wise will now see through this and squash the bad, and prevail!

Anonymous said...

I find all the negative backlash regarding this article pretty ironic and shameful. The public was more than willing to jump all over the school system last spring regarding potential harrasment. Why should we be any less tolerant of our city paramedics being harrassed by their cheif. In fact many of the comments that have been posted are nothing short of harrasment. I can't help but conclude that things must be just as bad if not worse than the article hints at based on these pointed comments meant to intimidate and poke fun at not only the paramedics but their wives as well. As a city tax payer I certainly hope the city councel plans to get to the bottom of it and soon.

Anonymous said...

1:28 How do you find the pointed comments coming from the chief? I suggest you read everything again. The MCD article failed to state one item the chief, or his command staff did or said that was wrong. Maybe you should wait while they sleep through a call, or not have enough EMT's because they want off in the summer. As far as the wives, it seems your the only one that thinks they should be the mouthpiece for thier husbands. Let me guess, you wear the pants in your family, and a dress to church on Sundays. Or is your name Erma?

Anonymous said...

1:28 "poke fun at not only the Paramedics but their wives as well"
You either have to be one of the wives, or just plain dumb. They have done the damage to themselves, and 99% of everyone, including their co-workers can see it. I work for the SFD, and I know many of these people, however we have found them to be the laughing stock of the Fire Service on this one. To the remaining brothers, keep your heads up, after all, there are many things we can pick, as the old saying goes, but not our family.

Anonymous said...

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