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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Fast Food Workers Want To Unionize

Hundreds of fast-food workers walked off the job in New York City on Thursday to demand better wages and the right to unionize. 

It was the largest strike ever in the American fast food industry. Workers want $15 an hour, but are currently making around minimum wage between $7 and $8 dollars an hour. Meanwhile, their employers are raking in huge profits. As the National Employment Law Project found, the three biggest employers of low-wage workers – McDonalds, Yum! Brands, and Walmart – have all seen enormous profit growth, with Walmart seeing a 130% profit growth since the recession. From what happened in Wisconsin and Ohio last year to the Black Friday Strikes to yesterday's walk-outs in New York City, it's good to see the labor movement back in action all around the nation.


Anonymous said...

i hope they know that if they do unionize half of them will be unemployed

Anonymous said...

$30.00 dollar an hour would be a good place to start.

Anonymous said...

119-Yeah see if that idea floats.

Here's the thing, you're an unskilled worker in a menial position. You're not worth 15$ an hour. You should praise the Democratic loonies that you're forcing employers to pay you 7-8$ for a job a chimp could do.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct.
I would like to add that a "value meal" at McDonald's is now over $6.00.
When McDonald's is required to pay $30.00 per hour for a non-english speaking slug at the drive thru, your "value meal" will cost $15.00

How many of those will you buy at that price?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really care if McDonalds goes away?

Anonymous said...

this will be the end of fast food and low prices. these dim wits don't realize without an education and at the younger ages you have to start in a "entry level" job. your wages aren't intended to support a family.

so i would say get an education, work hard at whatever job you can find and don't have a family until your stable and are making enough money to support this family. get it???

Anonymous said...

332-I'd rejoice if it did. Same with Walmart/K-Mart/Sears. It'd be a bright day in America is those sludgeholes went under.

Anonymous said...

Its Socialism at its best.Make all the large corporations unionized and force all the small businesses to close.Freedom gone.