Be sure to click on the image to enlarge it so you can read the names and titles, (image from Metropolitan Magazine).
Let me give you a bit of history about the Salisbury Zoo most of you aren't aware of.
Considering the Salisbury Zoo is one of the smallest Zoo's in America, the AZA, (or whatever they are called now) who accredits the Zoo at one point demanded the Salisbury Zoo have a formal Director. So in other words, it wasn't a former Mayor who decided the Zoo needed a Director, it was shoved down their throat.
The AZA is an organization that pretty much does absolutely nothing for the Salisbury Zoo. However, what you do get from the AZA is a list of demands that cost the taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars. In order to stay accredited for example, the Zoo is being forced to build a $3,000,000.00 Animal Services Building. Now, does a Zoo our size actually NEED more than what they have, not really, especially AFTER the City had to pony up more than $300,000.00 to renovate the current building in place.
However, the Salisbury Zoo Commission does a LOT of things behind the scenes that creates a fortune worth of improvements and or changes you are not aware of. For example, as the above picture shows, Cathy Bassett has been added to the Zoo to basically do fundraising.
I don't want to sound like a broken record but I have been saying for more than 7 years now, WHAT THE HELL DOES THE DIRECTOR DO? I think we can all agree, Joel Hamilton is a very nice guy but seriously, he doesn't fund raise, he doesn't clean exhibits, in fact, he doesn't even have a whole lot to do with the Staff at the Zoo. However, 99% of ALL Zoo Directors in other Zoo's across America are fully responsible for raising 100% of the overhead of their Zoo's. Not Joel and now they have someone else to do that job.
So look close at the above picture. When you enlarge it you'll see the name Stacey Weisner. Oh, look again! Is she the NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR?????? So how did the Zoo bring in Cathy Bassett and Stacey Weisner without your knowledge, THE SAME WAY THEY'VE DONE IT WITH MOST OF THE OTHER EMPLOYEES AT THE ZOO.
The Zoo Commission brings them in through grants OR out of the DONATIONS you make when you visit the Zoo, supposedly to feed the animals. And what happens when those funds dry up, the come to the Council and ask that the taxpayers pay their salaries. When you have a rubber stamp Council like Barrie Tilghman had in the past, you get whatever you want. Not so today and NOT so if I'm elected Mayor.
It's bad enough OTHER City Empployees are complaining they aren't making enough money, NOW YOU KNOW WHY. The Salisbury Zoo is out of control. Your Mayor is fully aware of what is going on down there, yet once again he keeps quiet about it.
I wrote an article a few weeks ago about how they hired Cathy Bassett. Now all of a sudden they've taken on Stacey Weisner. 10 years ago the Zoo relied on VOLUNTEERS. Today, those volunteer positions are full time paid staff, yet there are a TON of people who would volunteer for those very same positions and did so for more than 40 years.
Mayor Ireton wants bigger government and continues to prove so. Yet he only wants to give raises to the Mayors Office Staff as well as a tax increase to do so, even though it wasn't even necessary.
I'd still LOVE to know just what the Zoo Director does at the Zoo each and every day, let alone a new Executive Director. It seems to me the Salisbury Zoo Commission is trying to keep up with the major Zoo's with the AZA. It's been foolish since day one and even more costly to City Taxpayers.
So, WHO are YOU really feeding when you make those donations to the Salisbury Zoo?
By the way, NONE of the Council Members I spoke to about this were aware there is a new Executive Director at the Zoo.
I find it funny they have a kangaroo as a mascot??...since when does the Sby Zoo have a kangaroo exhibit? They couldn't find a costume for an animal we actually have there? ha ha!
I am so done with Ireton. How many secrets does this guy have.
The Zoo wastes more money than you know, point this out to them and you are an enemy for life. Bunch of back biting people there, and they have another large one to feed apparently.
I just got back from going to the Maryland Zoo over the weekend, I would rather pay the $16 to go there or go to the National Zoo and pay $22 for parking than support these jokers.
I am all for leveling that Zoo and making it a picnic area to be enjoyed by all.
We can not support the Circus at 125 N Division Street AND the Zoo at 755 South Park Drive. One has to go!
2:00. You idio5....its a wallabee, not a kangaroo. And yes we have one at the zoo.
WOW, talk about your awkward family photos...
That is why the 2 million dollars has been a secret.Its in case they need to hire more people or buy another run down building.
Cathy Bassett? Wife of Greg Bassett, the Daily Times editor?
Stacy Weisner? Wife of Mike Weisner, the realtor and landlord SAPOA member?
hahaha....awkward family photo!
hey, off topic here. My child came home from school today (BMS) and said they led a kid out of the school in handcuffs. REALLY? IN MIDDLE SCHOOL? This is our first year at the school and I'm shocked. What could a middle schooler do to get arrested? Sad sad sad.
Is there any reason, Joe, in keeping this zoo accredited? I mean if it's not, will the animals get less of an educati--I mean would we be somehow sanctioned for having it anyway or be forced to close it?
I'm pretty sure Stacey has been there since January. It definitely wasn't that recent. If you didn't know, you're out of the loop.
So all the while city employees have been furloughed and had pay freezes, we add luxuries like another director to the free zoo? What justifies this new position? WTF?
Did Ireton just pull that position out of his rear end? Was it approved by the council?
Opps, did I fail to mention this to everyone?
We let our police department get to the point of a crisis, but Salisbury can afford another 6 figure salary for a free zoo? Ireton has more than bumped his head!
The salary for this new executive director would probably be enough to give cost of living bumps to the rest of the city employees. What ya think Joe? $90,000k plus benefits a year? Or more?
I hope all city employees that live in the city make sure to be heard election time.
Just close the zoo already.
Seriously 3:25....arrests in middle school are not uncommon. Some students attend with ankle monitors. At times they are sitting next to the pregnant 7th grader.
Speaks of Ireton's priorities, fair pay for the police or add another position to an already bloated zoo staff.
You know what, I'm done with that zoo too, when we need to make cuts for future police and fire funding, we know where to cut. Let them whiners get their zoo t-shirts on and go to a council meeting and ask for funding.
I wouldn't vote for anyone that would approve in more funding for the zoo, it costs the city well over $2,000,000 a year now.
Do you know why they refuse to charge even a dollar? Because then we would actually know how many people really walk through there and would conclude that it really does need to be bull dozed down because it's a money pit!
Joe, how many people do they claim do zoo tours in a years time? Even if that zoo charged $35 a head, I bet it's not enough people most days to make payroll for that day alone!
Joe will you please see to it that something other than a zoo is there when you are elected mayor? Please.
4:34 ugh. my poor kid. welcome to the real world huh?
Don't we still need someone that can run the WWTP? We don't have anyone to run the plant but the zoo hires ANOTHER director? Jim Rapp's old job too much for Joel?
Hat tip to old Gov. Schaffer, he was right all along, this is an outhouse!
Sounds like donation or campaign payback.
I've only been to the zoo twice in the last thirty years and it hasn't changed that much. Why is it now costing so much?
Last time I was there I saw the cats in that small cage and felt sorry for the jaguar. I'll never go back
If we can't provide decent habitat for the animals the zoo shouldn't have them! Ireton finds grants so well he should find one to fund the zoo or phase it out all together be fine by me.
Open your own eyes and see the natural zoo that this area provides, deer, racoons, opossum, eagles, blue heron, ospreys, red tailed hawks blah blah blah
Metro Magazine might as well declare the Salisbury Zoo as being the Best Zoo in Salisbury. Everything else they designate the Best of especially when the businesses pay to advertise with them.
It has become the running joke in Salisbury. Best Restaurant, Best Car Wash, Best Pizza, and so on.
Who paid for that metropolitan cover? Doesn't that cost at least $3,000? Tax payer money?
You're right 7:41 as long as you advertize they will make the best of something! bunch of wine heads
Hi. We're promoting our zoo. You know, that place to bring your kids? That's why we have a cute mascot in the picture.
The alcoholic drink in my hand? Oh, just tell the kids to ignore that. That's why we have a cute mascot in the picture.
Cathy B must have gotten a great deal at the zoo. She's currently in Florida "working."
Shame on Cathy Bassett for holding the wine glass. What the heck was she thinking. The Zoo is for family outings. Are they now going to be selling alcohol to the patrons? What a liberal mess she is. Remember she used to work for Wayne Gilchrest and we know what he was all about-----himself. Maybe she is too.
Cover of the Metro goes for about $8000 with a feature story.
Stacey Weisner is the daughter and employee of Slum Lord Michael Weisner. How ironic that Jim Ireton is now in bed with the slum lords.
Anonymous said...
2:00. You idio5....its a wallabee, not a kangaroo. And yes we have one at the zoo.
September 19, 2012 2:39 PM
Thanks Cathy for your comment after reading Joe's blog. Now go have another drink1
Anonymous said...
We let our police department get to the point of a crisis, but Salisbury can afford another 6 figure salary for a free zoo? Ireton has more than bumped his head!
The salary for this new executive director would probably be enough to give cost of living bumps to the rest of the city employees. What ya think Joe? $90,000k plus benefits a year? Or more?
I hope all city employees that live in the city make sure to be heard election time.
September 19, 2012 4:15 PM
I have an idea about our police department. Let's turn policing over to the county and we will save millions of dollars a year.
No she is his wife not daughter.
Off topic slightly- How do you feel about illegal immigration Joe?
Off topic slightly- How do you feel about illegal immigration Joe?
September 20, 2012 7:41 AM
The reason I ask is I bought a documentary about illegal immigration and I will give it to you watch and maybe upload to your site so others can watch it, if that's possible and you are interested.
anonymous 8:08, I'm running for Mayor, not President. However, ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL, PERIOD.
Before ending the city zoo, get rid of the city marina!
ANONYMOUS 8:11, I never said anything about closing the Zoo. HOWEVER, let's entertain this thought. Perhaps the City Taxpayers should consider leasing the Zoo property to the allmighty Zoo Commission and let them retain ALL responsibility and expenses, since they claim so many people come through there on a daily basis.
If it is what they say it is, they should have no problems whatsoever.
8:11 AM
Yeah I know Joe but a lot of people come to your site and it would be a good way for others to see it.
Maybe it's not such a good idea. Thanks for responding.
Bassett's postion is not needed if the Board is doing their job. The responsibilities of the board is to participate in the organizations fundraising. This should be in their mission statement and if it isn't than the board needs to be replaced with a more competent and serious board.
I'm assuming this "Executive Director" is also a member of the board as well as an employee. If so than a separate fundraiser is without a doubt not needed (esp with a zoo as small as this one) because part of the Exective Directors job description includes playing a leading role in fundraising.
This so reminds me of some charties :
1. Cancer : out of every dollar donated 2 cents go to the patients welfare or help.
2. Red Cross: out of every dollar 1 cent go to individual that needs help.
3. United Way: out of every dollar 3-5 cents go to help whoever.
This was taken from from investigation by our IRS and outside sources.
Most of the money goes to marketing and paid individuals drawing very large salaries.
The Salvation Army gives 90% of it's money to real help!!
Other issues are: NAACP gives 1 cent out of every dollar to individuals who need it.
National Human Society: gives 1 cent out of every dollar.
Lesson: re-think your giving!
8:23 AM
My dad said something similar years ago. Thanks for sharing.
Has anyone been to the zoo lately? My little girl and I try to go at least once a week. Being a single mom and with the price of food and gas...I don't have anything left over. So the zoo is always a big hit with her. Within the best month id say it has gone down hill!!! There are some new animals but what really stands out is the over grown areas that anmails should be. If u ask me it looks worst then it ever has. What are these ppl doing? Why does it look this way?
Bassett and Weisner are not direct employees of the zoo but of a non profit set up called Delmarva Zoological society (website available) which raises funds for the zoo. I imagine the salaries are being paid out of the funds raised. This still raises questions as to why a zoo this size needed to create an arm specifically geared to fundraising and if this arm wasn't manufactured in order to create these 2 jobs.
Is the zoo advertising in Metropolitan? A hugh waste of money if they are.
Wow! Cathy and Stacey. Can't wait to see what they do to this organization!
Some of their past involvements have really been fiascos!
I wouldn't have either of them within 100 yards of my organization!
Follow the MONEY!!! Follow the FAVORS!!!
Where there is a Non-Profit run by liberals there is a scam that enriches the staff first and foremost-bet on it.
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