Considering the Farming Industry is one of the biggest industries in Maryland, you wouldn't know it from the Farm and Home Show held this weekend in Salisbury.
The only County Representative I know were present was Bob Culver. You'd think Matt Holloway would have been present, being he makes a living as a Farmer. Delegate Mike McDermott was present along with Congressman Andy Harris.
The Republican Club had a very strong presence there but no one participated from the Democratic Club at all.
So here's what got me the most, where were all the Farmers? Have they gotten too big for their britches? Have they forgotten where they came from? Are the new generation of Farmers more into technology these days than they are in healthy fellowship with their brothers and sisters in the Farming Industry?
While I have attended many of the farming events over the past several years, I just didn't see the faces I'd normally see at dinners and so forth. So I started thinking, why? Why do they have an organization where a select few bust their tails every year to pull off this great event, yet the local Farmers are nowhere to be found.
It goes back, (I believe) to my earlier statement. Maybe they've forgotten where they came from. Maybe they're fed up with the lack of interest from Wicomico County Officials. Usually you'd see the regular faces attending with their entire Family. You'd see the farm pickups lined up everywhere, not this year.
I saw very little Press presence at the Show. In fact, when WBOC came they only concentrated on sanitation stands at the Show as it was obvious they were only there to do a piece on a flu that broke out recently by someone who owns a few pigs. They certainly weren't there to promote and encourage others to come to the Show.
So have the Farmers given up on us, or have we given up on the Farmers? Considering the event was free, considering the attendance wasn't anywhere near what it should have been by both Farmers and visitors, I'd say it's a little of both.
Don't think for a second the Press hasn't failed the Farmers as well, they have. I guess you have to be as big as the Delaware State Fair to get recognized.
One thing is for sure, the Eastern Shore isn't what it used to be.
Farming isn't like it used to be. Now everyone is under contract with BigAgriBiz and are dictated to every step of the way, in what to do. Gone are the days where farmers could get together traded ideas, solutions, etc.
This is why it is so important to support the Farmer's Markets and your neighborhood produce stand. It may be a bit more money, but the money stays in the community instead of the majority of it lining corporate wallets. Buying local also helps area businesses such as Farmers and Planters and Southen States.
See what death/estate taxes do to a family business?
Wicomico County does have way to many farmers that think they are way too big to be seen at the local show each year. Years ago they all were there talking and having a good time. Now it is all about who can outdo the other ones. Oh, yes and some of those so called Big Farmers have failed!! and they are nowhere to be seen as they were before things when sour for them.
So..exactly what aspect of the community is it that you like that made you want to move here, let alone want to run for mayor. We dont need the sour grapes all the time. It isn't all about the downtown, in fact, the downtown could cease to exist and it really wouldn't matter. You seem to be blaming everybody, the county, the press, the farmers, for this not being a success. Maybe it was poorly put together. I understand that things that business owners promised....they backed out of. Guess you can add them to the list as well. Anything that you decide to be involved in, you turn it into a circus.
anonymous 3:09, You have it all wrong.
Right now I have a job to do and that is to deliver the news to the Eastern Shore. When the time comes and I'm elected, guess what, nothing will change here on Salisbury News.
Here's what your missing from my article.
You cannot deny, most are called come here's or from here's.
Whil people "come here" to allegedly enjoy beautiful farm land and multiple water ways on the Eastern Shore, there's in depth conversations about how valuable our farmers are to the Shore and I agree.
I find it unfortunate that they are not coming together to enjoy a weekend of entertainment and fellowship.
Obviously you didn't attend the event or you would have seen what the rest of us did.
My attempt here is to hopefully pull the Farmers together and remember their roots.
The other side of that coin, (should they choose not to come together) is to simply allow the come here's to take over the Shore as if they don't exist. Now, that wouldn't be right, would it?
If the Farm and Home Show fails, what's left? I am trying to do my best to pull every one together and continue a wonderful tradition. If that means shaming some, so be it. That includes the local Media, in case you hadn't noticed.
I have yet to meet a Farmer that wasn't extremely kind. I have always felt that they would give you the shirt off their backs. Let's never forget how the Farmers all came together a couple years ago when the snow storms crippled Wicomico County. They came out and plowed roads for their friends and neighbors. They are a vital part of our society.
While you have every right to your opinion, calling what I do a circus is completely out of line.
As for the Downtown, again, I firmly disagree. Notice you're anonymous for one. Secondly, IF you think you can do better, why don't you put your hat into the ring and run for Mayor too.
Personally, I think you have a chip on your shoulder for Joe Albero and that's all there is to it.
By the way, in case you hadn't noticed, I've been bitching about Salisbury for 8 years now on this Blog. At least I've done so with my name attached and I've now stepped into the ring to run for Mayor. I can and I will make a positive difference in Salisbury. Will you?
I enjoyed talking with you Joe.You'll have my vote.
One thing is for sure, the Eastern Shore isn't what it used to be.
You got that right.
And, August 19, 2012 3:09 PM, if you don't like what Joe and others put on this blog, why do you come here?
You talk about sour grapes and complaining yet you do it yourself.
Most of the readers here have been following Joe for years, myself included. We know what he is about, and it's not some of the rumors and accusations one might hear.
Like Joe said in his response to you, at least he is trying to make a POSITIVE difference. Even stepping up to the plate to run for Mayor.
What have you done?
You have a right to your opinion. I, however, disagree with it. And that's my right.
As a farmer and parent that did not attend this years show, I fail to see any reason to attend the farm and home show. Nothing there to learn, no other farmers there, and lots of work to do at home on farm would be my main reasons. Farming isn't like it used to be, you can't make a living as a small operation, which means you must work as hard as possible to expand or go bankrupt. Furthermore, we are no longer in competition with other farmers for land, but everyone that loves looking at the rural landscape by building houses. There is no way to pay for a farm by farming it anymore, development pressure has insured that the farming community wil continue to shrink.
If this were a local election year the politicians would have been out in full force.
I remember whne the Farm & Home show was held at the the Civic Center. It was a large and well attended event. If my memoey was correct it was held in September not August. Maybe changing the dates has something to do with it's downfall. Why were the dates changed. I did go on Friday, and it is far from what it once was. If something doesn't change it will eventually fail.
4:12, I have sympathy for you. I'm an old school hunter who wold hunt a farmer's property to help protect his crops. Now, it's all rented to hunt clubs for cash I can't afford as a wage earner.I'm a city guy who loved my relationships with local farmers, but now it all seems so "corporate". I drove to Illinois last week, and saw nary one ear of corn on a dead stalk worth selling, if it was there at all. So, deer are eating what's left, the soybeans, and fuel prices are skyrocketing for the lack of corn and the MANDATE of E-fuel. This costs you more and will cost us more for corn flakes and related products. Will you enjoy a higher bushel price for this? Naw! Not thinking that now... I feel for you.
First of all, it wasn't a complaint, more so an observation. Secondly, I read this blog to try and figure why the negativity exists in our community, and why there are misconceptions, and what I can do to try and offer "the other side of the coin", which many times aren't printed. Believe it or not, I have been following this since "and justice for all". Are there posts I agree with...yes, are there posts that I disagree with yes. My problem is that I believe that it is only fair, to share that other side. Think about this. What do I have to gain by typing this? What do I gain by offering my opinion, or knowledge that I may posess to that may make people realize that they can have faith in their local government? NOTHING.....except I love my community and want it to succeed without the hate that I read on this blog. Many times from misinformation.
anonynmous 7:58, Are you suggesting I've misinformed the public on this Post?
This is the first Farm and Home Show I have attended since it was last at the Civic Center. It was poorly laid out, the building was dark and dingy and the animals had nasty cages and water bowls. I really will never attend another one unless it goes back to the civic center. Winterplace is really a bad venue and I didn't find much there. The last one I attended had tons of entries and exhibits. I did see your booth but you weren't in it.
Anonymous said...
I remember whne the Farm & Home show was held at the the Civic Center. It was a large and well attended event. If my memoey was correct it was held in September not August. Maybe changing the dates has something to do with it's downfall. Why were the dates changed. I did go on Friday, and it is far from what it once was. If something doesn't change it will eventually fail.
August 19, 2012 5:02 PM
That is correct it was held in September. I also remember it being the same weekend as the Firemens Muster which was held down at the city park. August is still vacation time for most people and there is so many other things to do. Late September or October would be better for the farmers when all the Summer crops are done.
The biggest problem is marketing. People don't care about a "farm and home" show. Call it the Wicomico County Fair and have carnival rides and you will see a big difference. It should also go back to being in September since now they are competing against the Sharptown Carnival, The Shorebirds and Ocean City.
I think 11:24 has hit the nail on the head. People aren't interested so much in a "farm and home show." Farm owners are a limited number and people aren't spending much on their homes these days. I think turning it into a more carnival atmosphere and calling it the "fair" would help.
I would like to see it marketed to the true real "family farms" in the area such as the small farms that sell eggs and chickens right off the farm and the farms that participate in the community supported agriculture thing.
The only thing I found interesting was the horse rides for the kids. The rest was awful. They need to take this back to the civic center, get rides, oyster sandwiches, good eats, well lit displays and clean and interesting exhibits.
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