
While most of you have jobs, most do not have the kind of time it requires to be a Mayor of such a big City.
Then there's the business background necessary. We've recently proven that just because a young man speaks well and carries himself well doesn't mean he's Mayoral material. Of course I'm speaking about Mayor Jim Ireton.
One of the major hurdles every single person has been confronted with in years past is the absolute abuse some have taken from certain administrations. Threats, lawsuits, personal attacks, physical attacks, abuse to family members, jobs, you name it, it's been done .
I have been dealing with these abusers for 8 years now and guess what, their attacks on Blogs, their Peace Orders, their lawsuits simply roll off my back. Their biggest frustration is, they cannot stop me from ANYTHING I put my mind to. If I want it, I'm going after it and NO ONE is going to stop me.
If you think about that for a bit and relate it to YOUR personal life, do ANY of you really want to put up with their garbage? Can you really afford to fight their lawsuits? Do you have hundreds of thousands of dollars to WASTE on their petty charges? Yes, that's right, I have spent well more than $100,000.00 dealing with Salisbury lawsuits over the years.
Is it worth it? No, not really. However, I was raised to defend myself and I have always stood up for the underdog. Salisbury is loaded with a bunch of bully politicians who THINK their lives will end if they lose an election. Everything is either black or white and that's all there is to it in their eyes.
How unfortunate that we live in a society where so many people are in fear of local politicians. This weekend I met with Council Members, Delegates, Senators and even a congressman, all stepped up to the plate and thanked me for putting my name in the hat to run for Mayor of Salisbury. Each and every one of them pledged their support and asked if there was ANYTHING they could do to help my Campaign. You don't get that kind of support if your not an honorable person.
So let's get back to the key question, WHY?
I intend to run for Mayor of Salisbury because I'm sick and tired of politicians who use easy money to make it look like things are getting done. I'm sick and tired of politicians who aren't accountable for their actions. Some examples, the Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant. The old Mall. Developer reimbursements, Pipe stem annexations. Fire Boats. You know the drill.
We have a Mayor's Office, (are you ready) that now costs the taxpayers $500,000.00 a year in salaries alone, yet the Mayor only makes $25,000.00 a year. Can we cut back within the Mayor's Office, you better believe we can and you better believe, WE WILL.
If we continue to run Salisbury like we have for the past 15 years, there's no question in my mind Salisbury will fail. There's no real solid future plans for Salisbury. Just poorly planned patch work like 500 subsidized housing units in Downtown. Of course that also means selling off ALL of the Parking Lots in Downtown, (including very valuable waterfront lots).
So just what will we do when and if we revitalize Downtown Salisbury and there's so much traffic there's no parking left for the BOOM? My belief is, they aren't planning for any BOOM at all. Just lipstick on a pig. They want to get all that Obama money and do a quick fix. Quick fixes never last, every one knows that.
I want Hotels along the River Walk. I want specialty Shops and small boats taking you from one place to the next like a water taxi. I have shared my vision with hundreds of people and not one of them said, no way. Instead they had excitement in their eyes and their voices.
WHY, because I have a business background. I know how to manage people and negotiate huge deals. I have connections with investors from all over the country. I also have great connections with Maryland Politicians, hence the new sex offender laws created a few years ago. Salisbury is NOT a City to GIVE AWAY. I firmly disagree with surplussing those parking lots.
WHY, because I can work with the Council and unite them. I will respect the position as Mayor as an administrator, not a legislator. You see, that's been the biggest problem Salisbury has had to deal with for the past 15 years. The last two Mayors have bullied the City Council, while the Mayor has NO REAL POWER. They have trained all of you into believing they make the decisions, policy, that's just not true at all.
The Mayor simply manages the City and its employees. The Mayor hires and fires those employees, somewhat. Mind you, there are positions in which even the Council plays a roll in. Nevertheless, the Mayor has trained the citizens into believing it's their way or no way at all. I call them, bullies.
As your next Mayor, I will respect the power of the entire Council. I will bring forth ideas that will respect the property WE own and not give it away to people close to me or even support me. I will get the Council excited about a 30 year long Master Plan for the City. We don't need to hire Firms to figure out what Salisbury needs. I'll reach out to every citizen for their input and together we'll rebuild.
WHY, because Salisbury must be a safer place to live. Crime must become priority #1. We don't need more Firefighters. We need more Police Officers. The Fire Department has seen their 10+ years of glory, I plan on changing that, period. And I'm NOT afraid to put it out there. You elect me, you're going to know what you voted for.
This isn't about WINNING as if it were a Football or Baseball game, not for me anyway. This is a very serious life changing challenge for ALL of us. Democrat, republican, independent, I don't care what your party is, from this point forward WE are a TEAM.
Those of you who can't get excited about who I am and what I'm offering, I suggest you put your home up for sale and leave. For those of you who want to see a brighter future in Salisbury, please, forget party lines and let's seriously work together to make Salisbury THE destination location on the Eastern Shore. We may not be able to attract traffic like Ocean City but believe me, if we do this right we'll be darn close. Think San Antonio, Texas. Its right here at our finger tips. You either want it or you want subsidized housing units instead.
The choice will be up to each and every one of you. More to come...
small boats taking you from one place to the next like a water taxi.
Dude, that's an excellent idea. I never even thought of that.
That's why YOU are the man!
Mayor Ireton has failed to work with the council. He has become very childish and from what I've heard it can never be mended. I believe Debbie will win again and if we were to vote for Ireton again we'll simply get the same. You have our support Joe.
You definetly do not give up and that's apparent by what you have endured the past 8 yrs with this blog.
I would also like to add something you didn't which I think is very important. You came into the blog world when it was new and most people thought blogs would be insignificant. You were able to see what has become the future of news reporting. This shows a visionary trait in you that will be an asset for the mayor's office.
You stood out in the cold for hundreds of hours ringing the bell to raise money for those in need. You shoveled driveways for the handicap people and the elderly. I recall you buying all those meals at a fundraiser and took them all to the homeless. I remember the truck loads of turkeys you gave away during the holidays. Joe, we've got your back in this election because you've had ours for a long time.
some food for thought Joe - while you may not need the salary that the mayor currently makes - you may not choose to be mayor forever. It is a great deal of work. Use caution in lowering the salary just because you don't need it. We assume it shouldn't be that much because we are comparing the job Jim is doing with what the job is worth. The job, done well, is probably worth the money. If you don't need it - give it away. But, if you change it... then nobody will take it in the future if it is a low paying job - just some food for thought.
anonymous 5:44, Thank you for your comment but this is exactly what I've been talking about. With all due respect, the Mayor cannot make such a change. The Council is the ONLY body that could ever do so.
That being said, perhaps I didn't spell that out well enough. I'm not saying I'd like to see the Mayor's salary lowered. In fact, I'd like to see it doubled. What I was trying to say was, the Mayor's Office with a $500,000.00 salary base is way too high. Some would call it top heavy.
Then you have a Mayor who wanted to ONLY give out raises to his staff and forget the rest of the employees in the City. In fact, he wanted to raise taxes when it was compleyely unnecessary.
Fortunately we have a Council that has enough wisdom and experience to know this was not needed at all. In fact the ONLY person who wanted to still raise taxes was Laura Mitchell. Even Shanie said no way.
Getting back to my believing the salary should be doubled for the Mayor, know that I cannot get such a raise as Mayor. IF it were to be proposed it would be for the next Mayor. It cannot be done during my 2 year term.
I am so glad we got the chance to meet you this weekend. Our new tee shirts look and fit great.
Roberts, Joshua Joseph
Address: 2507 Speckled Drive
City:East Petersburg
Zip Code:17520
I see the Good Doctor is giving up his Anti Albero web site against you!
You're going down u perverted bitch
I wear my tee shirt every time I go shopping in Salisbury and always get the thumbs up. They underestimated you Joe. Everyone knows the crap they put you through all the way back to the zoo years ago. You stood up for us and got rid of all those bums. Its our turn to support you. I'm a die hard democrat who is proud to say I am supporting Joe Albero for mayor.
anonymous 6:08, "perverted bitch" eh. Come on now, I've been called worse then that.
6:08 crawl back in your bottle and go away.
If Jim only knew how many city employees will be voting for you. He's constantly screaming and yelling at us. He's not a nice person at all. He's not just mean to the council.
I saw a Albero shirt today at the Flea Market!
You're going down u perverted bitch
August 19, 2012 6:08 PM
Karma has a way of giving the sender of such bad things, the same bad things.
And I'm sure there are more than a few on here wishing you get it.
Great to see that nasty blog go away. No one win against you Joe. Good out wins evil every time.
anonymous 7:02, so I've heard and seen. I'm not sure who Jim was around but someone certainly showed him how to do things the wrong way. Unfortunately he'll probably never get it. Managing employees is not an easy task. Especially in a large corporation. There are multiple personalities and differences. You need to truly get to know your staff one by one and handle them professionally. This is why I have such respect for those leaders in the Police and Fire Departments.
Between this Mayor and the former, they never had the experience to respect others. Instead, (I believe) it was more about a control issue. You know, I am king or I am the Boss.
I will have an open door policy from the bottom to the top. I was taught many years ago about this open dooor policy. My mentor once told me that he had done this for many years throughout his career. He said, Joe, some people walk through my door with the craziest problems and I sit back and think, wow, they think this is bad. He went on to say, while it may not seem to be important to me at the time, I respect the fact that it is the most important thing to them and I treat it as such. That's great leadership.
I have personally witnessed employees coming out of Jim's office in tears after Jim screamed and yelled at them, that will never happen again.
Great Family Photo.
I can honestly say you are a great listener. Keep up the good work Joe.
I have to say I watch you on that WBOC video when you got ambushed. How you stayed calm and collected after that attack is beyond me. If you can handle that press you can handle anything.
Jim is digging his own hole. Crash and burn.
You got what it takes to be mayor Joe.Good Luck.
People get involved because they want to make a difference. I believe you will make a huge difference.
Joe if I recall correctly you have worked very closely with Annapolis to get several important laws passed. You seem to know local and state government very well. You will good Mayor.
I have liked all the ideas so far. I hope you get the chance to make them work.
Thanks for answering why youre running for mayor. These last two mayors have been a drain on society and our wallets.
I choose San Antonio. Not Harlem.
Its not a job I'd want. I will say this though, I can't think of a stronger person then you do fill it.
Is there anyone out there that doesn't like your ideas. They make all the sense in the world to me. We can't afford to be like San Antonio right now but if there's a master plan for the next 30 years we could really give our children a beautiful place to raise their children.
anonymous 7:57, To this day I have yet to have someone tell me they don't like my ideas. Here's the deal. It will take many years to restructure the River Walk. I'd like the opportunity to sit down with our Governor and ask for the support of the State. It's a major investment but one I truly believe would be extremely financially rewarding for all involved. What I mean by that is, Hotels, vendors, stores, restaurants, JOBS! The more we plan now for the future and break away from our dependency of the chicken industry the better off we'll be.
We NEED to keep our children here. We need to reinvest back into this community on our strongest points. Wouldn't you like to see the FRONTS of the buildings proudly facing the river, rather than only seeing the backs of buildings?
Those who have planned out this City had it all wrong, respectfully.
It will take years to complete but with the right planning Salisbury could BOOM once again.
Joe you say that you've seen city employees come out of Jim's office in tears. I hold my head high every day working in that awful place but I break down in tears often at home. It is hard to show up every day for work because of the lack of management and there is no where to turn for help. Nothing will ever change! Either stay there and eat the crap or leave. That's just about how it was put to me on several occasions when I tried to express concerns.
anonymous 8:13, I'm so sorry you're going through that.
I can assure you, under my leadership that will NEVER happen again.
I'll tell you what I'll do. I will come up with a way to arrange an after hours meeting with staff members. Keep in mind, legally I'd have to have someone I trust very much to be there as well but I'll do something to make sure no employee becomes an outcast.
Your complaints NEED to be heard and respected. Fair enough?
You gonna ride the horse if you win?
Either stay there and eat the crap or leave. That's just about how it was put to me on several occasions when I tried to express concerns.
I had a job like that before. And I did eat it for a while.
But when I left, I wrote a letter to the proper authorities detailing what I knew, and my suspicions of others.
I was grinning ear to ear when I heard the state rolled up on them and started their little audits.
And I got a letter from the state telling me my concerns were valid and steps were being taken to correct their screw-ups and illegal activity.
So keep that in mind when you finally have had enough, decide your integrity and self-respect is more important than a nowhere job.
Good luck.
You are awesome Joe.
If you don't get it done in 2 years would run for a 4 year term?
You Definitely have the younger crowds hear.
anonymous 8:35, yes. I'll give it 6 years but that's it.
Thanks for caring about Salisbury!
JoeAlbero said...
anonymous 8:35, yes. I'll give it 6 years but that's it.
August 19, 2012 8:44 PM
That's so good to hear! Thanks for the answer.
I have never understood why a resume isn't required of any candidate that runs for public office. Why people ask for copies of tax returns rather than a resume for Presidential candidates has always baffled me.
anonymous 8:47, I believe by using Salisbury News I am delivering a resume for ALL citizens to review. I have opened the floor to anyone who wishes to ask questions and I have been very direct in my replies.
Jim Ireton has shown what he is made of for the past 3+ years and that pretty much says it all.
If you have any questions for me you're welcome to ask.
A meeting with the city staff is not feasible. No one would participate for fear of repercussion.
anonymous 9:01, as I stated earlier, it would be after hours.
I have no interest in retaliating against ANY ONE.
Now do all of you see just how bad this Mayor and the former Mayor ran this City!
All I can do is offer my services. I will treat the City employees the same way I'd want to be treated. No tricks.
The seasons are changing and so is the Leadership of our City.
Joe I like the fact that you say what you feel and you are not afraid to share it. The problem with that is that some people need things sugar coated so their feelings don't get hurt. Good Luck
A lot of people truly support you. You will see come election day!
I am pleased to hear that you would consider staying in for the long haul. I think you will be a great Mayor.
Jim is so toast at this point that he is acting like the fool.
You are the Man with the Plan!
That is a good picture of two retards and a cheap whore. We will meet soon enough. Don't linger too long between your door and your truck.
Your ideas sound great I just hope the Council agrees also.
anonymous 9:47, Is that all you've got, cheap threats and personal attacks against an innocent woman and a child.
Boy, Jimmy's friends are really tough girls, I mean, guys. I'm so skeered.
That is a good picture of two retards and a cheap whore. We will meet soon enough. Don't linger too long between your door and your truck.
August 19, 2012 9:47 PM
And what will you do when half of Salisbury starts kicking your ass?
Anonymous 9:47
You are one sick puppy!
Fight back. I won't run like a sissy Mayor on the beach.
JoeAlbero said...
Fight back. I won't run like a sissy Mayor on the beach.
August 19, 2012 10:01 PM
Joe, if that is directed at me, And what will you do when half of Salisbury starts kicking your ass?
August 19, 2012 9:57 PM,
you are mistaken. I sent that to the one who was talking smack to you. Meaning half of Salisbury has got your back.
You see a lot of crazies in your line of work don't you Joe?
anonymous 9:57, You do realize you keep sending in these threats for how many years now and NOTHING has ever happened.
I am out and about at so many events each week for 8 years now and you pansies keep threatening to beat me, kill me, sue me. Don't you realize as grown adults how childish you sound?
Everyone knows what group of people you come from and which Blogs you follow. Grow up for once. I guess you'll now have to kill me to stop me from WINNING as Mayor.
I guess the question is, will Lewis and Duncan ignore all of your threats towards me, my Wife and Grandson?
Not a day goes by Ladies & Gentlemen where these anonymous Idiots tell me I'm going to be arrested, I'm going to jail, warrents are being drawn up for my computers, it's unbelievable.
Then come the alleged phone spoofs. Ireton's people will stop at nothing to play these games and try to scare anyone from running for Office. Come on Jimmy, I'm a Salisbury resident and taxpayer, are you going to do something about these threats? I think not.
BAM!!! Joe you tell the idiots.
anonymous 10:05, thanks.
You have them running scared. They are like a cornered rat at this point. Attacking anything and everything.
JoeAlbero said...
anonymous 10:05, thanks.
August 19, 2012 10:17 PM
No problem. Whew. lol
Ireton put several raises in this budget including a 24% raise for Lore Chambers. While once again giving the rest of the employees a pay cut by keeping their pay stagnant and raising the cost of their health insurance. Ireton does not care about the average city worker.
I hope you do Joe!
Because after 5 years of no raises while I have improved myself and worked hard to be a better employee you better believe I am going to leave as soon as the economy starts turning around. And I know I am not alone.
9 months to go before we have a new bundle of joy in the Mayors office. I think we will name him Joe!
Jim's ass has more fingerprints on it then the FBI has on file!
I will blow up balloons Anonymous 10:33pm.
I believe with your connections in Annapolis Salisbury will be much better served. I have no doubt you will serve Salisbury well.
JoeAlbero said...
Fight back. I won't run like a sissy Mayor on the beach.
August 19, 2012 10:01 PM
But the truth of the matter is the sissy wasn't the mayor when he ran from the cops after being caught engaged in some park and ride like activities.
Nothing can be done down town until the purdue chick plant is moved... STINKY!!!
However stinky it might be, the chicken plant is vital to Salisbury. They provide a huge number of jobs to west side residents who can walk to work if necessary. It would be a major blow if these jobs went away.
What is your stance on the chicken plant Joe?
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