While this is truly one of the ONLY Family events Wicomico County holds all year, guess what, Wicomico County does NOT support this Show.
What used to be known as the Wicomico County Fair, Rick Pollitt refuses to participate in any way, shape or form with this event. Born and raised here on the Eastern Shore, County Executive Rick Pollitt has forgotten his roots. He may talk the talk but the man certainly does not walk the walk.
The fine people/farmers of Wicomico County actually RENT Winterplace Park from the County in order to hold their Show. They are forced to go into the buildings days in advance in order to clean up what's been left behind. Not that ANY of these people are complaining, they're grateful they have a place to host the Show each year. Nevertheless, I know what's going on and I'm not afraid to come out and say it.
I think it's shameful Wicomico County offers not even a penny to help these fine people out. I guess Rick Pollitt is like a lot of the senior educators out there who SAY they love kids and everything they do is for the kids but when you really look at it, they couldn't care less.
During the ribbon cutting, notice ALL of the elected officials in attendance. Mind you, the County representatives are at MACO this week in Ocean City. Who replaced Jim Fineran anyway?
I will be at the Show showing MY support today from 4 PM to 8 PM. See you there.
As I said yesterday in an unplished post. I lived in montgomery county Maryland for 12 years. The "fair", not farm and home show was the big deal. lasted 2 weeks. had everything including a fireworks show right in downtown Gaithersburg on the fairgrounds.
I've tried this farm and home show 3 years. Last year was the worst. It's a waste of time as it's done, except for those with entries I guess.
It definitely needs support if it's to continue. But, I don't see why it's up to the county to provide it all.
It had lots of private business support in Montgomery county.
Makes this here look like a day on the farm. not a real fair to enjoy. It should run a couple weeks. Food, rides, entertainment.
"Wicomico County" could never offer them a penny. The county is simply a political entity. What you are advocating is for the taxpayers of Wicomico County to help fund this. The only money the county politicians like Pollitt can spend come from our pockets. At a time when the county's budget is stretched thin, I'm glad none of our tax money is going to pay for this type of thing. I have nothing against farmers, but the taxpayers shouldn't be asked to pay for their exhibition show.
Excuse me for this question but I really don't know the answer-I thought the Farm & Home Show was always at the Civic Center. Why is the location different, and who wanted it that way? God bless the farmers without them, none of us would be alive!
In response to the two prior comments, and as a worker for this event, we are not necessarily asking for MONEY from the county. We are asking for maybe NO rent on the building and grounds we are using. If we were not using it, it would sit there empty anyway. We pay thousands of dollars for the building and grounds. And as Joe says, not one politician or county supporter is there!!We have tried and worked with the local businesses over the past. Over the years we have had rides, and attractions. There is no support for any ag related event in our county. We receive support from Salisbury News and Joe is always there to help.
If you would like to help us out, join our Board and quit criticizing and turn this event around!!!
For all the others reading this, bring out the kids and the whole family!!! There are animals, food, exhibits and music on Friday night!! Saturday brings animals, kid's tractor contest, tractor pull, and kid's games. Winterplace park, off of Route 50, near the Stadium!! Thanks!!
The Farm & Home Show left the Civic Center because of expenses and it is not very thoughtful to have livestock on the hot pavement of the parking lot for a week. Forced again to go the Winterplace as no support from the County. The county is again paid for renting the park. Somerset and Worcester counties receive support from their towns and counties, not big Wicomico county!!! NO HELP!!
Families should get involved in this event. Kids love making things and entering them in contests. Check out the categories and get them involved. You don't have to be a 4-H member to participate.
You all crack me up. You want low taxes, a cap, and constantly whine about spending....but then want the county to pay for a private venture. Not my tax money. I would rather build schools and pave roads. Joe, if ireton was to support this, you would be against it.
Montgomery County is THE wealthiest county in the state of Maryland, with far more businesses to support their 2 week fair than we have here in Wicomico. If not for locally owned businesses, farmers, bankers, ag related businesses, financial support we'd have nothing. These businesses, the fundraising bingo games and the benefit auctions held at the Farm Show is what funds it. There is no entry fee charged so all families can afford to come out and have some fun. As far as the taxpayers funding goes, we, the taxpayers already fund Winterplace park, why does the county fair have to pay thousands in rent for a building that is not used all year long nor is it maintained all year long until the farm show comes along and cleans it up to make it presentable as well as useable? Why can't the county give some of the money taken in from Tourism? All those tax dollars taken in for motel/hotel/restaurant taxes, surely some of it could be put to use for those of us that live in the county. If you want to see things changed to better the fair for the county give your name and contact information to one of the directors at the show, they can always use good volunteers with good ideas.
The Montgomery county fair is only 1 week..well actually 8 days. The grounds on where they have the event is owned by the fair association and not the county or city. The same goes for the Howard County Fair. People pay admission into the fair and businesses pay to set up booths there as well. There is also a fee to enter your animals or product into the fair.
Trying to compare the farm and home shows to the two fairs I mentioned is like comparing apples to oranges.
That building is a mess, and is falling down. I can't believe that they had to pay to use that building.
Lets be fair to Rick,
He will show up if a free meal or gov funded meal or a union teacher or the Gov shows up,
Sorry only the "right" people get his time
9:23am, Let's be fair to Rick. Frankly I have never seen anyone be a critic of any politician for not showing up at a function. That's just not cool. You never know what is on their schedules, both personal and public.
A few questions I have to ask, Was Rick invited to this ribbon cutting? Has he been there in the past for the ribbon cutting? And what about the other local leaders, were they invited? Were some working or out of town?
anonymous 6:12, yes, Rick and ALL other politicians were invited. However, most of them were at MACO in Ocean City this weekend. Bob Culver did come today along with Andy Harris and Mike McDermott.
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